helps to organize game collections and manage trades. This profile page belongs to a user, but it does not prove anyone's identity or credibility. Be wary of anyone that proposes trades off-site or through private messages. To use this site's dispute process, you must use the on-site offer system to propose or accept trades.

player avatar Bacon_


⚠️ No new offers on after 25 December 2024. Read announcement on Steam Forum

98; 84; 0
Steam iconSteam Trades iconDiscord🌐 ROW NO
avatar Eye
2106; 1377; 0
Steam iconSteam Trades iconDiscord🌐 ROW:EU
< Proposed
> Accepted
X Bacon_ failed (requested to cancel) offer with Eye
  • X Eye failed (agreed to cancel) offer with Bacon_
  • > Eye accepted offer from Bacon_
  • < Bacon_ proposed offer to Eye
  • 🕗 Eye set accepted offer to expire
  • 🕗 Bacon_ set proposed offer to expire
  • avatar @Eye: the answer you're looking for is in the "extended" rules linked in the reply to your last post on the forums.
  • avatar And last thing, what I have to do if someone want from me a bundled game?
  • Do you think that I have some magic to influence users to leave a confirmation? Or maybe I am paying them double under table to leave a comment? (hey, that wouldn't be that bad in the end, right?). I will ask again, if someone want to give me more, what is wrong with it? I would not send offer like this, you know it.
  • Just cancel this trade, it is obvious that I will be targeted because of the past, no matter what. I will not fight for a few games. User can confirm the offer for a few times, but it will still not be tolerated from what I see. This trade and the last one with Nioh 2 are just ridiculous.
  • @Bart-ee: the problem is that you again using speculations, because of the past. First of all I didn't had Bacon_ even at my friend list yet, so I couldn't tell him anything. Second, I never ask for gift links. Indeed, I had warnings in the past and I am not doing anything without permission of the other user, I am asking about values, I have overview.
  • avatar @Bacon: In regards to your trades, if you're really set on the idea of giving 15-20€ resale value to certain users for their 3.50€ key, then no need to cancel this trade. It doesn't matter to whom you give that kind of profit, because no matter the offer, you'll be at a big loss. Ultimately, you'll only set a precedent for resellers to rip you off in future trades. If you really don't care about these things, you can also change the offer settings on your profile to not allow mediator intervention any more.
  • @Bacon: You say that you feel you were properly warned, but I dare to say that your comment comes only a few hours after we replied to Eye in the forums, pointing out to them that they intentionally left out important information that should have been shared with you to help evaluate the offer better. I don't know if you were influenced by him to write this comment, but at this point it doesn't really matter any more.
  • @Bacon: He's not specifically targeted by us in any way, there's no vendetta against him. We have been trying for months to correct his behavior towards other users on the site, unfortunately without success. If a permaban doesn't happen now, it will happen in a few days anyway after he rips off yet another user, because he simply can't stop himself from doing that.
  • @Bacon: You're not the one causing problems here and you're not at fault for anything. Eye has a long history of ripping off users, for which he received several suspensions and eventually a final warning. You are advised to not believe whatever he says to you in chat, he has been caught multiple times lying, scheming, feigning innocence and unawareness when this was clearly not the case.
  • avatar Just to not cause problems for anyone I guess I'll cancel this one, I do feel I was properly warned by the other user and I was the one to send the offer in the first place so would be unfair to punish them for my ignorance.
  • avatar Situations like this make me nervous because I have no idea what to do to please you. If someone want to give me more, what I should to do?
  • @Bart-ee: You still don't get it. I am aware of such offers and obviously I am getting more from it. BUT I am asking and if user is ok with it, then what is the problem? What do you want from me to leave as a comment? I'm lost, also I am not even using gift links, I am not asking for them
  • avatar @Eye: You are fully aware that accepting these offers is what will get you permabanned, don't pretend you don't. It has been explained to you many times.
  • @Eye: "you need to confirm you are aware of the price difference at" can hardly be seen as you informing the user about your shady practices. Stop pretending that you explain anything. Closing down Barter is something that has been in discussion for months, because of resellers like you. Thousands of users would have to pay the price of your greediness, while instead it would be easier to permaban you and the others that trade only to rob other users.
  • avatar If it is a CRIME of accepting such offers, even after informing, then cancel this offer and spare me nerves
  • Maybe I should ask Humble Bundle to close because it it illegal in their terms? huh? Paranoia
  • "yet this warning is completely ignored as you can see" - mhm, so cleary all my extra time putted into research, informing and asking users about values, cutting my activity to nearly zero is NOTHING to you. I was thinking that accepting and completing offers without informing and sending offers over x2 value is a crime, looks like trading bundled games is a crime.
  • Since you were threatening me with a permban, I am not even sending offers too often because of it. I'm asking about price awareness. If someone wants to give more games, why do you forbid him? Bacon_ obviously can spend more time with searching to get Yakuza.
  • @Bart-ee that's why I am informing about it and not trading until user confirmation
  • avatar @Bacon_: Actually, this is a 15.55€ for 3.45€ offer, it's not x3 but x4.5 (Yakuza EU keys are worth less than ROW keys). We strongly ask you to reconsider, not only because of the value difference, but also because your keys will be resold on the grey market and trading with gift links might get your Humble account banned. Eye also has a final warning before a permaban to NOT accept these kind of offers because of how abusive they are, yet this warning is completely ignored as you can see.
  • @Bacon_: We respect the fact that you don't care about the value difference. Perhaps you might not be aware that traders like Eye make a living (literally hundreds of EUR per month) from taking advantage of users like you who don't look at the value difference and who unfortunately end up being robbed big time. You can get a Yakuza key from 240 other users for a fair price, right now you're paying 3 times as much.
  • avatar I am just here to get rid of leftover games and get games that I personally want to play so don't look into or care about re-sale prices just go by gut feeling, I am completely fine with this trade if you are.
  • avatar Hello, because of the new rules at barter, you need to confirm you are aware of the price difference at and that you are asking me for bundled game. Bart-ee moderators may ask about it.
Bacon_ will send 6 of these tradables

in exchange for

Eye will send 1 of these tradables

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