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player avatar Kamichiko

🚫︎ Blacklist

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Blacklist updated 8 years ago  
+ Add [ Not Interested ] games from Steam to Barter using rgIgnoredApps
Steam   Steam [ Show Images ]#cards% positive reviews
Machine Made: Rebirth $0131872
Saints Row 2 *1146974
Akane the Kunoichi 732759
Alpha Runner $0617485
Apartment 666 514144
Approaching Blocks 523863
BoomTown! Deluxe *$0517282
Dynamic *57444
Football Mogul 15 2176
Frontline Tactics 108661
GAIN ...
Gravity Cat 639676
Highway to the Moon 8...
Impossiball *63889
Infinity Wings - Scout & Grunt 51631
LUXIS 6...
Max Stern 5...
Milford Heaven - Luken's Chronicles 51464
moto RKD dash 63680
NightmareZ *51154
Nightork Adventures - Beyond the Moons of Shadalee 67550
Perfect Universe 2290
Pertinence 51145
Road Madness $0832830
Shadow Ninja: Apocalypse 1014457
Shotgun Raiders [aka The Mayan Prophecy] 52857
Space Beret $066666
Street Legal Racing: Redline v2.3.1 *5351488
SweatShop 519439
The Last Hope $0523945
The Orb Chambers II $06...
The Renegades of Orion 2.0 $053452
Unforgiving Trials: The Space Crusade $084877
War Birds: WW2 Air strike 1942 52920
DRAGON: A Game About a Dragon 648169
Fly in the House 613752
Robot Roller-Derby Disco Dodgeball 7224391
Firefighters - The Simulation 7145
Invisible Mind $055440
BADLAND: Game of the Year Edition 8249986
Dub Dash 19073
The Masterplan 537562
Stronghold Crusader 2 61120873
Action Henk 528092
Dead Space 2 52080894
Deponia Doomsday 8258984
Portal 14372498
Train Valley 12247089
Out of Reach *8237355
Bionic Commando Rearmed 68768
Crash Drive 2 797489
Dead Island [if you have GOTY version, use barter.vg/i/4755/] !92245286
Galaxy on Fire 2™ Full HD 133976
IL-2 Sturmovik: 1946 237989
Keebles 72584
Operation Flashpoint: Dragon Rising 155970
Operation Flashpoint: Red River 🌐 82255
Sam & Max: Season 3 - The Devil’s Playhouse Steam Store page app/901399 STOREONLY29492
The Archetype 55156
Appointment With FEAR 106155
Caverns of the Snow Witch 82878
Chroma Squad 8271995
Dead In Bermuda 831671
Gunslugs 2 61145
Super GunWorld 2 11...
Princess Isabella: The Rise of an Heir 59852
Risen 3 - Titan Lords *6401972
RymdResa 1222371
A Detective's Novel $058877
Julai $053669
Oniken 961782
El Matador 31071
Ringies $0...
Rush for gold: California 5...
Gauntlet™ *6624681
Cook, Serve, Delicious! 8359895
Lup 59853
Saviors $06153582
Super Mega Neo Pug 541989
Insurgency 68647292
Lethal League $05295995
Beach Bounce 713469
Bloodbath Kavkaz 12188973
Divine Slice of Life 57269
Echo Tokyo: An Intro 6060
Forge of Gods (RPG) 7265574
Forge of Gods: Team of Justice Pack DLC$0...
Garden Rescue: Christmas Edition 52479
Hacker Evolution - Untold 517164
Highschool Possession 6776
Metrocide 55257
One Manga Day - Bonus Content DLC⚙️$0...
Paranormal Psychosis $059332
Pester 63868
Red Lake 569148
Spakoyno: Back To USSR 2.0 712642
Star Chronicles: Delta Quadrant *$0514360
Stigmat 514469
The Incredible Adventures of Van Helsing: Final Cut 6179276
Ittle Dew 546193
Risen 9679889
Risen 2: Dark Waters Gold Edition *combined
+ Risen 2 - Dark Waters combined7
+ Risen 2 - Pirate's Clothes combined
+ Risen 2 - Treasure Isle combined
+ Risen 2 - Air Temple combined
+ Risen 2 Continued combined
Slender: The Arrival 5750988
Cognition: An Erica Reed Thriller 1235483
Lost Civilization 2445
Tank Operations 😕 12531
The Incredible Adventures of Van Helsing II 6185570
Nova-111 55180
This War of Mine $066063994
Middle-earth: Shadow of Mordor - Season Pass [aka Premium Edition Upgrade] DLC37888
Middle-earth™: Shadow of Mordor™ 🛑 85703492
Skulls of the Shogun 748392
Trash TV 5689
Weapon of Choice 63582
Explosionade 54285
Life is Strange™ 616715496
Two Worlds: Epic Edition $015242277
Two Worlds II HD $015372160
Steam Item   Steam Item
Trading Card Steam×0
Gems Steam×0
Sack of Gems Steam×0
Telltale Games   Telltale Games
The Walking Dead Season 1