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player avatar Zovo


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Wishlist updated 23 months ago  
Steam   Steam [ Show Images ]#cards% positive reviews
Sunday Gold 56278
Ghost of a Tale 375891
Celeste *510035497
Satisfactory 18370797
Horizon Zero Dawn™ Complete Edition *9227487
Cuphead - The Delicious Last Course DLC420695
Buddy Simulator 1984 $015340394
Mind Scanners 😕 1578582
Dwarf Fortress 92523095
The Case of the Golden Idol 6674298
Eastward 101356184
Two Point Hospital 82468292
Kingdoms and Castles 62763093
Little Nightmares II 153311193
Little Nightmares *$0124594194
Banners of Ruin 🌐 *9213379
Patterna 3591
Bear and Breakfast 9397190
As Dusk Falls 281691
Urbek City Builder 15132091
Sprout Valley 6671
Outer Wilds *56289195
Assassin's Creed Odyssey 1014652489
Citizen Sleeper $06554493
Luna's Fishing Garden 8150794
Eternal Threads 😕 37589
Tinyfolks 96193
Mini Motorways 51951296
Core Keeper 83823192
Slime Rancher 2 2672094
Spore 55689192
FATE 6354395
Ghostrunner 54361891
Omensight 9113388
ENDLESS™ Space 2 $091629284
The Hayseed Knight 713796