helps to organize game collections and manage trades. This profile page belongs to a user, but it does not prove anyone's identity or credibility. Be wary of anyone that proposes trades off-site or through private messages. To use this site's dispute process, you must use the on-site offer system to propose or accept trades.

player avatar RaineTheGlutton


⚠️ No new offers on after 25 December 2024. Read announcement on Steam Forum

avatar Milan
1025; 668; 0
Steam iconSteam Trades iconDiscord🌐 ROW:EU NL
Alts<o/ Oogje rayan_9albaz
3; 3; 0
Steam iconSteam Trades iconDiscord🌐 ROW:NA US

RaineTheGlutton has fewer than 5 unique completed offers and therefore should go first in the exchange. This is to discourage the creation of throwaway accounts that have no intention of completing trades.

⚖️ Mediator Action On: Volunteers may decline this offer based upon fairness (on due to receiver's offer preferences).

< Proposed
Declined (mediator action)
X Mediator Bart-ee declined offer
  • < Milan proposed offer to RaineTheGlutton
  • 🕗 Milan set proposed offer to expire
  • avatar We rarely decline offers when there is already some sort of conversation happening between the two parties. Most often we only comment on the offer to raise awareness. If indeed they consider us declining their offers to be annoying, then why do they complain to you and not directly to us?
  • avatar Many times have i been bartering with a user, and u come and the decline my offer - while i’m talking to them. Many people find this annoying. You cannot deny that.
  • avatar Our methods at most only hurt resellers and those intentionally seeking for profit by abusing others - no wonder you complain. Users are not hurt by this, on the contrary, we've received plenty of positive feedback for intervening in their offers.
  • In the majority of cases, people do look at the offers we decline because the icon clearly changes to "<". And we've met dozens of users with more than 100 trades completed, yet oblivious to the fact that resellers are sharking them. You're not sharking, you say? Then what do you call a €13.01 for €72.68 trade? "Fair deal"? Come on, stop trolling.
  • avatar Also, people with 100's of trades completed and years active on barter know damn well how values work, yet you still decline offers to them.
  • No one looks at the offers you declined man, you know that. There are so many other ways to solve this problem but you choose to do it in a way which hurts users. I'm not 'sharking' anyone; I'm here to make a deal with other traders.
  • avatar But your arguments here just prove once again how much you insist on sharking people.
  • We did that in the beginning (leaving just a comment), but then resellers cancelled all those trades we commented on, re-sending them to hide the comment. Cancelling the offer makes it disappear from the list, declining it makes it remain in the list together with the comment. Unseen offers (even declined) are still noticeable because of the ◄ mark.
  • avatar t?
  • Yea but people dont see my offer because you decline them. Imo if you just want people to be notified about's existence, write that in a message instead of declining. Then they'll see my offer, and your message. This solves the problem, doesn't i
  • avatar How do we know that they are well aware of being sent an unfair offer or that they don't care about values? Unless there's an overview message stating that, or they contact us and specify this, there's no way for us to know. Like I said before, they are free to send that offer back.
  • avatar So why cancel offers to users who are well aware it's unfair, and don't care?
  • avatar Sending an offer for x2 (or more) the value is considered "unfair" and it has a pretty big chance that it's declined by us, to protect the recipient user from getting taken advantage of. They are free to send you that offer back if they so wish, no one will stop them. You resending that same offer after we declined it can be considered intentional harassment targeted at that user. We already explained to you in a previous comment why the request to decline offers has been brought up by the community.
  • avatar Like i asked before, what cant i do? Make ‘unfair’ offers or resend them? Also again, why do you decline people’s offers? There are numerous people who know value and dont care, they just wanna play a game. Why dont you let them make their own decis
  • avatar @Milan: You just came back from a suspension and you're hoping for a new one? €13.01 for €72.68 is outrageous, even by resellers standards. Don't do this again.
  • avatar Feel free to add me. Can trade ANY unbundled game from Steam to you. Pay with your unwanted bundled games for 1.8-2x the price you see on ggdeals. Looking to sell your games? Please check out my thread on steamtrades Overview
Milan will send 1 of these tradables

in exchange for

RaineTheGlutton will send 6 of these tradables

RaineTheGlutton has fewer than 5 unique completed offers and therefore should go first in the exchange. This is to discourage the creation of throwaway accounts that have no intention of completing trades.

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