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player avatar sheliesawake


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Tradable updated 2 years ago  
Steam   Steam [ Show Images ]🛒cards% positive reviews
Hidden & Dangerous 2: Courage Under Fire +1unspecified72496
Snowtopia +1$0unspecified71966
Agent in Depth ⚙️unspecified10594
Detached: Non-VR Edition +1unspecified1968
Planet TD ⚙️unspecified11776
Remnants of Naezith +1unspecified543195
Stygian: Reign of the Old Ones +1unspecified15172366
Lust from Beyond: M Edition !+1unspecified12969
Death Squared +1unspecified639292
Space Crew: Legendary Edition 😕 +1unspecified8149678
Zombie Driver HD +1unspecified6262584
X-Morph: Defense Complete Pack combinedunspecified
+ X-Morph: Defense combined6
+ X-Morph: Defense - Soundtrack combined
+ X-Morph: Defense - European Assault combined
+ X-Morph: Defense - Survival Of The Fittest combined
+ X-Morph: Defense - Last Bastion combined
Calico +1unspecified300589
911 Operator +1unspecified71381689
Strange Brigade *+1$0unspecified8774484
XCOM 2 🌐 *+1unspecified97147884
Pathfinder: Kingmaker — Enhanced Plus Edition 🌐 *+1unspecified122614477
Warhammer 40,000: Gladius - Relics of War +1unspecified7704982
Steel Rats +1unspecified529564
Rise of the Slime +1unspecified9862
Perfect 😕 +1unspecified55843
Hue +1unspecified137493
Field of Glory II +1unspecified66287
Chivalry: Medieval Warfare +1unspecified84488183
The Textorcist: The Story of Ray Bibbia +1unspecified5100686
Epistory - Typing Chronicles +1$0unspecified10381494
GreedFall +1unspecified61631176
CivCity: Rome +1unspecified71173
Railroad Tycoon 2: Platinum +1unspecified120289
Sid Meier's Railroads! +1unspecified236670
Army Men RTS +1unspecified98289
American Fugitive +1unspecified9178976
Main Assembly 🌐 😕 +1unspecified94786
Magic Lessons in Wand Valley ⚙️unspecified4297
Dub Dash +1unspecified19073
Hotshot Racing 🌐 +1$0unspecified111678
Shiny The Firefly +1unspecified54776
10 Second Ninja X +1unspecified925784
Mini Words: Top Games ⚙️unspecified5789
Hidden & Dangerous: Action Pack +1unspecified12378
WWE 2K BATTLEGROUNDS - Ultimate Brawlers Pass DLC*unspecified...
WWE 2K BATTLEGROUNDS 🌐 +1unspecified36068
The Doctor Who Cloned Me DLCunspecified4085
Duke Nukem Forever: Hail to the Icons Parody Pack DLCunspecified3256
Duke Nukem Forever 😕 +1unspecified577570
X-COM: Complete Pack combinedunspecified
+ X-COM: UFO Defense combined
+ X-COM: Apocalypse combined
+ X-COM: Enforcer combined
+ X-COM: Interceptor combined
+ X-COM: Terror from the Deep combined
Iron Fisticle +1unspecified933185
When Ski Lifts Go Wrong +1unspecified849287
Bridge Constructor +1unspecified84778
Velocity®Ultra +1unspecified912479
My Little Prince - a jigsaw puzzle tale ⚙️unspecified47100
Pathfinders: Mini Words ⚙️unspecified3296
Battlestar Galactica Deadlock: Anabasis DLCunspecified4948
Battlestar Galactica Deadlock +1$0unspecified7238386
Defy Gravity *+1unspecified5679285
Zombies on a Plane +1unspecified513542
Earth 2140 HD +1$0unspecified522459
Shooting Stars! +1unspecified646783
Charlie's Adventure +1unspecified617267
Asteroid Bounty Hunter +1$0unspecified822661
helicopter 2.0 ⚙️$0unspecified1291
Peace Duke +1$0unspecified2060
Cyber Hunter: Awakening ⚙️unspecified1070
Cube Runner +1unspecified663285
CORGI ⚙️unspecified3177
Memoria 😕 +1$0unspecified8191189
Bomber Crew +1$0unspecified8937189
Shiba Army ⚙️unspecified...
Find a way out: Abode of darkness. ⚙️unspecified...
Gasnator ⚙️unspecified1770
Space Doomer ⚙️$0unspecified...
Magic crystals ⚙️$0unspecified2095
Hero of the day ⚙️$0unspecified...
Hammer time! ⚙️$0unspecified10100
Oil Invasion ⚙️unspecified...
Coal Man Clicker ⚙️$0unspecified...
BeatNClean ⚙️$0unspecified...
One By One *⚙️unspecified...
Soulstopia -PHI- ⚙️unspecified1275
Through the world ⚙️unspecified...
Hidden Map ⚙️unspecified1241
Golden Mine Pickaxe ⚙️$0unspecified...
Mega Zombie Explosion ⚙️$0unspecified1478
World of Bärn ⚙️$0unspecified1291
Evening Ecchi ⚙️unspecified...
Endless Zombie Weekend ⚙️$0unspecified...
Mega City Void ⚙️$0unspecified...
Flannel Amethyst ⚙️$0unspecified1968
18+ [may activate as 18+ Story] ⚙️$0unspecified45772
School Trip ⚙️unspecified2466
KSTG ⚙️$0unspecified...
Super Drag Race ⚙️$0unspecified...
War Of Gold ⚙️$0unspecified1662
El Matador +1unspecified31171
1954 Alcatraz +1unspecified8130871
FLATLAND Vol.1 ⚙️unspecified4290
The Night of the Rabbit +1unspecified8246589
Rig 'n' Roll +1unspecified36162
Robin's Island Adventure +1unspecified1866
Jane Angel: Templar Mystery +1unspecified2850
Renoir +1unspecified77052
Fun with Ragdolls: The Game +1unspecified418190
GWENT Starter Pack DLC $0unspecified