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player avatar Zacie


⚠️ No new offers on after 25 December 2024. Read announcement on Steam Forum

461; 295; 0
Steam iconSteam Trades iconDiscord🌐 ROW:EU PT
219; 168; 0
Steam iconSteam Trades iconDiscord🌐 ROW AU

🗣️ Mediator Advice On: Volunteers may advise on the fairness of this offer (on due to receiver's offer preferences).

< Proposed
Declined (countered)
> Zacie countered offer from Ayu with offer ( countered ✉ )
  • < Ayu proposed offer to Zacie
  • > Ayu countered offer from Zacie with offer
  • 🕗 Ayu set proposed offer to expire
  • avatar either way, i'm fine with it. it is a bizarre price difference, though. i would assume because some stores aren't available in one region or the other?
  • it really is quite bizarre - i just did the math using both EU and AU regions on, and in € it gives me 21.43€ vs 19.5€, whereas in $AUD it's $30.08 vs $32.56
  • i must apologise again because i only now realised how much different prices in AUD are, it's very easy to just go overboard
  • either would be fine by me, feel free to pick :) if going with tokyo dark, i'd be happy with super lesbian animal rpg? if that seems fair, of course
  • avatar Just did a quick scan of your list, I'd be happy with adding either Tokyo Dark or The Turing test which seem to fall into the price gap between the trades, although Tokyo Dark does have a High H:W so i'd be willing to add something small to compensate.
  • avatar so, my apologies for overlooking it, first of all
  • avatar sorry, seemed to of accidentally double commented. Would you rather take away a game from the offer to make it equal or find something for me to add?
  • i'd be happy to look at a potential counter when im back from my errand though. I'll keep you updated.
  • avatar by my calculations, there was a 15 cent difference between both offers. but i perfectly understand your concern. i wasn't aware that they didn't show the fees upfront.
  • that makes sense. i did my calculations through allkeyshop, which has a higher price for 'you don't know jack' than, but has lower prices for 'stardew valley', 'spirit hunter', 'doom eternal' and 'yakuza'.
  • avatar i'd be happy to look at a potential counter when im back from my errand though. I'll keep you updated.
  • going with that, it'd be your (in AUD) 22.78 to my 30.89 which I just can't accept.
  • Stardew im fine to meet in the middle with at it's base price of $17 AUD, as it goes on discounts for $13 on steam and greys at 22 ATM so I feel as if that's a fair compromise.
  • Going by grey value leads me to overpay here. Despite the demand which your games, disgaea is going for half its grey value on GMG.
  • avatar i tried to match based on grey market value, feel free to counter or decline if it's not worth it
Ayu will send 3 of these tradables

in exchange for

Zacie will send 4 of these tradables

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