helps to organize game collections and manage trades. This profile page belongs to a user, but it does not prove anyone's identity or credibility. Be wary of anyone that proposes trades off-site or through private messages. To use this site's dispute process, you must use the on-site offer system to propose or accept trades.

player avatar Robocop



⚠️ No new offers on after 25 December 2024. Read announcement on Steam Forum

311; 174; 0
Steam iconSteam Trades iconDiscord
AltsDestiny innape3 1 disputed zrdvred 3 disputed faistiy 1 disputed Lara Croft sfox02 die.hard.n07 Big Tom 1 disputed vnitro3 Girllikeyou nancydru harddonkey
avatar LuckyStrike1305
2182; 528; 1 Dispute
Steam iconSteam Trades iconDiscord🌐 ROW:EU
< Proposed
> Accepted
X Failed
Offer Failed Dispute resolved ( about disputes )

Robocop claimed Mediator action

LuckyStrike1305 claimed ...

avatar 🍒 Lilly (🌸◠‿◠) volunteered to mediate this dispute.

Lust from Beyond does not normally have region locks. Restrictions were added for Russia and Belarus after the war started, and are likely temporary. While it's nice to be warned, it's not LuckyStrike1305's duty to warn about region locked keys in this context, because like many other games that have similar restrictions added, they are still considered ROW keys, and the publishers do not offer alterative subs for these two countries. It's not a region-lock per-se, it's just a restriction.

vvvector3: you should also have set your region on Barter, perhaps that would have helped. Your argument that "I also warned that I did not want this game, because I could take it in another trade" is invalid. Once a trade offer is accepted, you have the responsibility of honoring it, or if you prefer a different trade you should cancel it and warn the other person not to drop keys in chat because you don't intend to go with the trade anyway.
vvvector3: In the future, please double check the region locks on each game, since similar restrictions for Russia and Belarus keep being added from publishers on a daily basis, without any warning.
vvvector3: You won't find any key for Lust from Beyond: M Edition that you can't activate. This simply doesn't exist at the moment while the restrictions are in place.

2 years ago

LuckyStrike1305 completed offer with vvvector3
  • Mediator 🍒 Lilly (🌸◠‿◠) edited the failed reasons of offer
  • 🍒 Lilly (🌸◠‿◠) volunteered to mediate offer
  • X vvvector3 failed (invalid key) offer with LuckyStrike1305
  • X vvvector3 failed (invalid key) offer with LuckyStrike1305
  • > LuckyStrike1305 accepted offer from vvvector3
  • vvvector3 edited offer
  • 🕗 LuckyStrike1305 set accepted offer to expire
  • 🕗 Robocop set proposed offer to expire
  • avatar Please check the mediator report above the trade. This dispute is unfounded, thus I removed the dispute flag for this offer from LuckyStrike1305.
  • avatar i just tried to give to someone else lust from beyond and as it seems i was correct :) that "guy" already used the key :) + blocked me as it seems ....:))
  • avatar you negotiated a blacklist by insulting me. I hope the following merchants will also not tolerate your lies and arrogance. Go learn how to communicate with people.
  • avatar Yea im gonna blacklist you after this circus will end. This is 100% sure.
  • Anyway, im gonna send you the replacement i promised if my key is still working. Then, accept it or ignore it is your choice.
  • Yea as a beginner on english language first and then on barter you report a person for wanting to give you a replacement for your fault, good.
  • avatar You said that you didn't care and that you would add me to the blacklist, but as soon as I wrote a report on you, you immediately came running to justify yourself and try to blame me
  • I don't want to have anything more to do with you, you're an impudent liar and an exchanger, you just wanted to deceive a beginner and you did it, but you didn't think that I could write a report on you
  • you say it after you give me you key and try activeted it, dont lie!
  • avatar Comment Hidden to Avoid Losing Game: Link detected
  • I will write it for one last time. I will try to give the key to another person and if its still working you gonna get a replacement. End of conv.
  • Lol... learn english... I SAID THAT my key is from the HUMBLE UKRAINE BUNDLE. You are ridiculous seriously.
  • avatar You refused to correct you mistakes and now you're still shifting your mistakes to me, you've become quite impudent
  • you lied and put yourself in the status of the region of Europe, although you are from Ukraine and Ukraine is not Europe until now.
  • you threatened me that you would put the dispute status on me if I didn't accept your key.
  • ROW:EU - EU keys normal activated for me, but you have Ukraine key. And this is problem!
  • avatar 3)as i already wrote multiple times ill give you a replacement as soon as i check that the key you received is still working.
  • 1)you sent me an offer and i accepted it. 2)its first your responsibility to check region locks before you send an offer, i couldnt guess your region and you sent your key without informing me that you couldn't activate mine.
  • avatar and I got a key that didn't work for me.
  • I sent you proof in the form of a photo, you refused to give me anything in return, referring to the fact that you have a friend who will check everything sometime, and I have to sit and wait for your friend to check. No thanks, you activated my key, and
  • Not only did you not warn me about the regional restrictions of your key, but I also warned that I did not want this game, because I could take it in another trade. But you forcibly gave me this key, so it also turned out to be blocked. And even when I
  • avatar I didnt knew his region and he sent me the game without mentioning his region and without trying it, im on my way to check my key to another person and give a replacement.
  • avatar Hi If there are no achievements in your favorite game, join our group, we will work together to ensure that the developers add them to the game!) Overview

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