helps to organize game collections and manage trades. This profile page belongs to a user, but it does not prove anyone's identity or credibility. Be wary of anyone that proposes trades off-site or through private messages. To use this site's dispute process, you must use the on-site offer system to propose or accept trades.

player avatar vv


⚠️ No new offers on after 25 December 2024. Read announcement on Steam Forum

avatar vv
16; 16; 0
Steam iconSteam Trades iconDiscord🌐 ROW
794; 376; 0
Steam iconSteam Trades iconDiscord🌐 ROW:NA US
< Proposed
> Accepted
vv completed offer with nateraade
  • nateraade completed offer with vv
  • > nateraade accepted offer from vv
  • < vv proposed offer to nateraade
  • 🕗 nateraade set accepted offer to expire
  • 🕗 vv set proposed offer to expire
  • avatar ahaha ok thats reassuring. thanks for voting too. ive popped u a msg on steam
  • avatar I also saw they left you negative rep on SteamTrades. What a dick move. Under the "Vote On Reviews" page, I ran into that review and voted to remove it because it wasn't justified at all.
  • They're just mad that they didn't get a nearly $5 game for about $1.50 worth of their cheap keys. I promise you aren't in trouble or danger. You've learned a lot haha.
  • Don't worry about DasNemesis getting mad about you "abandoning the offer" and saying you should honor it. Nothing will come from it. If a mediator even reviews it, I guarantee they'll see it wasn't fair for you and agree with the decision.
  • Sounds good! I won't hold you to it, of course, but we can talk on Steam once you message me.
  • avatar hey sorry i went to sleep haha but yes ive always use augmented steam. ill pop u a msg on steam later. i dont think u have anything else on my wishlist but might be happy to do this trade nonetheless for the help uve given me
  • avatar Also, in my opinion, don't do this trade with me unless you'd like to find some more keys from my tradables and we can discuss it. If you'd like tips on how to easily find games you might like via this site, let me know. You'd need to have Augmented Steam too
  • I make a habit of politely asking users to leave +rep on SteamTrades if it's our first trade (can only leave 1 review for a user ever). It's a gentle reminder to do it so they don't forget, and helps ensure I get a +1 rep.
  • Check that 4-dot button near your profile here...that's your SteamTrades reputation page. Barter uses it for trader rep. You have +5 and no negative reviews. It's good to have a lot of positive reviews.
  • And not everyone cares to check a user's acceptance rates (% of offers the user accepts or offers they send that they are accepted), either. I'd wager most users don't make a habit of checking.
  • Comment Hidden to Avoid Losing Game: Link detected
  • Click your profile picture to see your Offer Statistics. Unfortunately, your stats are quite poor. But it isn't the end of the world! Just keep trying to make even offers and they can go up over time.
  • Haha right on. We're across the world from each other, but I'll try to reply to you as soon as I can if you ever message me.
  • avatar hope my rating does go down the shitters cancelling all these accepted offers LOL
  • ahaha no ur not creeping. appreciate u looking out for me/new users on the platform. have accepted invite for vibes haha
  • avatar Might be a good idea to join the Barter Discord if you use Discord. You can ask users if an offer is fair or ask for advice. You're also welcome to accept my friend invite and ask me questions, but you don't need to accept the invite. Up to you!
  • I feel like I'm creeping haha, but just watching your back. The offer that Allegoria accepted is good, so don't cancel it. I'm glad you canceled the accepted offer to Realtione because that was awful for you.
  • You're welcome. No hard feelings if you have to cancel this. I'll understand. I gave you a lot of info, but I hope it helps and you can take it to heart. You'll see a lot more success if you're on the same page as most other users.
  • Had they accepted it, you would have traded away your Call of Duty: Black Ops III - Multiplayer Starter Pack DLC key worth $16.94 (in USD on keyshops) + others worth a few $ each for a $6.65 + $0.99 key.
  • avatar ooft ok alright all g. thanks a lot. going to go pause my offers now before i do anything else
  • avatar Sorry for so many messages! I'm just trying to help. One other thing to mention: go back and check your offer to Orang Asli (o/6106483/).
  • So, this and the other two accepted offers for Nitro Kid aren't fair to you. I highly recommend that before you send any keys for accepted offers, you make sure the keyshop values show the offer is fair for you.
  • Well, getting ripped off isn't great. I almost always get offers from experienced users, so I didn't notice you have very few trades. Had I noticed, I would have hesitated to accept this. Yomawari is $5.46 and Nitro Kid is $0.99 on keyshops.
  • Haha Reddit can be hard...manually managing my games was such a pain, so I just use Barter now.
  • avatar ahaha yeh i was first on here a few years back and got kinda ripped off in a trade bc i didnt know the system here
  • avatar I've helped a few others get Enhanced Barter working. A couple users had remove and reinstall the script on step 2 (though it should just work). It's quite simple to fix. You'll know it's working when you see a black "GG" button for each tradable/game.
  • avatar ah ok understood. not very familiar with barter as i historically traded on reddit. super helpful
  • avatar Well, you've been here for years, but I see you only started back up about 1.5 days ago after several years hiatus. It's okay! I also recommend Augmented Steam which is another browser addon/extension. It adds lots of info to Steam in your browser.
  • and leave a comment asking them to let you know if they would accept the trade. The other user can't accept or decline a paused offer. This prevents a mess where you have to cancel other offers, which can make people pretty mad and demolish your stats.
  • avatar i wasnt aware theres enhanced barter. defs will start using that tool. thankq so much for letting me know. dont mean to string u along but just wanted to scope the market
  • avatar Alright! I'd also recommend you either try to avoid sending more than offer for a key (either dupes of what you're offering, or what you're requesting), or use the Pause Offer option in such offers
  • avatar hey there, sorry about the delay. i was a bit preoccupied doing some other u said, rethinking some of my offers. been out of the trading scene for a few years so defs have some outdated values. thanks for the tips and will lyk what i decide :)
  • avatar I'd HIGHLY recommend you Google "Enhanced Barter" made by the Barter user Revadike. Go to their github page and follow the simple instructions. The script adds a "GG" button to every Offer page - clicking it reveals prices from It helps a ton.
  • for their $6.65 USD key. I highly recommend against trading away such valuable keys so easily. You could get tons more for them. Keyshop prices are used over official stores because the prices are the same in all regions.
  • Using another monetary valuation method will either lead to annoyed traders who receive your offers if it's unfair for them, or often you getting super screwed over such as in your offer to Zacie (o/6106608/) where you offered your $22.53 USD key
  • It seems you're using official store prices to value trades, which I sometimes do, but using the KEYSHOP prices on is the absolute standard here. It's rare that keyshop prices aren't used. This means that you'd get more keys from me.
  • On closer inspection, I'd also feel a lot better about this offer if you found some more keys from my tradables that you'd like to even out the trade for yourself.
  • Huh. I see you've sent out a ton of offers for the same games, including ones with Nitro Kid. Of the three Accepted offers with Nitro Kid, I was the first to Accept. But what's your plan? I'd appreciate some communication.
  • Hey, vv! I sent you a friend invite on Steam when I accepted the offer. Shoot me a message when you're ready to go!
  • avatar trading for games i want to play Overview
vv will send 1 of these tradables

in exchange for

nateraade will send 1 of these tradables

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