helps to organize game collections and manage trades. This profile page belongs to a user, but it does not prove anyone's identity or credibility. Be wary of anyone that proposes trades off-site or through private messages. To use this site's dispute process, you must use the on-site offer system to propose or accept trades.

player avatar Akasha


⚠️ No new offers on after 25 December 2024. Read announcement on Steam Forum

525; 353; 0
Steam iconSteam Trades iconDiscord🌐 ROW:EU DE
177; 144; 0
Steam iconSteam Trades iconDiscord🌐 ROW AU
< Proposed
Declined (not worth it to this user)
Akasha declined (not worth it to me) offer from Duke
  • < Duke proposed offer to Akasha
  • 🕗 Duke set proposed offer to expire
  • avatar You too..
  • avatar Everything's fine from my side and I just wanted to make it clear that I never intended to make an unfair offer. I wish you a nice Sunday.
  • avatar I did not insult you i was saying i would be the idiot if i had accepted your offer and considered it a good deal. I believed your were making me a poor offer. I understand you were unaware of the steam price as you have explained, i wish you no ill will.
  • avatar A reference to the Steam store price would have been enough - no reason to insult me ​​here!
  • But the fact is that the price history for keys for this title was consistently in the 7 or 8 Euro range. Apart from that, Steam store prices are very difficult to compare, as they can vary extremely from region to region.
  • Unfortunately, I don't know why ALLKEYSHOP doesn't list the temporary Steam sale price. If I had seen the Steam sale price when I made the offer, I obviously wouldn't have sent the offer.
  • avatar That's why GG is a better site it gives you the complete list of all prices for a game both official and grey market. If you only factor in grey market prices when official stores are selling games cheaper then you are a terrible trader!
  • Why would i base the value of your trade offer on a grey market price of €7.52 rather than the official Steam store where i could purchase it for just €1,66. That IS it's current value and worth right now. Only an idiot would pay/trade for the higher price!
  • avatar I have only used ALLKEYSHOP for comparison all these years and have actually only dealt with people who have done the same.
  • But I just checked and the €1.66 is because the game just went on sale on Steam. The prices for the keys there also start at €7.52 (after discounts on Kinguin). Gamivo is €7.95 and Eneba is €8.97.
  • Thanks for your feedback. I was told that everyone uses ALLKEYSHOP to determine values. According to the site operators, this is also the authoritative site for the grey market prices.
  • avatar I'm extremely surprised you get to 486 trades on Barter while being unaware of sites like and The fact you thought the cheapest you can buy Woodle is €7.55 blows my mind as a fellow trader
  • i see, just a tip then..maybe you should start using a more accurate site like like the rest of barter does and you'd see that Woodle is going for 1,66€ where as 20XX is 2,87€ & Frozen Synapse is 1,64€ = 4.51€. Can you understand my respo
  • avatar Wow, that's a very unfriendly answer. I based the value on the prices on allkeyshop (the prices there currently start at €7.55 and go significantly higher) - just as the site operators always recommend for value determination.
  • avatar Hahaha, that's hilarious! You want me to trade you 2 of my games which combined are worth 3 times the value of your single game. Also my games both have cards your game has none. Guess my response, here's a clue, it's two words, the second word is "off"!
  • avatar If you make a fair offer, I am of course also willing to pay with PayPal (EU) or trade it for trading cards. Overview
Duke will send 1 of these tradables

in exchange for

Akasha will send 2 of these tradables

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