#event 113: Humble Choice #63, and more! in 45 hours

Barter.vg helps to organize game collections and manage trades. This profile page belongs to a user, but it does not prove anyone's identity or credibility. Be wary of anyone that proposes trades off-site or through private messages. To use this site's dispute process, you must use the on-site offer system to propose or accept trades.

player avatar MYKILL!


⚠️ No new offers on Barter.vg after 25 December 2024. Read announcement on Steam Forum

avatar Rokishi_saikou.jpg
464; 323; 0
Steam iconSteam Trades iconDiscord🌐 ROW
Altsnekopeko re creaters thisis 10 freind9417
1231; 548; 0
Steam iconSteam Trades iconDiscord🌐 ROW:NA US
< Proposed
Declined (countered)
< Rokishi_saikou.jpg proposed offer to *AKA*MYKILL!-=BT=-*R*
  • avatar Sairento VR and Ultimate Chicken Horse maybe?
  • avatar Sorry, I could get Injustice 2 for $6 US on the gray market right now and Windbound alone is worth $10+. I won’t decline this in case you want to change your offer.
  • avatar well what about this ?
  • plz make sure your key remain unused and tell me for region lock. welcome to negotiate,everyone has different priority. curator activate is lower value than normal key but dev key=normal key,some may show beta tag but is full game Overview
Rokishi_saikou.jpg will send 1 of these tradables

in exchange for

MYKILL! will send 2 of these tradables

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