helps to organize game collections and manage trades. This profile page belongs to a user, but it does not prove anyone's identity or credibility. Be wary of anyone that proposes trades off-site or through private messages. To use this site's dispute process, you must use the on-site offer system to propose or accept trades.

player avatar SpinoKing


⚠️ No new offers on after 25 December 2024. Read announcement on Steam Forum

19; 19; 0
Steam iconSteam Trades iconDiscord🌐 ROW:EU FR
avatar Eminence
151; 115; 1 Dispute
Steam iconSteam Trades iconDiscord🌐 ROW:EU
Offer Failed Dispute resolved ( about disputes )

SpinoKing claimed I sent item, but received nothing in exchange

Eminence claimed I sent item, but did not receive everything we agreed to exchange

avatar 🍒 Lilly (🌸◠‿◠) volunteered to mediate this dispute.

Eminence accepted another Bad Rats offer (IngvarrUKRus) on 21 Jan 11:21 UTC and completed it 20 mins later at 11:41 UTC. The current offer was accepted in the same moment, on 21 Jan 11:41 UTC which implies that Eminence was fully aware that they would receive a second Bad Rats key when they accepted the current offer.
When SpinoKing send their 4 keys to Eminence a few hours later, Eminence redeemed 3 of them and demanded a replacement for Bad Rats, with the pretense that they forgot about trading for it already. SpinoKing even offered a replacement game (Magic Click), but Eminence completely ignored this proposal, refused to hold up his end of the deal and sent SpinoKing a not-so-polite reply:
The two parties then engaged in a lengthy and extremely toxic insults war.
My proposal of intermediating an exchange by providing a replace key for Bad Rats from my own spare keys was first declined by Eminence, and my request for a last confirmation that he is not willing to reason was completely ignored: 13 months ago

🔄 Mediator 🍒 Lilly (🌸◠‿◠) set the offer status to cancelled
  • 🔄 Mediator 🍒 Lilly (🌸◠‿◠) set the offer status to failed
  • X SpinoKing failed (sent item, received nothing) offer with Eminence
  • 🍒 Lilly (🌸◠‿◠) volunteered to mediate offer
  • X Eminence failed (insufficient) offer with SpinoKing
  • > Eminence accepted offer from SpinoKing
  • < SpinoKing proposed offer to Eminence
  • 🕗 Eminence set accepted offer to expire
  • 🕗 SpinoKing set proposed offer to expire
  • avatar Both users received suspensions for their impolite / extremely toxic behavior towards each other that involved swapping a big amount of insults, with Eminence receiving extra suspension time for redeeming keys and refusing to send anything back and for refusing any kind of resolution, even when a mediator offered to intermediate an exchange.
  • Since Eminence refused any kind of compromise, even with me offering to intermediate the exchange with my own keys, I consider that this dispute has no resolution. As you wanted your flags gone, the only solution for that was to cancel the offer completely. Eminence will likely provide no compensation for the items lost (the 3 games that he activated from SpinoKing).
  • avatar You decide on a deadline to do it @🍒 Lilly (🌸◠‿◠)
  • So what do you say about it?
  • And the key he's going to give me I'll give it to you @🍒 Lilly (🌸◠‿◠) because I don't want it.
  • Finally I propose that if I do not keep my word you will permanently ban me from the site and I will never come back. The same for him.
  • It's not that I'm a sucker who runs after the slightest chance to save money, but I just don't want to have this icon littering my profile.
  • be no more worries.
  • one to the other nor we will send each other any more offers or messages to avoid any problems so I will give a game (I want to get rid of these keys anyway) and he will give me SuperHot like that the exchange will be finished and there will be no more wo
  • I'm the victim in the story and I still have something to say before I get suspended I just want this exchange to be completed successfully so that the icon disappears and then we won't speak again.
  • I didn't imagine having so many problems when I came to this site, it's really starting to bother me.
  • Getting temporarily expelled for what I said, almost ok... But I don't deserve this status on my profile, that's what annoys me, I did everything according to the rules and I'm getting punished 2 times it's starting to get a lot there. I didn't imagine ha
  • I sent him 2 insults because he crossed the line right after I just replied diplomatically
  • I really don't understand, is there favoritism with him or what? There are people who have been permanently banned from the site for less than him, from what I saw, he insulted my wife??! And you do nothing??
  • So you welcome the new ones here...
  • But I don't understand, he insulted and scammed me and I must do nothing, are you like that on this site? Frankly, it's abusive, am I being punished for nothing? For the insults I gave him? Pff..
  • avatar However, regardless of what happens with the dispute, you will both get a temporary suspension from Barter, due to the sheer amount of insults exchanged between you too. This is not a behavior we tolerate (and that is not up for debate).
  • With me intemediating this exchange, you won't need to communicate with each other any more and hopefully one of the games propsed in my offer will be satisfactory enough for Eminence. The dispute will be then closed and we can all finally move on. Phew!
  • Comment Hidden to Avoid Losing Game: Link detected
  • @Eminence: There is no contact form and I prefer not offering personal support unless there's no other way. If you use Discord, the folks there are more than happy to assist you with any problems. Otherwise you can write on my profile and I'll try to give you a short answer as soon as possible.
  • @SpinoKing: The dispute flags can be removed only when the dispute is resolved and the offer is either completed or cancelled. A dispute that is resolved, but which has failed statuses will not remove the red indicator from your Barter profiles.
  • Wow, that really escalated! I'll try to answer some of your questions and hopefully provide a solution.
  • avatar 👌 😆 fuck yeah boaaahh
  • Ohh my God this feels so good, owning a wannabe gangster beggar algayrian scammer clown hahahahahahahaahahah
  • You still regret it as you said earlier to ever talking to me? H ah a hah a ha hahaahahahahah
  • Yeah go act on your sister or cousin as a dumb inbred algayrian 😂
  • avatar as they say there are those who bark and those who act.
  • avatar You're still yapping you camel fucker. If I were in front of a camel fucker, it would go poof cause you think you're strong like all retards. Look at you with typical dumbo rhetoric get shit on bitchboy
  • avatar as they say there are those who bark and those who act.
  • You're going crazy, MaMa, it's scary
  • avatar You're still yapping you camel fucker. If I were in front of a camel fucker, it would go poof cause you think you're strong like all retards. Look at you with typical dumbo rhetoric get shit on bitchboy
  • avatar You don't know any language, you really make me want to yell. Do you think you're superior right now? But know that you are just extremely annoying and creepy.
  • I don't want to get angry with a person I don't even know who may be much younger than mine, but know that if you were in front of me in real life you would be there. 'hospital.
  • avatar Yea go speak French with your mother fucker. 😂
  • avatar I don't want to get angry with a person I don't even know who may be much younger than mine, but know that if you were in front of me in real life you would be there. 'hospital.
  • avatar Still talk French and still are a faggot, just a French Algerian faggot. Ok boy, look at you telling me where you're from to intimidate. Boy you have no idea, maybe tell miss lily to tell you who roasted you from my ip location if she can see it.
  • avatar Yes, as you say, “what a fucking shame” to speak to you.
  • avatar So I'll fuck your Algerian wife then pas bon. Are you angry you animal, what are you going to do?? Ehhh?? Show me what an animal you are. And you're still french, you use French as a language on your PC and steam, you might or not have French passport
  • avatar No I just have things to do like I told you I have a life unlike you
  • avatar Lmao bro what are you capable of? Look at this retard using the usual you don't know me or who my father is. What a fucking disgrace. Dumb amoeba
  • avatar And im not french im algerian i just live in french son of bitch.
  • avatar You surrendered? 😆
  • avatar But anyway, I'm going to stop talking to you, you don't look like you're over 15 and you're just being a guy with me, go back and suckle on your mom's breast and stop pissing off the world with your threats pd you don't know what people are capable of.
  • avatar You surrendered? 😆
  • You're French shut up 🤡
  • Killing myself for a Frenchhahahahaahahahahahaha bitch how many smelly french retards killed themselves for a Corsican Italian? Called napoleon hahahahahahaahahah
  • avatar It is indeed only a website but it is one of the rare exchange sites so well organized
  • Yes there are those who would like to have these keys unlike you so if you are already rich and you think that you can buy Steam you can go fuck yourself and leave the site by deleting your account for example that would be simpler right?
  • avatar Listen retard, for me this is just a website. Imagine giving a fuck about a website lol.
  • Where do you want to go? You God damn beggar retard. You're French bitch there's no bigger insult for the whole world 😂
  • Not as absurd as your little weasel ass acting as a good boy from the beginning with the mod. Retard, this is the difference between me and you, you're a retard that lies and bags bout everything and can't afford 5 euros. I don't give a fuck about a site.
  • avatar You know what, I'm even going to go there because I'm going to make you cry and you're going to kill yourself afterwards, so shut up now, it's better.
  • avatar You got murdered baguette. I'll come and piss on your grave later and fuck your wife.
  • avatar I don't even know how you could stay on this site for so long, it's absurd.
  • avatar You got murdered baguette. I'll come and piss on your grave later and fuck your wife.
  • avatar Favorites in French means “favorite” little slut
  • avatar 😂 🤡
  • Me so smart me so arrogant mee solo frennchh ooooohh
  • avatar As I said previously, no arguments.. You're pitiful, brother, you'd better shut your mouth..
  • avatar Ooh ooh llala laa laa miss moderator from beginning I acted smart I make my case so good ohh laaalaaa
  • avatar You too look a little better little whore it's just my favorites.
  • Ooh please remove icon please miss moderator please me good beggar I give you baguette
  • Look at you, you little bastard, since the beginning you have acted like a coward rat you are. You're a retard par excellence hhahahah how they say it in French.
  • Lmao Frenchie you got fucking murdered. You call of duty retarded beggar show the game counter you didn't show it. Lmao
  • avatar @🍒 Lilly (🌸◠‿◠) i don't want his key now i just want you to remove the arguing icon on my profile because I don't deserve it there please.
  • and understand what a big cocksucking bitch you are who has no arguments.
  • Ok fine you just proved to me that you are indeed a son of a bitch so fuck yourself now I won't give you anything anymore and I won't accept anything from you you dirty whore. I hope that everyone who visits your profile soon will see this discussion
  • to get rid of my old crappy keys.
  • What were you saying about my games? X) This is my main account I have more than 4500 games. I explained to you much earlier that I have duplicates of at least half of these games and that I will soon add them to the barter, I was just looking to get rid
  • Comment Hidden to Avoid Losing Game: Link detected
  • But what approach are you talking about? I was very nice and I spoke to you politely on Steam I told the mediators to block you because in my opinion you are a scammer you only go through with an exchange ' 'one in two.
  • avatar a little rat and its fucking funny lmao. Bye bitch gtfo with your stupid life. Won't ever be smart enough to even have a 4 euro game. Burn 🔥
  • I can sniff a little begging scammer rat, this showed it, even when I didn't remember you still couldn't get away with it. Now run bitch. It's funny this conversation will always show what a little rat you are to everyone. It does nothing to me, it caught
  • Leave the mediator alone. Look at you, you little punk. You're still trying to sway the blame. You dirty evil little rat. Get the fuck out of here. 😂 Wrong person bitch.
  • Boy, I'm an easy going guy. If you're nice I'll be nicer. Look you're still trying to play me, involving mediator lol. Everything that happened you deserve. Your approach is what caused the good luck response and calling your ass arrogant which you are.
  • avatar I don't just have that to do and I don't want to have this argument icon dirtying my profile
  • So I'm offering you something because that's not all I have to do, you give me the key to SuperHot and I'll give you right after a game instead of Bad Rats that's worth the same price, you look in my list.
  • I tried to talk to you you can see in the screenshot but as the mediator said you responded to me brutally, harshly and insultingly so what would you have done in my place?
  • avatar Lily can you provide some contact form? I want to ask you some questions for something completely unrelated to this situation.
  • I'm very glad that it went this way. Wrong approach, now even that will not solve this dispute. That's it, have a nice day Mr beggar.
  • And it's true, after all that's all junk that cost nothing. And you have plenty of it. Why didn't you try to solve the problem with a more sensible approach?
  • what did you do? what was your first sentence that came to your mind? you replied with smth in the lines of "no i won't, you agreed to it, better luck next time", what does that mean? It means that you decided to place yourself on a position of power now.
  • If you had wanted to solve this, you could have given another junkie and it would have been done. From the 2 weeks ago offer there's 6 junkies that you could have replaced it and called it a day.
  • 2 weeks ago you came begging for a game. Did i hurt your feelings when I rejected the offer or what? I had completely forgotten, glad I didn't trade. No matter what happens now, it's over. Funny story with ppl who are waiting for a chance to sink you.
  • avatar It was you who caused complications by starting this mess, it's not my fault and that's what really pissed me off, we could have just discussed it maybe we would have come to an agreement
  • you had to complete the exchange you have to know how to take it upon yourself sometimes too..
  • And I'm one of those people that I can guarantee you, I absolutely don't want to see you being punished in the first place, I just wanted to have a friendly exchange and I explained to you at the end that despite the fact that you already had Bad Rats
  • avatar Comment Hidden to Avoid Losing Game: Link detected
  • People are good, tens of people have been really great.
  • Comment Hidden to Avoid Losing Game: Link detected
  • I've gone so far to purchase keys for my trades, many times. I honored what i agreed even when they were cool and just requested something else. I gave double keys tens of times. Just now I made a mistake and a sent a wrong key, swiftly it was taken care
  • Comment Hidden to Avoid Losing Game: Link detected
  • I've traded and given away two or three games when my key didn't work. I gave away two star wars games just because someone had them in their wishlist just last week. Just bcs he was a good guy.
  • You're a bad person. You just want to see me get punished. That's why you act like you have some kind of power over me, after I made you a favor and accepted to trade a good game worth 2.5 euros for given away junk. Dumb but a bad person, always a combo.
  • avatar It amuses me personally and it leads me to find arguments X)
  • There I will be back a little later today if you want to continue debating in the wind x)
  • I thought you were someone chill but I was very wrong as I said previously.
  • Speaking of which I don't really care about Jurassic anymore because I got 5 examples of the game recently that I plan to trade (some of them) because I'm going to give some to my friends first. And when I sent you this sentence I thought you were someone
  • avatar Arrogant and basically exposed yourself. So now I take these laughs from you and those junk games and give you this fat L. Lmao hopefully you get banned permanently. I accept the suspension, i will never trade with a dumb wannabe scammer.
  • Dumb scammer listen here, I have unmasked you already. Your mask fell off when I remembered you were begging me just two weeks ago. I was open to fulfill my part of the agreement and gave a fine explanation that I chose to trade. Instead you chose being
  • avatar I'll let you think about your future arguments! x)
  • Anyway, it's not everything for me but I have a life and I have to go to work instead of wasting my time with a kid like you.
  • Lol you know that ultimately it is you who has been killing me since earlier because you have no argument to counter me. You're just going against what I'm saying lol
  • If you have children under the age of 10 in your home, you should perhaps take an example from their behavior when they are argued with since you are like them. A brainless little kid.
  • avatar Lily make what you will out of this, I doubt this dense fucker will stop being a little ignorant wannabe scammer anytime soon. Look at how petty the mf is, look at the threats. Lmao.
  • avatar If you have children under the age of 10 in your home, you should perhaps take an example from their behavior when they are argued with since you are like them. A brainless little kid.
  • Well of course since it concerns you.
  • avatar There's so many faces to a clown ahahahahah. Now you got your ignorant ass served in a plate, suddenly you became so wise and reasonable even spew some bs philosophical wisdom about society and regression. Hahahahahahaha holy shhit
  • avatar Yes, laugh, laugh well, whoever laughs last when you are suspended
  • avatar Lol I can't hahahahaahahahahahahaahah i just can't what a clown fest
  • avatar I bitterly regret sending you this offer or talking to you.
  • You should be ashamed, I don't know how old you are, but you behave like a little kid who acts big when he's safe but goes to see his mom when he's really bothered. People like you make society regress and annoy me.
  • Know that you are the only person I asked "plz" to and that most of the games I offered you at that time I later exchanged to prove to you that you are only a shit to refuse.
  • Yes it's true that I really wanted to get a good deal by getting Jurassic for small games because I don't have the 1 on my account but you refused and you did well because it would still have been good for me more angry.
  • avatar You ain't getting shit now. Unless you beg again for it. C'mon 🤡 beg for it plzzz plzzz its my favorite game plz
  • The duality of a beggar, plz plz I want it plz accept, and shut your mouth send md the game you agreed. HAHAHAHAAHAH what a clown
  • avatar piss people off by going to 'meet the rules.
  • and avoid “wasting” the keys by letting them fall into oblivion. I will be much better than you in a while so stop acting like a serious and omniscient guy because from what I see you are just a piece of shit who likes to talk for nothing and piss peo
  • Go get along with your bogus advice, I just explained to you, you trash from society, that I was soon going to have some very good games on my barter account and that I was trying to get rid of these in order to have completed exchanges on my profile and
  • avatar Comment Hidden to Avoid Losing Game: Link detected
  • You should be thanking me, you ignorant little pest. For accepting to trade for junk. I'm probably the only one that would accept that trade. Because I'm a collector and I don't care about the value of the game. Now you dug your own grave. You ain't getti
  • avatar Which is exactly your case (scammer)
  • even if it means asking for crappy little games.
  • Yes, I had actually sent you an offer before but if you have eyes to see you will be able to realize that I arrived not long ago and that I am trying to make as many exchanges as possible on my profile to to avoid people taking me for a scammer even if it
  • avatar Look how rude you are, I need to shut my mouth, mhm smh. This is the reason I will not give you the game if you don't give me another junk key. It's always the beggars, when you want to do something good they want to take the hand lol
  • avatar Now if you want to debate we can debate here for a long time if you have time to waste. In any case, I'm just waiting for the SuperHot key.
  • I won't give you any other keys. And if you have any doubt that my key works, you just have to give it to one of your friends or whoever, but you manage. Afterwards if it is duplicated I will give you another key for the same one, don't worry but you won'
  • avatar Comment Hidden to Avoid Losing Game: Link detected
  • avatar A deal is a deal you agreed to it you need to shut your mouth and follow through now. You had to check your games and think about it beforehand to counter the offer or refuse it.
  • You don't have to debate, you accepted the exchange and you knew very well that you were going to get a key to Bad Rats. After a while, I'm fed up with it and I don't care that you've already done so many exchanges.
  • Know that I plan to add keys to very big AAA games soon on my list like God of war / Metro exodus / The dark souls etc.. So avoid saying that what I own is trash because it is your case exactly
  • Also know that 3/4 of the games you have in your list I actually consider them as "waste" and not as "premium" they are super common and have no rarity
  • Hey listen to these keys I've had them for a very long time as I told you and I'm trying to get rid of them, I already have SuperHot in my main account I wanted to get it again for a friend who doesn't have it not and who wanted it. Also know that 3/4
  • avatar a premium game for free junk. Did this explain the situation better? It's simple, all this guy has to do is go through my wishlist, or take a look at the latest offers I received from people, there are literally about 250 games from this junk category.
  • I scrolled through the conversation. Lily you can see how many trades I accepted in the last three weeks. Around the time I put all the g/a freebies to the wishlist so I can start receiving offers. I would not have accepted if I didn't want to trade
  • So that's my offer, trade me another garbage and we can finish this trade.
  • What I am doing with these garbage trades, is that I am trying to collect them all. The garbage that I didn't get from the different giveaways. I am open to any other garbage, i already made this known to the other person. I got provoked by his answer.
  • It's a simple solution, really, if you agreed to send me 4 games, please do so. It's not that I care about the 2 usd game, it's about me forgetting that I had just traded the same game. Got too many offers and forgot. It's my bad but it happens.
  • avatar And thanks again to you mediator @🍒 Lilly (🌸◠‿◠)
  • I would also like the argument (in red) to be removed from my profile please because I fulfilled my part of the bargain perfectly, he is the one at fault.
  • You're welcome and I also thank you for handling this dispute correctly.
  • avatar @Eminence: We will give you 24h to honor this trade, if you don't send SUPERHOT to SpinoKing, you will get a temporary suspension form Barter. You accepted this trade 20 minutes after you accepted the other Bad Rats trade and in the same moment in which you completed the other one. Your argument that you forgot about it is not believable.
  • avatar You're welcome and I also thank you for handling this dispute correctly.
  • avatar Yes the links work now, thank you.
  • avatar There are 2 links
  • Now it is good ?
  • Comment Hidden to Avoid Losing Game: Link detected
  • avatar No, the link is not accessible.
  • avatar I don't know if you have access?
  • Comment Hidden to Avoid Losing Game: Link detected
  • avatar @SpinoKing: Chat logs would indeed be useful, you can upload them on imgur for example and paste the link here (you can also add multiple images in a single post). These should preferably be public (as opposed to you sending them through Steam chat), for further dispute resolutions.
  • avatar Exactly, I was able to take screenshots if you want because I hadn't yet deleted the discussion on Steam. If you add me I can send them to you right away.
  • avatar This dispute is thus unfounded and Eminence should hold his end of the deal, especially considering that they already redeemed 3 out of the 4 games offered. There is no excuse for not sending the SUPERHOT key to SpinoKing, and failing to do so will have further consequences on Eminence's activity on Barter.
  • Eminence accepted the other Bad Rats offer (IngvarrUKRus) on 21 Jan 11:21 UTC and completed it 20 mins later at 11:41 UTC. The current offer was accepted in the same moment, on 21 Jan 11:41 UTC which implies that Eminence was fully aware that they would receive a second Bad Rats key.
  • avatar Like mine
  • Or at least it wasn't always
  • And I contradict your argument @Eminence since Super Hot was indeed offered for free on gleam a few months ago and in any case a market is a market so no your game is absolutely not a "paid game" like you say.
  • And I say it again I didn't activate his key because he didn't send it to me I can send you a picture if you want
  • Plus he already has a dispute and he just insulted me on this chat channel and well my guy (emin..) I'll throw the insult back at you and I hope you get blocked because it's really absurd to come across people like you who lie to this extent you don't e
  • Plz Lilly block the account of that guy because he is a scammer !! and delete the dispute on my account please because I fulfilled my part of the contract and he didn't send me his key
  • He didn't sent the item He didn't send me his key he scammed me i gave him the four keys but he told me he already had bad rats on his account at the end but it's not my problem ? He can re-trade the key ??
  • Please do something because I don't want to have an argument that messes up my profile and could you block this user's account please? Because he's a scammer!
  • Proof that I have completed my end of the bargain: Ask him to send his list of last activated keys and you will see my games
  • Please mediation do something because this is serious!!
  • He stole me ! He didn't even send me his key and activated the others!!
  • This person scammed me he supposedly told me he already had bad rats but I don't care? The terms of the contract were these 4 keys against SuperHot
  • Hi I just saw that I have an argument I don't understand why???
  • avatar @Eminence: Hello, could you explain what happened during this exchange? I see that you successfully activated the 4 games that you received from SpinoKing.
  • avatar You ain't getting a paid game for given away certified garbage. Rude French bastard.
  • avatar Hello to you dear traders, I wanted to tell you that I prefer Steam keys (I accept gifts but that's not really my cup of tea) and I don't take beta/alpha or game demo keys. Overview
SpinoKing will send 4 of these tradables

in exchange for

Eminence will send 1 of these tradables

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