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player avatar TJ Hooker


⚠️ No new offers on after 25 December 2024. Read announcement on Steam Forum

281; 206; 0
Steam iconSteam Trades iconDiscord🌐 ROW:NA US
avatarTJ Hooker
679; 457; 0
Steam iconSteam Trades iconDiscord🌐 ROW:NA
< Proposed
TJ Hooker declined offer from alexn55
  • alexn55 resumed offer
  • alexn55 paused offer
  • < alexn55 proposed offer to TJ Hooker
  • 🕗 alexn55 set proposed offer to expire
  • avatar I'll decline this here and we can continue the trade discussion in Steam chat.
  • avatar Gotcha
  • avatar Sorry, I have Another Crabs Treasure.
  • avatar Out of curiosity, if I were able to acquire Another Crab’s Treasure, would you be interested in that in place of TLF?
  • avatar Yes I'm genuinely interested. I would be willing to accept this trade, but if the key turns out to be a beta key I do not value them so highly, and would only be willing to give Faith in return. If you're not happy with that I understand and can decline.
  • avatar Just let me know if this really is something you would be genuinely interested in and I'll see if we can make this deal work.
  • So I do believe that it should be a Kickstarter key, looking over it again.
  • avatar Hi. Just following up on this. Can you confirm the source of your key (e..g was it direct from the dev due to a pledge on Kickstarter for example, or some other source). I'm interested in a potential trade but just wanted to understand the key source. Thanks.
  • I just wanted to understand what type of key it was / the source. I'm always concerned about beta keys (e.g. beta test keys or keys sent to content creators ahead of launch) which have the potential to later get revoked by the dev/publisher.
  • avatar Is that to say you'd want it to be the beta or a backer key?
  • avatar Sounds good, thanks.
  • avatar It’s a backer key so I believe it should be good. Gimme some time to confirm and I’ll get back to you.
  • avatar Hi, thanks for the offer. Is Last Faith a beta key?
alexn55 will send 1 of these tradables

in exchange for

TJ Hooker will send 2 of these tradables

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