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player avatar azimuth


⚠️ No new offers on after 25 December 2024. Read announcement on Steam Forum

29; 28; 0
Steam iconSteam Trades iconDiscord🌐 ROW:NA CA
1493; 862; 0
Steam iconSteam Trades iconDiscord🌐 ROW:EU
< Proposed
> Accepted
Hyosoung completed offer with azimuth
  • azimuth completed offer with Hyosoung
  • > Hyosoung accepted offer from azimuth
  • < azimuth proposed offer to Hyosoung
  • azimuth edited offer
  • < azimuth proposed offer to Hyosoung
  • azimuth edited offer
  • < azimuth proposed offer to Hyosoung
  • azimuth edited offer
  • < azimuth proposed offer to Hyosoung
  • 🕗 Hyosoung set accepted offer to expire
  • 🕗 azimuth set proposed offer to expire
  • avatar I'm fine with Dredge and Space Hulk, since I don't see Spelunky anymore and you have offered Quake 2 to somebody else already
  • avatar I did get an extra DREDGE code for you yes. Whatever you want is fine, my library is on Steam so I'm not too worried about trading my GOG codes
  • avatar I even feel bad already for those that I am going to have to decline. Could you please confirm that you have a trade copy of Dredge then, if so I might accept yours and a combination of other offers. Or I might pick one offer for all of them together
  • I'm considering your offer among others, I have received so many good ones in the last few hours but I only need one copy of each game, I am not a reseller. Dredge is what will determine which one I accept but I haven't fully decided just yet.
  • avatar Ok I can get another one for DREDGE. Just counter when you know what you want
  • avatar I was considering your offer mostly for Dredge unfortunately, because you were one of the few offering me that one specifically. If you can find another code or double check if it is unused I would appreciate it.
  • I am in talks with another user for some of those already, so I can't confirm yet if I need all of them, I might know tomorrow, same for Overcooked 2. Thanks for offering though.
  • avatar I think I redeemed DREDGE. I can possibly get another code for that, or I can offer Space Hulk, Spelunky, and Quake II?
  • avatar Adding to Dredge one between Space Hulk, Spelunky and Quake 2. Or, if you don't mind waiting, I might still need Overcooked 2 if the other trade doesn't work out.
  • Hi there! Thanks for the offer. I am going to accept a different offer for Overcooked 2. Could you replace that with a different GOG code instead?
  • avatar Feel free to counter for any GOG games you want
  • Hello! Just a few leftovers to trade, trying to get to 0 tradables Overview
azimuth will send 2 of these tradables

in exchange for

Hyosoung will send 1 of these tradables

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