helps to organize game collections and manage trades. This profile page belongs to a user, but it does not prove anyone's identity or credibility. Be wary of anyone that proposes trades off-site or through private messages. To use this site's dispute process, you must use the on-site offer system to propose or accept trades.

player avatar dalo35


355; 258; 0
Steam iconSteam Trades iconDiscord🌐 ROW ES
10; 10; 0
Steam iconSteam Trades iconDiscord🌐 ROW:NA US
< Proposed
> Accepted
Offer Failed Dispute resolved ( about disputes )

dalo35 claimed I sent item, but received an already used key

Apricot claimed ...

avatar Bart-ee volunteered to mediate this dispute.

🔄 Mediator Bart-ee set the offer status to completed
  • Bart-ee volunteered to mediate offer
  • Apricot completed offer with dalo35
  • X dalo35 failed (key already used) offer with Apricot
  • X dalo35 failed (key already used) offer with Apricot
  • 🕗 dalo35 extended the expiration by 8 days
  • > Apricot accepted offer from dalo35
  • < dalo35 proposed offer to Apricot
  • 🕗 Apricot set accepted offer to expire
  • 🕗 dalo35 set proposed offer to expire
  • avatar Apologies for the delay, we don't get notified about new comments on the offers we intervene. I just happened to see it now, Offer set to completed and dispute removed. @Apricot: Hopefully you're feeling better these days.
  • avatar @Bart-ee all is solved, key replaced by apricot.thanks
  • avatar @Bart-ee
  • I gave this user a replacement key both before and after they continued to harass me over being a "liar", "stealing", and "a cheeky person". So if I could get the dispute removed that would be nice; thank you in advance
  • avatar First of all how you are, second I have seen that you already connect to Steam, you have found another key for me.
  • avatar @Apricot: We also appreciate you trying to fulfill the remaining trade offers to the best of your abilities even when you're going through a hard time. Please take care of your health and don't dwell on these meaningless issues. Sorry for the delay in replies, we're not notified of new comments, thus we didn't see them until now.
  • @Apricot: Our deepest apologies for misjudging you. This is actually the first case in which the user disappears for a lengthy period of time because of personal issues, all other cases during the past months or even years have been successful attempts at scamming people of their keys (not fulfilling their offers, running away with their keys). This is the reason why we're quite strict with people who behave like this. Obviously this is not your case and we regret that our actions made you uncomfortable.
  • avatar My sincerest apologies to anyone I seem to have hurt by being in the hospital. I promise I will try to make things right before I am no longer able to do so
  • It seems as if multiple people have taken it into their own hands to harass me and with my health issues I just wanted to provide a bit of fun, or help to others looking for games they want; but I will most likely be losing my life shortly after this post
  • I don't believe that I have ghosted several people, unless you are referring to the time in which I could not respond due to my health issues. As I have stated on my profile, I will probably just be posting the rest of my keys publicly
  • I think that it's important to foster a respectful and caring community, not one where people throw blame and make threats towards people because they might have been a little bit late to something they that chose to do
  • It has been extremely hurtful to finally be able to come back home from the hospital and to see all of the hurtful messages and threats that I have received purely because sometimes life gets in the way and sometimes I am unable to be active 24/7
  • I can provide proof that I was in the hospital for all of the time that I was absent from this site, Steam, and the internet as a whole
  • last couple weeks and unable to respond to messages or check this site. It was never in my interest to not be able to complete trades with people, sometimes life just hits you with surprises, and I had to have surgery done; you can ban if you want
  • I have not ghosted several people, I did not give a duplicated key, and every time I have given someone a key that they have claimed was a duplicate key I have gone and bought a key to make things right for them. But I have been in the hospital for the
  • avatar @Apricot: Considering you ghosted several people already, I think it's time to give everyone an explanation about your behavior. If this doesn't happen in the next few days, you will receive a permaban.
  • avatar I see that you have made several exchanges with other people and you don't care about me, if you don't answer me during the rest of the day I will have to talk to a moderator in barter to tell him that you have kept my key and you have given me a used key
  • your key is duplicated!!!!!!!!!
  • No CURATOR GAMES!!!!!!! Overview
dalo35 will send 1 of these tradables

in exchange for

Apricot will send 1 of these tradables

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