helps to organize game collections and manage trades. This profile page belongs to a user, but it does not prove anyone's identity or credibility. Be wary of anyone that proposes trades off-site or through private messages. To use this site's dispute process, you must use the on-site offer system to propose or accept trades.

player avatar 川井伊子~低配玩玩gal


⚠️ No new offers on after 25 December 2024. Read announcement on Steam Forum

88; 45; 0
Steam iconSteam Trades iconDiscord🌐 ROW CN
|ESF| Ry$4k
41; 38; 1 Dispute
Steam iconSteam Trades iconDiscord🌐 ROW:NA US

🗣️ Mediator Advice On: Volunteers may advise on the fairness of this offer (on due to receiver's offer preferences).

< Proposed
> Accepted
X Failed
Offer Failed Dispute about games or items lost ( about disputes )

川井伊子~低配玩玩gal claimed I sent item, but received nothing in exchange

|ESF| Ry$4k claimed ...

X 川井伊子~低配玩玩gal failed (sent item, received nothing) offer with |ESF| Ry$4k
  • |ESF| Ry$4k completed offer with 川井伊子~低配玩玩gal
  • > |ESF| Ry$4k accepted offer from 川井伊子~低配玩玩gal
  • 👋 |ESF| Ry$4k joined offer
  • < 川井伊子~低配玩玩gal proposed offer to
  • 🕗 |ESF| Ry$4k set accepted offer to expire
  • 🕗 川井伊子~低配玩玩gal set proposed offer to expire
  • avatar Of course, already used other keys
  • |ESF| Ry$4k The mediator recommended not pursuing that course of action -- pretty vigorously. Did you ever hear back from the retailer regarding your request? Have you used / traded any of the other keys?
  • avatar As I said, the easiest way to figure it out is you could contact with steam support to deactivate the key and show me the proof, we could make the trade as if it never happened
  • |ESF| Ry$4k Well, that seems like a problem.
  • avatar However I couldn't ensure the game would be able to play since I'd reached to retailer for deactivating the key
  • 3 better
  • I didn't accept the offer of 1 TF2key, and I was unfriended, then I can't see the offer anymore
  • avatar How about middle ground resolution where Ry$4k sends a total of 2.5 TF2 keys, as the half-way point between 1 and 4 TF2 keys? You can use any bot to split a TF2 key into gems, or if that is inconvenient, we can split it for you. 1 TF2 = 5800 gems is pretty much the rate that the bots use nowadays.
  • avatar I didn't accept the offer of 1 TF2key, and I was unfriended, then I can't see the offer anymore
  • |ESF| Ry$4k Which, honestly, outweighs my interest in the game -- but we are where we are. If it'll bring about a peaceful resolution, all the better.
  • |ESF| Ry$4k I sent a trade offer for the one TF2 key, which was my attempt to complete the trade I thought I accepted. It occurs to me, I have no idea whether the trade was ever accepted / they took the key. If it brings an end to this dispute, I will pay three keys
  • avatar @川井伊子: To clarify, did you not receive anything for your Wildfrost key, not even 1 TF2?
  • Comment Hidden to Avoid Losing Game: Link detected
  • If paying the original price of 4 TF2 keys is not possible, then Ry$4k could see if they can add to the offer one or two extra games that 川井伊子 can activate. It will probably not reach the 4 TF2 keys value, but it will decrease the current value gap and it's the middle ground for all the issues. Please consider this option before doing anything as radical as removing the game from your account.
  • Guys, hold on a bit. Removing the game will not solve anything. First of all, 川井伊子 paid for it as part of a bundle. Second of all, removing the game will not re-enable the key for a further activation. By removing the game, you both lose: 川井伊子 the money paid for it, Ry$4k a game that they might actually want to play. Even trading 1 TF2 for it is better than this, for both of you.
  • |ESF| Ry$4k Comment Hidden to Avoid Losing Game: Link detected
  • |ESF| Ry$4k I would be absolutely happy to deactivate the key, I wasn't aware that was an option. Can someone link me? I unfriend every trade after its complete. There was no malice in any of my actions, I'm very sorry this has devolved.
  • avatar The easiest way to figure it out is you could contact with steam support to deactivate the key and show me the proof, we could make the trade as if it never happened
  • Why'd you unfriend me
  • Just share the chatting screenshots as your wish
  • I didn't receive anything
  • |ESF| Ry$4k I've never seen an offer that is A for B*(negotiate with me). I can accept that I misunderstood what was offered -- but the seller made no attempt to negotiate and was happy to complete the trade. I'm interested in resolving this fairly, but what is fair
  • |ESF| Ry$4k In fairness, I would've never accepted the offer at a price of 4 keys. When I accepted the offer through the system, I thought I was accepting at a price of one key. Every other trade I've made through this site, when an offer is made, it's been A for
  • avatar @Ry$4k: What exactly from this offer made you think it's 1 TF2 key? A "fair" resolution would be to honor the trade as it was currently meant and accepted as (4 TF2), regardless of what you *believed* this offer is. Why should 川井伊子 suffer a loss just because you misunderstood the offer?
  • Wildfrost is clearly tagged here as 4TF2, which is a bit above its current market price now, but still close to its value than what seems to have been exchanged here (1 TF2). Ry$4k's side is correctly set to "negotiable", which is exactly what should happen when the user is offering a set of games of various values - like here. Thus, the issue here is that 川井伊子 did not emphasize the price as being 4 TF2 when the first contact was established during the trade.
  • |ESF| Ry$4k I believed I accepted the offer at one game for one key. He believed he wanted to negotiate a price, beginning at four keys. I'm open to resolving this equitably, but am concerned they'd claim they'd received nothing -- as I completed the trade 1for1.
  • |ESF| Ry$4k That is not an accurate representation of what occurred. User set an open offer, I accepted said offer, we completed the trade. After the trade was completed, there was a discussion about confusion on the terms. Have all screenshots in support.
  • avatar Rookie trader, hope to have a nice conversation~
    Compare the prices at the lowest price in history in 2 years or 5% of the store price. Interested in anime-ish games! May refuse cheap(under 9.99$) or profile limited games. Thanks for your chatting with me Overview
川井伊子~低配玩玩gal will send 1 of these tradables

in exchange for

|ESF| Ry$4k will send 1 of these tradables

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