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player avatar esclatasangs


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Offer Failed Dispute resolved ( about disputes )

esclatasangs claimed I sent item, but received an already used key

Vuxxy claimed I sent item, but received an invalid key

avatar Bart-ee volunteered to mediate this dispute.

🔄 Mediator Bart-ee set the offer status to cancelled
  • Bart-ee volunteered to mediate offer
  • X esclatasangs failed (key already used) offer with Vuxxy
  • X Vuxxy failed (invalid key) offer with esclatasangs
  • 🕗 esclatasangs extended the expiration by 8 days
  • > Vuxxy accepted offer from esclatasangs
  • < esclatasangs proposed offer to Vuxxy
  • 🕗 Vuxxy set accepted offer to expire
  • 🕗 esclatasangs set proposed offer to expire
  • avatar Can a mod please remove the dispute from my account? There is no reason one should even be put on me considering both keys I received did not work and I sent my key that was never even redeemed. @Bart-ee
  • He says "I'm obnoxious" yet I have not called him any names like he has me. You can be upset Escla, but abusing the dispute system and name calling shouldn't be tolerated @Bart-ee
  • Now you've marked this trade as you "sent item" but "received a used key?". Any mods seeing this? Not only did he send me 2 used keys, but he never even redeemed my key. Escla is obviously abusing the dispute system at this point 🤦‍♂️
  • You can easily scroll down to the first thing said in this thread, which was me saying "I'd like to send my key first thanks". You keep talking about your tradables, which are irrelevant. I said you could send ANY game I don't own.
  • avatar Considering how obnoxiously rude Vuxxy has been I am not willing to make any effort to satisfy his coercitive behaviour. I rather get my profile unfairly marked per life for a given away game than make any gentle gesture for this despicable human being
  • you keep making remarks on how you offered perfectly valid alternatives from my tradeables when they're all games that only less than 10 people have available for trade on Barter while your game is available from 514 traders
  • As I said, sending a key first when the other side of the trade is marked as revoked while you own 53000 games will easily lead to this situation as it makes it exteremely hard to find alternatives for the other person
  • I refused to try to activate your key precisely to avoid a conflict like the one we're currently having
  • when you sent your key first without any previous discussion you invalidated my right to send first or to discuss about the fact my game was marked as "revoked" on barter so we could anticipate either of the keys to not work.
  • avatar There's no point to send me any keys though as he refuses to even test my key he was sent first, which puts us in this akward situation to begin with. He knew I wanted him to test my key first and still sent me his key. Take some responsibilty Escla
  • **I told Escla he could buy any banned (limieted etc) game to replace key with as long as I don't own it. I obviously just collect games, not looking to profit or whatever -_-
  • I said I'm sending my key first. You saw I sent my key and still chose to send your key. You could've said something prior if you had a problem with it and this whole situation would've been avoided. I told Escla he could buy any banned game to replace
  • avatar I don't know what Vuxxy requested as replacement, but Lava Rolling Kid and Strongmind are not suitable because of them being extremely rare tradables and no where else to be found. Inescapable is probably the closest option here, although the H:W ratios differ a lot. Infested Planet - Trickster's Arsenal is also an appropriate choice.
  • Thus, no matter who would have gone first here, there was a high chance that the offer wouldn't be able to complete on both sides and that at least one of the two keys would be lost. If Vuxxy can't trust esclatasangs to not use his key, and requests a replacement that is above the value of Diluvian, then one idea would be to replace the Diluvian key with other keys from DIG worth ~$0.60 (as Diluvian costs $0.60 from DIG).
  • Both keys have a chance of being duped: Withering Kingdom because it's banned and revoked (and old), Diluvian because it comes from a DIG bundle and obviously it actually comes from Kinguin (as DIG does not have agreements with this publisher). These keys also being used heavily for giveaways these days makes it pretty probable that the same key gets reused. DIG has a history of selling duplicate keys that they farm from giveaways.
  • avatar i have over 400 positive feedback on ST and over 500 successful trades on barter, and ure now accusing of stealing worthless key that you sent without warning and you weren't even sure if it was used
  • to top it off, you're making all of this drama over a key that's been massively given away twice in the last 2 weeks, was on last HB choice and its current value is 0,39€
  • considering you own 53000 games its almost coercitive to expect the other side to have alternatives for an initial trade that cannot be completed. I don't think you should ever be sending keys without warning without the other side consenting it first.
  • your key remains untouched, as you can see i do not own the game. the alternatives you offered were incredibly unbalanced and therefore i rejected them.
  • right so you DO have a right to send your key first without any previous agreement, i also needed my key to be sent first and be checked as we saw it turned up to be revoked as they're very old keys.
  • avatar 4) If he doesn't attempt to redeem my key (due to it having possible dup error) and provide me with a game I don't own in return (if my key works), I'll consider this a sly way of stealing my key.
  • 3) He wants to now cancel the trade even though he has access to my key for self redeeming or trading/selling etc. I'm unsure why he never even attempted to redeem my key first and tricked me into trying his key first. Clearly disregarding my request.
  • 2) I offered options of other similar banned trash games to replace it with, but he wants to horde them for whatever reason. I offered him to also to buy another cheap banned game I don't own to replace it with.
  • I sent Escala my key first like requested and he sent his without trying to redeem mine (which is why I asked to send first...). I assumed he tried the key and tried his key which is not working, he sent another key that also didn't work.
  • please let me send my key first, thank you
  • avatar Most of my keys are very old, please let me send first, thank you! Overview
esclatasangs will send 1 of these tradables

in exchange for

Vuxxy will send 1 of these tradables

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