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player avatar Kevin Aimlessly


⚠️ No new offers on after 25 December 2024. Read announcement on Steam Forum

avatarKevin Aimlessly
113; 101; 0
Steam iconSteam Trades iconDiscord🌐 ROW:EU
2495; 951; 0
Steam iconSteam Trades iconDiscord🌐 ROW:NA CA

🗣️ Mediator Advice On: Volunteers may advise on the fairness of this offer (on due to receiver's offer preferences).

< Proposed
Declined (do not want)
silly declined (do not want) offer from Kevin Aimlessly
  • < Kevin Aimlessly proposed offer to silly
  • Kevin Aimlessly edited offer
  • > Kevin Aimlessly countered offer from silly with offer
  • < Kevin Aimlessly proposed offer to silly
  • 🕗 Kevin Aimlessly set proposed offer to expire
  • avatar I tried to send an offer without the Humble/Fanatical games but I am blocked or site is closed I seen no "offer" button. No one said all your games were free, everyone has those after they get flagged. I was surprised u picked the worst possible games to give me then offer other people 3:1 on the same games when I was willing 1:1. SteamGifts is a good alternative to barter less hassle and people can pick the game they like.
  • avatar you seem more bipolar then me. try seroquel if lithium dont work for you as it did not for me. ur too damn obsessed with this. i can never bother you with offers again! relax....meditation and stretching exercises do help a bit if you keep at it
  • like you said all my keys garbage/freebies but they are tagged! two was free for me (alienware)and has tier system aswell. i did not do the research as you. maybe if tagged your keys so people dont guess they just are indiegala freebies
  • expected you too counter like everyone else with many trades as you. all those examples you just mentioned i would accepted. none of know us what the other one is thinking right.
  • avatar I also have both Thorne - Death Merchants; Thorne - Son of Slaves (Ep.2) and would have done that for any of those games 1:1 or 2:1 a bigger game.
  • I also would have accepted: Inertial Drift for The Tale of a Common Man or any of my games 1:1
  • I also would have accepted: Alchemist's Castle; Doughlings: Arcade for Black Home
  • All good, i don't get holidays. Just after 8 years here and everyone offers me $0 given away + ⚙️Steam learning games then offer the next guy a nice deal. Like u offered 3 games for morphine when I would have given u that 1:1 any game
  • avatar I had to Google what learning games meant. I had friends to give away those keys already, I should have specified when I wrote to you. I was only looking at wishlisted and region-locks when I offered. You made your point… I'm a dumbass. happy holidays!
  • avatar Instead you offered me a bunch of $0 given away + ⚙️Steam learning games. Feels bad man. Even when I go outside and feed the birds I try to make sure I select the best I can give them, I wouldn't dump garbage on anyone.
  • You also have a preset offering Diluvian Ultra + 2 games (3:1) for one of the games I offered you 1:1 on Diluvian Ultra.
  • I am surprised you offered The Lamplighters League for 2 of those games. Rhythm castle is less and I offered u 2 games for that game. U could have countered for anyother games too. Just glad I didnt lowball like I thought u meant I did.
  • avatar Sorry, I'm just getting rid of keys; I don't really have a logic. I only looked at games that were at the bottom of people's wishlists in the JRPG genre. did not mean to offend you with the offer
  • avatar I went over to the steam group "Group Buys" i was able to purchase those humble bundle games in a split for the same price as these keys, easier i guess to buy them than trade on this site, makes no difference when its dead in 2 days i thought it died 2016
  • 10 ppl have thorn on this site, 100's have ur game, i am only one with Black home but i offered u 2:1 on those games and 1:1 on the lower games. u offering those other guys 2:1 and 3:1 which is crazier i dont get ur logic, i havent used this site since 2016 and my keys are from 8 years ago u cant buy, i am only one on this site with Black Home and i still offered it 2:1 (9:7) since u had 2 bigger games
  • avatar yeah i see. we could do one for one, if there are some you want. but im not doing SUPER CRAZY RHYTHM CASTLE or Astral Ascent for those keys
  • avatar ⚙️Steam learning games don't add +1 and features disabled
  • avatar I trade for myself only/ I use as value indicator.
    All my keys are or will be revealed by me.
    don't offer alpha / beta / review keys, curator activations Overview
Kevin Aimlessly will send 10 of these tradables

in exchange for

silly will send 8 of these tradables

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