helps to organize game collections and manage trades. This profile page belongs to a user, but it does not prove anyone's identity or credibility. Be wary of anyone that proposes trades off-site or through private messages. To use this site's dispute process, you must use the on-site offer system to propose or accept trades.

player avatar ink


⚠️ No new offers on after 25 December 2024. Read announcement on Steam Forum

1; 1; 0
Steam iconSteam Trades iconDiscord🌐 ROW:EU
155; 137; 0
Steam iconSteam Trades iconDiscord🌐 ROW:EU

ink has fewer than 5 unique completed offers and therefore should go first in the exchange. This is to discourage the creation of throwaway accounts that have no intention of completing trades.

< Proposed
> Accepted
Sergio completed offer with ink
  • ink completed offer with Sergio
  • > Sergio accepted offer from ink
  • < ink proposed offer to Sergio
  • ink edited offer
  • > Sergio countered offer from ink with offer
  • < ink proposed offer to Sergio
  • 🕗 Sergio set accepted offer to expire
  • 🕗 ink set proposed offer to expire
  • avatar Didn't know trading was about price of games. Sorry if some harm was done. I always trade by interested to play ir If It has multi/cards and that's how I value a game. If you check muy trades sometimes I lose value in games...
  • Didn't know trading was about price on games, sorry.
  • avatar However if its against etiquette, in future I will double-check values so nothing so unbalanced will happen. But I ask not to get Sergio in trouble for this. I made the offer in the end and was not asked to change the trade.
  • @bart-ee: I am aware but blacktails been game I actually wanna play. Also the games I traded were from fanatical mystery bundles at ~4€. I was not going to use them. No harm done at all here from my pov.
  • avatar @ink: BLACKTAIL is a game that was given away for free in large quantities; it's worth 0.87€. Your games are rarer (less tradables on Barter) and together they're worth more than €7.50. You can clearly see the difference in values and that you were taken advantage of. To avoid such cases in the future, please use pricing to evaluate your offers.
  • @Sergio: really, is this how you welcome new users on the site, as an experienced trader? next time you do this, you will get a suspension.
  • avatar I'd prefer not to get keys from so-called "grey market" sites. Most of my keys are just bundle stuff from Humble or Fanatical that I already have or dont want. Overview
ink will send 4 of these tradables

in exchange for

Sergio will send 1 of these tradables

ink has fewer than 5 unique completed offers and therefore should go first in the exchange. This is to discourage the creation of throwaway accounts that have no intention of completing trades.

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