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player avatar SashOK1993ukr

🕵 Pending Review 5 years ago


Items that appeared in your library during a previous sync, but did not appear in a later sync. The publisher or developer may have revoked the key, or Valve may have banned the game, or you could have removed the game from library.

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Revoked updated 5 years ago  
Steam   Steam [ Show Images ]#cards% positive reviews
Eternal Return 😕 86251179
Morphies Law 🕙 5777
Smashpunks ⚙️...
GOAT OF DUTY $0:β554589
Glare1more 820789
Robo Instructus 🕙 $0:β5984
Swords of Gargantua 28662
False Front 86981
Mechanic Miner 17053
TRAPPED [aka Outbreak: Pandemic Evolution] *522945
Feral Blue 22853
Doodle Derby 4271
Freeman: Guerrilla Warfare 81116868
Minimal Move ⚙️...
Sellswords : Ashen Company 7170
Unlucky Seven 12647
Eons of War ⚙️...
Telefrag VR 53669
Never Give Up 713086
Chook & Sosig: Walk the Plank 10184
Her Majesty's Ship 9545
Robo Revenge Squad 10473
Tick Tock: A Tale for Two 894085
Xenon Racer 🕙 $0:β959965
Stay Silent 2748
Evolution 😕 $0:β31783
Steamcraft 16470
Bannermen [by Pathos Interactive] 517754
BorderStrain ⚙️1060
Proton Ball ⚙️...
Swimsanity! ⚙️...
Insurgency: Sandstorm 69614985
VRange ⚙️...
Cartoon Strike 🕙 ⚙️852964
GRAL ⚙️1060
Torn Tales: Rebound Edition ⚙️1127
Dying Light: Bad Blood $05371069
Dying Light: Bad Blood $05371069
Battlezone: Combat Commander MP [Multiplayer only beta version] $0:β76489
Landinar: Into the Void 621957
Objects in Space 52451
Think of the Children - Official Soundtrack UNKNOWN...
Antigraviator *715966
Potion Explosion 11086
Verlet Swing 30890
Murderous Pursuits Beta ...
Kabounce Beta [NOT bundled, not same as:] 😕 ...
Band of Defenders 830650
Immortal: Unchained !668364
Deep Rock Galactic 🕙 *726136097
Strikers Edge 🕙 $0:β8269
Trailmakers Beta ...
SpellForce 3 Reforced 🕙 8538876
Hot Guns 10...
Embers of War 1030
Smash Up 912657
BAFL - Brakes Are For Losers 4477
Call of Duty: WWII - PC Open Beta ...
RAID: World War II Beta ...
Qbike: Cyberpunk Motorcycles 5150
Strike Vector EX Open Beta ...
Hyperun 🕙 *54782
Space Tyrant !53384
Risk of Rain Soundtrack MUSIC5178