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200 items matched these filters.

Title🏆cards$% positive reviews
Scorn 1348612640 7710560
Call of Cthulhu 927849520 799262
DUSK 649130620 9719835
Forgive Me Father 1585520820 852475
Darkwood 835515615 9418387
Impostor Factory 541431610 9510687
Raji: An Ancient Epic 9952211025 851883
Remnant: From the Ashes 4911450540 8542964
Sunless Sea 644654619 837311
Eldest Souls 14345501320 772515
Cultist Simulator 456383820 828341
Pathologic Classic HD 833842713 883329
Stirring Abyss 103363225 88301
Gray Dawn 383518620 82753
The Last Door - Collector's Edition 443516610 951704
Sundered: Eldritch Edition 963420520 823810
Viscerafest 33687015 91424
Call of Cthulhu: Dark Corners of the Earth 38335 672657
Lamentum 3270191016 86546
Call of the Sea 192323420 883345
The Shrouded Isle 543216513 711085
The Hive 483239715 70271
Sunless Skies 31703125 842492
The Innsmouth Case 413123612 68110
Skautfold: Usurper 313718710 70292
Amnesia: Rebirth 162304130 777096
Arkham Horror: Mother's Embrace 30702020 62526
Oxenfree 822913510 919135
Gloomwood 2916820 955530
We Need To Go Deeper 276537516 874439
Moons of Madness 2711423625 771993
The Last Door: Season 2 - Collector's Edition 262816610 95734
Hellpoint 20926421135 772438
The Darkside Detective 1522630815 943312
Abandon Ship 268786825 711054
Unholy Heights 48262074 901076
Achtung! Cthulhu Tactics 26323125 70144
Dread X Collection 2 25461310 94522
Morbid: The Seven Acolytes 226252525 75812
Conarium 256726520 761771
Iratus: Lord of the Dead 248775630 856595
Neurodeck 243035814 52165
Elderand 23953220 77441
Elden: Path of the Forgotten 23342516 5036
Mask of the Rose 23501720 77207
ICEY 2214534711 9024035
Paw Patrol: On A Roll 101221430 85303
Crawl 216945615 955315
Tesla Force 21401717 76138
Observation 2010411825 784186
Labyrinthine 2010221610 8512483
Tesla vs Lovecraft 672020515 90823
Gloom 28193610 83501
Egress 3019215 59109
Dark Scavenger 301985 89154
Lovecraft's Untold Stories 16118351015 79643
OUTBUDDIES DX 601838918 68173
At Eve’s Wake Definitive Edition 1824910 8731
Eversion 21181465 911060
Scanner Sombre 91186 912667
Layers of Fear (2016) 961827620 9012042
Devil Daggers 6818110 966947
Omen Exitio: Plague 581750810 85452
The Vanishing of Ethan Carter 177414620 876716
The Excavation of Hob's Barrow 1571740615 931678
SCP: 5K (Alpha Testing) 161161220 809218
Sucker for Love 165810 982367
Darkness Within: In Pursuit of Loath Nolder 1716308 74521
Curious Expedition 1689631415 913669
Suffer The Night 15371012 73106
Legend of Keepers 19915241520 793772
Hamilton's Great Adventure 581526810 68219
Morkredd 1821522920 70139
Amnesia: The Dark Descent 27151820 9518486
Narcosis 157310615 751095
Broken Lines 14587925 76577
Rusty Lake: Roots 145516104 976594
Darkest Dungeon® 14100120925 91125140
Eldritch 132615815 881671
Forgive Me Father 2 1315312925 88657
Silent Hill: Homecoming 135240 472161
Doorways: Holy Mountains of Flesh 591312620 75106
Batbarian: Testament of the Primordials 1289501015 80196
Source of Madness 121302420 75817
Thumper 1213619820 913858
Amnesia: A Machine for Pigs 3112720 686520
SONG OF HORROR Episode 1 12284430 801742
Darkness Within 2: The Dark Lineage Director's Cut Edition 12143810 68207
They Bleed Pixels 8012150810 842013
Portal of Evil: Stolen Runes Collector's Edition 33122055 91374
Blackbay Asylum 2812620 75137
Baobabs Mausoleum Ep.1 Ovnifagos Don´t Eat Flamingos 2311136 7387
Classified Stories 113010 8245
Lust from Beyond: M Edition 231112618 69129
SOMA 116910830 9537675
The Land of Pain 11401112 78453
Euclidean 11261365 66188
The Old City: Leviathan 37116 70515
Lust for Darkness 1901115515 683819
Shattered Haven 221110 3821
Dreams in the Witch House 11843011 92254
Super Army of Tentacles 3: The Search for Army of Tentacles 2 3411591511...
Cthulhu Saves the World 131183 912935
Skautfold: Shrouded in Sanity 104619710 81481
Helltown 1017810 7259
Army of Tentacles: (Not) A Cthulhu Dating Sim 2296365 6023
Derange 912145 6540
The Infectious Madness of Doctor Dekker 9943579 83486
This Way Madness Lies 9451610 93124
They Breathe 831872 87951
The Park 89214613 692438
The Backrooms - Nightmare Dimension 8125 3611
Neverout 151854 7589
The Chrono Jotter 8711112 951623
Last Threshold 81575 8020
CURSE 288255 6752
Magrunner: Dark Pulse 38824520 80348
TAURONOS 824475 9044
Stygian: Reign of the Old Ones 2848981520 661728
Entschuldigung 881053 5625
Into the Fray 8221810 8881
Weapon of Choice 2171466 8036
The Sleep Experiment 71112 2317
This Book Is A Dungeon 36755 77185
Demonologist 71131415 8616178
Loot River 71481525 70319
Nightmare on Azathoth 61951 6025
Secret World Legends 12615 678993
Garfield Kart 13165 889562
Daily Chthonicle: Editor's Edition 286854 7364
Sea Salt 61081915 78562
Chronicle of Innsmouth 64342613 77196
Skautfold: Moonless Knight 6292510 8853
Tales from the Void 2662963 6955
GEM's Hentai - Ultimate Puzzle 6765...
Dark ill 1866 1811
Eldritch Hunter 6222355 8630
X-COM: Terror from the Deep 6125 92683
PLAY WITH ME 6201083 62402
Eresys 54169 60311
Fhtagn! - Tales of the Creeping Madness 5204510 9546
Hidden: On the trail of the Ancients 52323510 6061
CARNAGE OFFERING 5551610 86172
Ascendants Rising 13520...
Small Town Terrors Pilgrim's Hook Collector's Edition 4458 8372
Cthulhu Saves Christmas 57516910 89255
The Legend of Azarias Rebith 5515...
The Depths of Tolagal 511124 9227
Liberté 59412620 66139
The Black Watchmen 43748510 89619
THE SHORE 4651312 711523
Penny Arcade's On the Rain-Slick Precipice of Darkness 4 32482 80360
CTHON 4165 7382
Horror Nightmare Collection 41032 9419
EvoluShip 410125 7138
Curse of the Old Gods 44123 8042
DreamBig 3 493 8521
Cyndy 49218 65208
CARRION 4310211120 9424156
Deep Ones 224201 7924
Putrid Beasts 474...
What Remains of Edith Finch 42449620 9538385
Elder Chaos 410181 5137
Mythos: The Beginning 41356 7047
Alder's Blood: Definitive Edition 47257520 62200
World of One 4333884 6662
Ballistic Machines 462...
Action Commando 413185 8716
Dagon 4126 9511241
Lobotomy Corporation 420125 9337762
King Oddball 3331565 9254
Alone in the Dark (2008) 33710 42890
Sam & Max: The Devil's Playhouse 31261120 99240
IMMORTAL: Gates of Pyre Playtest 53...
Decarnation 31591515 89658
A House of Many Doors 368331511 84369
AWAKEN - Astral Blade 31353020 86520
Choko loko 2 335...
Kalaban 6532655 6442
Be hate Free Interactive 31220...
Nevrosa: Escape 3269615 79103
The Tribulation Entanglement 310127 7948
Bit-Boom 2531 5444
Terror At Oakheart 393128 87165
Necronomicon: The Dawning of Darkness 3535 45151
Fade to Silence 31304530 62985
Sex Counselor 313425 7643
Depths of Sanity 3432615 9562
Saint Kotar 38545625 73137
Inner Voices 32024610 5265
Frail Hearts: Versicorae Domlion 3392410 8534
Cthulhu Realms 35 71221
Quake Champions 173525 7338130
Sacrifice Your Friends 3322115 7114
Nevermore: The Chamber Door 3178 8241
CULTIC 32352210 985979
Days with Evraco: The Blind witch in Blue Forest 21425 8010
Call of Cthulhu: The Wasted Land 263226 67196
Call of Cthulhu: Prisoner of Ice 2576 71101
Curious Expedition 2 217760920 883458