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player avatar Panini


⚠️ No new offers on after 25 December 2024. Read announcement on Steam Forum

51; 45; 0
Steam iconSteam Trades iconDiscord🌐 ROW:NA
1040; 629; 0
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< Proposed
Darksun1980 declined offer from Panini
  • < Panini proposed offer to Darksun1980
  • 🕗 Panini set proposed offer to expire
  • avatar Cool, yes that is why I commented my thoughts so you know.
  • avatar Okay, thanks for the response! I'll leave it open then, and I'll drop a comment before cancelling if I end up getting it elsewhere! <3
  • avatar Hi there, thanx for the offer. I prefer to keep Paleo Pines for something I really want in the future, but will check for counter and your offer again in the next days.
  • avatar Hi! I know the value on the crusader kings is higher than the on paleo pines, but I'm really interested in paleo pines, so if there's something you're more interested in that's around the same value or a bit higher, send a counter! Ty!
  • Mid and below are wishlisted to track deals/releases, but comments are on if you want to talk about anything marked no offer, just in case! Countering and comments are encouraged; I try not to ghost -- I'm usually either thinking or busy! I base values on and T:W for the most part. Will gladly do 1:X or X:1 trades so long as the values are close!! All games I want are for me to use, and I'm willing to overpay in some select cases! <3 i have an addiction to random mystery games rip Overview
Panini will send 1 of these tradables

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Darksun1980 will send 1 of these tradables

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