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17 wishlist games found in available bundles.
Build Your Own Platinum Collection (March 2025) ends in 2 weeks (tier 100): SteamWorld Dig 2; SteamWorld Heist; SteamWorld Quest: Hand of Gilgamech
Build Your Own Frenzy Bundle ends in 12 days: Unity of Command; Unity of Command - Black Turn DLC; Unity of Command - Red Turn DLC; Doodle God
Prestige Collection - Build Your Own Bundle (BundleFest 2025) ends in 6 days (tier 1): Total War: WARHAMMER
Build Your Own Bento Deluxe Bundle ends in 5 days: Ghostwire: Tokyo
Build Your Own Special Editions Bundle ends in 4 days (tier 110): Cultist Simulator; Jetboard Joust
Build Your Own Simulator Collection ends in 4 days: TRAIL OUT
Build Your Own Capcom Bundle ends in 3 days: Ghost Trick: Phantom Detective
Holy Moly Bundle ends in 4 days: Tales of the Neon Sea
DIG Point Store : UFO: Aftershock; Demon Hunter 2: New Chapter; The God