helps to organize game collections and manage trades. This profile page belongs to a user, but it does not prove anyone's identity or credibility. Be wary of anyone that proposes trades off-site or through private messages. To use this site's dispute process, you must use the on-site offer system to propose or accept trades.

player avatar Cyanideh


⚠️ No new offers on after 25 December 2024. Read announcement on Steam Forum

231; 187; 0
Steam iconSteam Trades iconDiscord🌎 SA CL
15; 14; 0
Steam iconSteam Trades iconDiscord🌎 SA CO

⚖️ Mediator Action On: Volunteers may decline this offer based upon fairness (on due to receiver's offer preferences).

< Proposed
Declined (mediator action)
X Mediator Bart-ee declined offer
  • < Pekora proposed offer to Cyanideh
  • 🕗 Pekora set proposed offer to expire
  • avatar He also showed me how to edit my preferences and all's good now. So no worries :P Peace :3
  • Hi, Bartee, thanks for stepping in this trade. However, I wouldn't have seen a problem in the initial offer reading the comments, I think he was clear on why he offered the trade. That being said, I already talked to him and he explained to me everything
  • avatar Then you say that the mediators are "assuming" things. No we're not assuming things, everything is pretty clear from offer the comments and timestamps and partially from your trade history.
  • You were about to cancel it, but you didn't do so until this discussion which happened 2h after you completed the other trade? You didn't specify in what way this offer is unbalanced, you didn't even write down the prices. You didn't specify anything about unbundled games. You only asked if they want anything added for "balance" but you didn't even communicate what that value difference is or how it can be covered.
  • avatar to my list and counter offer, he's also free to reject it. putting me in the same list of past scammers and once again doubling down and assuming i'm on the same level of a common scammer. it's petty and low imo. as if my rep means nothing.
  • It's not a lowball if im explicitely telling him it's unfair and two that im asking him for counters to equal the trade, as a new user he also might or might not setup the preferences properly. so I am asking openly about if he wants to take a look
  • But it's not fair on your side as a Mediator to assume I was pretending or going to scam the user when i literally told him it was unfair and that was asking if he was interested in non-wishlisted games for BALANCE. Neither to get this attitude for free. I don't have 20 rep here neither im new. Chill out a bit.
  • I was about to cancel it, just like all my pendings when I get the game I am looking for (It's matter of look my recent activity), I don't trade used keys, only first hand obtained by me. I have no use for a key of a game i've already obtained
  • avatar "I use for value." is just a lie. So is inviting the other trader for counters.
  • Asking for counters in your overview message / being the same nationality as the other trader does not excuse you from lowballing, and especially not a new user. Considering that you already have the game in your library, what else could you do with a second copy of it, aside from retrading / reselling it? Oh wait, you'll say that you're trading for a friend / family member, right?
  • avatar I appreciate your concern bartee, but as I said I was asking for counters, wouln't help to read a bit =) we also share same native language fyi. Finally "They won't care to redeem your key" it's pretty accusatory.
  • avatar @Pekora: Your last completed offers weren't all quite fair, I suggest you fix that if you want to avoid suspensions or even a permaban.
  • @Cyanideh: Streets of Rogue 1.73€, Persona 4 Golden 5.82€. Pekora already traded for Persona 4 Golden recently, see u/7124/o/6279136/. They won't care to redeem your key.
  • avatar Hi, I'm also from South America, are you interested in anything else from my list besides street? To balance values / Hola, tambien soy de sudamerica, te interesa algo mas de mi lista ademas del street? para balancear valores
  • Barter is closing, and so I'm leaving trading, Send me offers can and will give more games in value just to cleanup.
    Moved to Lestrades Overview
Pekora will send 1 of these tradables

in exchange for

Cyanideh will send 1 of these tradables

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