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player avatar kayleipbeepboop


⚠️ No new offers on after 25 December 2024. Read announcement on Steam Forum

avatar kayleipbeepboop
33; 30; 0
Steam iconSteam Trades iconDiscord🌐 ROW:EU GB
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< Proposed
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  • 🕗 kayleipbeepboop set proposed offer to expire
  • avatar I don't resell or retrade, when you trade a game to me I activate it immediately for my own use, so I'm not too strict on values if I'm interested enough in a game.
  • I used and considered various different values: 12 month lowest for both keyshops and official and the current values, however it's impossible to line them all up perfectly in most cases so obviously counter/offer based on how you value things.
  • I prefer to avoid dev keys and curator keys. Please wait until we're both ready before sending a your key(s).
  • Be aware that Remnant II must be redeemed before the 4th November 2025 or it'll expire.
  • I'm very open to offers anyway, feel free to pick through what I have available or offer different things that you have from my wishlist. Please be aware that my wishlist is not super accurate and the tiers are due for me to update them.
  • It's set to 2 of what I receive only because some are worth less, you can counter and just offer one for the others.
  • Open to offers, counters are encouraged. I only trade keys, I don't retrade I'm just looking to swap games for games I want to play. I prefer to avoid curator and dev keys.
    My wishlist is a mess right now, it'll be updated gradually, but please bear in mind that I use it to keep track of games so some are low priorities ie I might decline even if it's on my WL. Good luck trading! Overview
kayleipbeepboop will send 1 of these tradables

in exchange for

kayleipbeepboop wishlist

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