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player avatar The_Presence


⚠️ No new offers on after 25 December 2024. Read announcement on Steam Forum

avatar The_Presence
17; 14; 0
Steam iconSteam Trades iconDiscord🌐 ROW
avatar putorenas
1674; 1166; 0
Steam iconSteam Trades iconDiscord🌐 ROW:EU PT
< Proposed
offer expired
  • < The_Presence proposed offer to putorenas
  • 🕗 The_Presence set proposed offer to expire
  • avatar Hi, i'd still be interested in trading for Alan wake 2. let me know anytuime if you'd like to discuss
  • if you have any 4070+ gpu you're able to redeem the Nvidia code and get an Epic key.
  • avatar Actually can u hold for a bit. May be able to get epic.
  • Hey, this is a Nvidia code... Does that change the value? I was just looking at the key values, date, and bundle history and thought both would be equivalent. Also, if it's about an exp date I haven't seen 1 but if there is I believe it was on Jan 24t
  • avatar Hi, is this an Epic key or Nvidia code? also Iceborn dlc is already included in Master edition, are you asking for it either way or just MHW Iceborn master edition?
  • avatar The games are in keys only/ feel free to counter Overview
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