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player avatar limelight1210

🚫︎ Blacklist

Blacklist updated 7 years ago  
Steam   Steam [ Show Images ]#cards% positive reviews
1954 Alcatraz 8130671
Hacknet 51572093
Deponia: The Complete Journey $08318087
LEGO® The Hobbit™ $0434579
Shadowrun Returns Deluxe combined$0
+ Shadowrun Returns combined8
+ Shadowrun Returns Deluxe DLC combined
+ paradox dummy app sub/27375 "Shadowrun Returns Deluxe" combined
Blood Harvest 3 517075
Draw_Love *$014885
Merry Glade 17794
Seven boys 2 7972
Yooka-Laylee 🌐 !8271678
7 Wonders II 5887
7 Wonders: Ancient Alien Makeover 6692
Bionic Dues $0629083
Bullet Life 2010 $010656
Cobi Treasure Deluxe $06576
DarkEnd $091752
Deadly 30 $07111379
Death Goat 934075
Dino D-Day *$07791686
Dracula's Legacy 561578
Draw Slasher 516274
ENDLESS™ Legend - Echoes of Auriga Add-on DLC$05984
Forge of Gods: Promote pack DLC$0...
Frontline Tactics 108661
Gold Rush! Classic $0106888
GooCubelets $0690368
GooCubelets 2 $0957466
Hexcells Plus 208595
Horizon Shift $052286
Imperial Glory *108777
It's Spring Again 542094
Knights and Merchants $06255886
Enigmoon *$0121040
Lumino City 57485
Mahluk:Dark demon 58867
Marble Mayhem: Fragile Ball 589566
Mighty Party: Battle and Toads DLC$02360
Mind Snares: Alice's Journey 547388
Monsti $076068
Mortificatio 53073
Murder Miners $05391387
Nyan Cat: Lost In Space 6142093
Open Sorcery 828898
ORBITAL $066779
ORION: Prelude 121916477
Overlord 😕 $0454094
Particula $0762270
Pirates of Black Cove [sometimes confused with] 😕 11464
Pixel Puzzles 2: Anime $0817080
Porcunipine 66687
Pressured $0528750
Pumped BMX + 20985
Q.U.B.E. 97393
Race.a.bit 72272
Raptor: Call of The Shadows - 2015 Edition 43375
SAMOLIOTIK !$06125989
ShapeShifter 😕 !56866
Super Killer Hornet: Resurrection $01018666
Surfingers 536384
Tap Adventure: Time Travel - Promo Pack DLC⚙️$0...
The Albatross 511464
The Dark Stone from Mebara $051957
The Hat Man: Shadow Ward 5284264
Three Dead Zed $072564
TIS-100 311697
Two Worlds: Epic Edition $015242877
Unforgiving Trials: The Space Crusade $084877
Uriel's Chasm 2: את $052250
Velocity®Ultra 912379
Viktor 819970
Viscera Cleanup Detail - House of Horror DLC14293
VolChaos 81090
Why So Evil $0896856
Forge of Gods: Winter's Gasp Pack DLC$014100
Wrath of Anna $055147
X-COM: UFO Defense $0296996
Lament 3281
Victor Vran 🌐 *8363985