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player avatar Fluka


⚠️ No new offers on after 25 December 2024. Read announcement on Steam Forum

251; 196; 0
Steam iconSteam Trades iconDiscord🌐 ROW:EU PL
avatar Jarlaxe
1538; 943; 0
Steam iconSteam Trades iconDiscord🌐 ROW:EU
< Proposed
> Accepted
Fluka completed offer with Jarlaxe
  • Jarlaxe completed offer with Fluka
  • > Jarlaxe accepted offer from Fluka
  • < Fluka proposed offer to Jarlaxe
  • Fluka edited offer
  • < Fluka proposed offer to Jarlaxe
  • Fluka edited offer
  • < Fluka proposed offer to Jarlaxe
  • 🕗 Jarlaxe set accepted offer to expire
  • 🕗 Fluka set proposed offer to expire
  • avatar Ok, I got your point, but thats my keys, so I'm sure in them and wouldn't sale at a low point, better keep them for barter or potential price grow.
  • avatar but its not a big deal as it's just 2 little games i can get elsewhere
  • your logic is weird to me though, because you took into account taxes & fees if you sell the game you get from me, and didn't take that into account for your games; so i think my offer was already profitable
  • ok; changed it to just these 4, like you proposed :)
  • avatar Sorry, but this offer are not profitable, because all my games cost 6,70 euro, you game cost 8,50, but after fees & taxes I'll got clear 6,37 euro. Meanwhile, I usually expect at least 0,50-1$ of profit.
  • avatar thanks, i will wait for the summer sale then, i don't mind dead games as i only play locally. i changed aeolis to blobs and two small games, would this trade be ok for u?
  • avatar If you would like to put Raining Blobs instead Aeolis Tournament, then we can have a deal =)
  • Hi, thanks for offer, but already traded Aeolis Tournament - also it is a dead game, but if you still want better grab it on next Summer Sale, should be 1$.
  • avatar can also take raining blobs instead of keywe, if the high h:w for keywe is an issue
  • 36zl wylde flowers for 8+7+7+3 = 25zl (sorry its in my currency). difference is about 150%, i hope this is profitable for u
  • Trading for me and my friends. I look mostly at keyshop price on, but don't offer me keyshop keys. My favorite types of games are: cozy, puzzle, 4 player local, rythym, metroidvanias, roguelikes. I always try to counter, and always try my best to be as fair as possible for both sides. If declining, please try to counter first or tell me the reason for the decline so we don't waste each other's time. Overview
Fluka will send 1 of these tradables

in exchange for

Jarlaxe will send 4 of these tradables

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