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player avatar FIN



⚠️ No new offers on after 25 December 2024. Read announcement on Steam Forum

avatar FIN
1582; 577; 0
Steam iconSteam Trades iconDiscord🌐 ROW AU
89; 49; 0
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🗣️ Mediator Advice On: Volunteers may advise on the fairness of this offer (on due to receiver's offer preferences).

< Proposed
MyFinalThoughts declined offer from FIN
  • < FIN proposed offer to MyFinalThoughts
  • 🕗 FIN set proposed offer to expire
  • avatar You are entitled to your own valuations so I'm not judging, have a nice day
  • Just because someone decided to list a game for x amount does not mean people is going to buy it
  • No it does not make sense because you can buy almost the whole bundle for 15 with quite a few extra games, no one is buying from grey market when the bundle is active and you can just buy the bundle. But ok.
  • avatar Just explaining my reasoning, we all have different ideas of how much things are worth. Summers gone is more of a bundle in game with something else to me, I'm not very interested. Have a good day though!
  • I look at gg, allkey, Steamdb, etc, and my current pricing on every game in the previous trade I sent was fair. Heads will roll 7.50 on steam, rungore about 12 with coupon at Fanatical. Lunacid is about 8 Arcadia fallen 8 even still bundled VBM is about 3
  • avatar Your logic honestly makes no sense to me but ok. Have a nice day
  • avatar All good, thanks for the offer then! I'll have to pass.
  • avatar however, there isn't anything else in my wishlist that you have.
  • Yes I do value dev keys higher than curator, which is why I countered your previous offer 3 of your bundled games for one of my unbundled game. Which would be the same as 3:8
  • avatar I'm still interested in a few of your other games Rungore/Realm of Ink/Heads will Roll, unless you value them higher due to dev keys versus curator. I'd do these 6 plus a few more if you're interested for Summer's gone + 2 others.
  • avatar I value games retail value > grey market value > barter tradeables/wishlist ratio and then personal preference. I’m ok with dev keys but DO NOT send me curator, banned or profile limited games! Overview
FIN will send 1 of these tradables

in exchange for

MyFinalThoughts will send 2 of these tradables

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