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player avatar Chaostierobode


avatar Chaostierobode
17; 17; 0
Steam iconSteam Trades iconDiscord
235; 126; 0
Steam iconSteam Trades iconDiscord🌐 ROW:NA US
< Proposed
> Accepted
_Soj_ completed offer with Chaostierobode
  • Chaostierobode completed offer with _Soj_
  • > _Soj_ accepted offer from Chaostierobode
  • < Chaostierobode proposed offer to _Soj_
  • Chaostierobode edited offer
  • < Chaostierobode proposed offer to _Soj_
  • 🕗 _Soj_ set accepted offer to expire
  • 🕗 Chaostierobode set proposed offer to expire
  • avatar Good night :D. Yes that's true but I really liked it's badge so I was looking for gems and this site is a good way to get gems without spending much.
  • avatar Trust me... Don't waste your money on crafting badges. There's no benefit anymore....
  • avatar just waiting for the sale so that I can craft them to get sale card found out about this during the winter sale. Wow that's some amazing drop rates for back during the hay day!
  • avatar Now it's hardly ever. lol. Oh, well... Nice chatting with you. G' nite.🌜
  • avatar Yep guess I should level up too I am trying to make a lvl 5 badge for a game with 15 cards.. i should have thought about it but I liked to game so I just went on crafting booster packs.
  • avatar Ok, I see you're already aware of how that works. Back during the hay day of crafting, with Steam level of about 100 and lots of booster-eligible games, one could expect a drop every 4-5 days. I know bcz that's what I experienced. 🙂
  • avatar Oh I didn't know that I will look it up!
  • avatar ... their relative Steam level. The higher the level, the more likely they'll receive the new booster. Now you know why some people have such high Steam levels -- it pays back over time in booster drops!
  • avatar Yeah you need to lvl up a lot to get those drops. And if people don't craft badges then you don't get drops too :( seems like steam has to advertise it to get people to use that feature.
  • avatar Steam has some good documentation on the subject of crafting badges and booster pack drops. Essentially, when someone crafts a badge the cards don't disappear but instead get packaged into sets of three (eg. a single booster) then gets redistributed by
  • avatar Since they were bundled some of the people who bought that bundle would also be looking for buying the booster packs now I get why you trade for bundle games :D I will send you some trades for bundled games when I have some. Bye good trading with you!
  • avatar But, it's just a hobby, anyway. Since crafting for badges has fallen off a cliff in recent years, I only somewhat rarely get drops anymore. It was fun while it lasted . 😐
  • Fewer cards, higher prices
  • I prefer games with 5-6 cards bcz they simply have the highest booster pack prices
  • avatar I see and that's why you trade for games with 5-6 cards ;) because whole set is easier to get! lol you're giving me some inside info on trading!
  • avatar Also, once in a while someone will try to trade you a game whose items have been suspended from trading on Steam Market. So, it is best to always check first. 👍
  • If it's a bundle leftover with cards I just take a quick look at where the cards are trading and determine relative value from that. Booster pack prices may provide a good estimate, but I prefer to look at the whole set.
  • np
  • avatar I am sorry!
  • avatar It should say "2 (all)" or something like that
  • The offer is set for one game only. Please edit the offer by choosing setting for both games, and I will accept
  • avatar I trade for games that I want to play and not interested in retrade. Overview
Chaostierobode will send 2 of these tradables

in exchange for

_Soj_ will send 1 of these tradables

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