helps to organize game collections and manage trades. This profile page belongs to a user, but it does not prove anyone's identity or credibility. Be wary of anyone that proposes trades off-site or through private messages. To use this site's dispute process, you must use the on-site offer system to propose or accept trades.

player avatar DaZeus

🚫︎ Blacklist

Steam   Steam [ Show Images ]#cards% positive reviews
Beholder 3 6164768
Miner Wars 2081 22434
Beat Hazard 7498395
112 Operator 5489289
Kao the Kangaroo: Round 2 5249095
Not For Broadcast 5905194
Rec Center Tycoon 23581
Tales of the Neon Sea 274686
Frog Detective 1: The Haunted Island 253095
Journey To The Savage Planet 🌐 🌐 484787
Broken Age 8444683
Anomaly Complete Pack combined
+ Anomaly Warzone Earth combined6
+ Anomaly 2 combined6
+ Anomaly 2 Soundtrack combined
+ Anomaly Korea combined5
+ Anomaly Warzone Earth Mobile Campaign combined5
Heileen 3: New Horizons Deluxe Edition combined
+ Heileen 3: New Horizons combined12
+ Heileen 3 Bonus Content combined
King Arthur Collection (March 2012) combined
+ King Arthur II - The Role-playing Wargame combined
+ King Arthur: Collection combined
+ King Arthur - Fallen Champions combined
+ King Athur 2 Dead Legions combined
+ King Athur II Base Game Game combined
+ King Athur 2 Base_Release combined
+ King Arthur 2 - Forum Key combined
+ King Arthur II Continued combined
Overload 7148994
Serious Sam 3: BFE 82057288
Shadows: Awakening 🌐 *6148075
Splendor 85682
Splendor - The Cities DLC...
Splendor - The Strongholds DLC...
Splendor - The Trading Posts DLC2524