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player avatar tbrock


⚠️ No new offers on after 25 December 2024. Read announcement on Steam Forum

1158; 707; 0
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67; 50; 0
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< Proposed
> Accepted
tbrock completed offer with Bitenca
  • Bitenca completed offer with tbrock
  • > tbrock accepted offer from Bitenca
  • < Bitenca proposed offer to tbrock
  • 🕗 tbrock set accepted offer to expire
  • 🕗 Bitenca set proposed offer to expire
  • avatar ('KUNAI' replaced by 'Aeterna Noctis'). Thanks for the trade tbrock ;)
  • Okay tbrock, let's do it ^^ (I believe the key will work for me ;)
  • avatar If I am incorrect and the key will not activate for you, I will get a replacement key for you.
  • At the time of the purchase, my Steam residence was "United States" although I am physically in the DR.
  • I am in the Dominican Republic, so I believe if this key is region restricted, it should be Latam, right?
  • This is from the Humble Fungeon bundle. I have never created a gift link but I have already revealed the keys from the purchase and I am guessing that is why I do not see a "Gift link" option.
  • avatar tbrock, which bundle is your MythForce key from?
  • If your key is from humble bundle you can check clicking the gift link button and cancel before create the gift link - just to see if the message of REGION LOCK appear ;)
  • I will register the game in LATAM (LATAM or ROW works for me ;)
  • In the steamgifts page of [Humble Bundle FUNgeon Crawlers] says:
  • MythForce - gift link notification [Turkey: sub/905369], [China: sub/905370], [LATAM: sub/905371], [RU/CIS: sub/905373], [SEA: sub/905374] and [Everyone else: sub/65459 - can be redeemed everywhere]
  • avatar I looked at steamdb and on the Humble bundle page. I could not find ANYTHING indicating that MythForce has a region lock. I want to accept the offer but am waiting to know what you have seen that cause you to ask?
  • avatar Hi tbrock! Does your MythForce key have a REGION LOCK?
  • Looking to trade with someone who doesn't spend days thinking about it?
    I'm a collector and want to trade all my spare keys in fair deals (Gems and TF2 Keys are also welcome)

    • GGDeals > Steam store price > Personal preference > Ratio.
    • Quick responses!
    • I will definitely make a counteroffer whenever possible.
    • Good games for good ones / Crap for crap.
    • Love huge trades (my best: 100 games at once ;)
    • If you never want offers from me again, just let my offer expire. Overview
Bitenca will send 2 of these tradables

in exchange for

tbrock will send 3 of these tradables

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