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player avatar SweetDalilah


⚠️ No new offers on after 25 December 2024. Read announcement on Steam Forum

816; 415; 0
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avatar SweetDalilah
404; 299; 0
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< Proposed
offer expired
  • < Darkborn24890 proposed offer to SweetDalilah
  • Darkborn24890 edited offer
  • < Darkborn24890 proposed offer to SweetDalilah
  • 🕗 Darkborn24890 set proposed offer to expire
  • avatar i thought you said you would decline the offer. So why would you let it expire then???
  • nothing else on your list is from my wishlist.
  • avatar Do you want smth else for Trailer Thrashers or Textorcist though. I have other 2, don't want 3rd much
  • This doesn't suit me for A room beyond, I am looking for same indie rare games with similar H:W ratio. So, since I can't counter atm I'll decline
  • Hi, sorry was very sick, almost died. :(
  • avatar hi, could you please accept or decline? the offer expires very soon...
  • Hi, if you decline leave a note. Counter offer welcome. Please no cheap games for AAA Titles or Humble Monthly's. And please no BETA keys or Early Access games. Overview
Darkborn24890 will send 1 of these tradables

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SweetDalilah will send 1 of these tradables

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