helps to organize game collections and manage trades. This profile page belongs to a user, but it does not prove anyone's identity or credibility. Be wary of anyone that proposes trades off-site or through private messages. To use this site's dispute process, you must use the on-site offer system to propose or accept trades.

player avatar SoulSnatcherXO


⚠️ No new offers on after 25 December 2024. Read announcement on Steam Forum

avatar SoulSnatcherXO
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Multiple Users can see this offer, only one may accept it. This offer will appear on
profile pages of the games included in this offer and
offers sections of those that both have a game you're requesting and want a game you're offering
< Proposed
Declined (mediator action)
X Mediator Bart-ee declined offer
  • < rajat581.rt proposed offer to
  • 🕗 SoulSnatcherXO set proposed offer to expire
  • avatar Again, you could've just said that I can't use a throwaway account but instead you needed to accuse me for something that i didn't willingly and banned me without any warning.
  • As for MHW, I'll accept that i tried to retrade it since i went first and forgot about the region lock and when i tried to redeem the key it wouldn't let me so i has no choice. As for more value, it was only a difference of couple $
  • Is this about the High on life and MHW? The HOL that i traded here was a different one from what i recieved. The one i traded here i got it through a trade over on reddit.
  • avatar We'll consider this topic now closed. Further replies on this offer will not be checked.
  • If this is a throwaway account, your suspension will not be lifted, especially since you trade in your favor and retrade games for more value. If you want to trade on Barter, do so from your main account.
  • avatar (cont) and your assumptions are that I'm "Trolling"? That's why you decided to suspend my account for 2 years? Sfs
  • (cont) again YOU'RE the one who's wasting my time by not telling me what is it that I'm doing that I'm not able to trade. Have someone complained? Have i not kept my part of the bargain? Did i scam someone?
  • (cont) I've set everything to public so I don't get why you're so upset if you can't see anything when there's nothing on the account and if it's against the tos for your platform you could've just told me earlier.
  • You don't see anything because there's nothing to see on my account. There are no games or playtime. I only use this for trading. I've traded 12 times and each time the people got what they were promised and i did too.
  • avatar I think you are the one wasting our time here, considering that for days you only have been delaying us. If you decide to make your profile public, you should give us enough time to see it.
  • Sorry but there's nothing visible aside from your friends list. By now it's pretty clear that our assumptions were correct, you are only trolling. We are not notified about comments on offers, we have to manually refresh an offer to see it.
  • avatar Alright I've made it all public but not sure it'll help you in anyway.
  • You didn't provide any explanation why you're not allowing me to trade. You said make your profile public when it already was and now you've not replied since 2 days. If you don't want me to use your platform just say so instead of wasting my time making
  • avatar (cont) your account will remain in a suspended state.
  • Your profile is not entirely public. Your game details (including playtime), groups, inventory, basic details are all private. The only public section is your friends list and this is not enough to validate your account. Until this validation takes place,
  • avatar You didn't provide any explanation why you're not allowing me to trade. You said make your profile public when it already was and now you've not replied since 2 days. If you don't want me to use your platform just say so instead of wasting my time making
  • But my profile is already public though.
  • avatar If you're not faking your trades, there's no reason to refuse setting your profile to public, right? Anyway, let us know when you're willing to do so.
  • avatar Create an alt? What do you mean? I'm faking my trades or something?
  • avatar It sounds like you're requesting an explanation to learn what you should avoid doing next time you create an alt. I don't think an explanation in this case makes much sense. We wouldn't suspend your account without a reason, but believe what you want.
  • avatar @Bart-ee
  • Will there be any explanation on this "suspicious" activity or you're just gonna not allow people to trade whenever you feel like it?
  • Why this all of a sudden?
  • avatar @rajat581.rt: We noticed some suspicious activity on your Barter profile and suspended it temporarily. Please make your Steam profile public and let us know after you do that.
  • avatar Hello, I'm new to barter and trading. I'd like to trade for games that I'd play. Counter if you want something else other than what's offered. Overview

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