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200 items matched these filters.

Title🏆cards$% positive reviews
Chivalry 2 1064841640 8134960
Panzer Corps 2 46506940 843099
Starship Troopers: Terran Command 168442630 888264
Fantasy General II 4239771140 81959
Bad North 38391115 9310098
Strategic Mind: The Pacific 373636830 74528
Buggos 364625516 86829
The Falconeer 365729520 80306
Totally Accurate Battle Simulator 34806420 97124873
Unity of Command II 502810630 801729
Europa Universalis IV 2729345540 8789369
Warhammer 40,000: Sanctus Reach 602612830 861119
Warpips 26242117 883796
Warhammer Age of Sigmar: Realms of Ruin 222737860 561632
RUNNING WITH RIFLES 225645615 8813971
Original War 22202210 941678
The Bluecoats: North & South 24191115 62145
Pike and Shot: Campaigns 461940 74298
Verdun 601859620 8728471
Tannenberg 1021768820 867298
House of Lizards 1621100111 87296
Hasbro's BATTLESHIP 164513612 81597
Lost Technology 1716125 87499
Rising Storm 2: Vietnam 5416132825 8739877
Recon Control 14153510 8278
Strategic Command: World War I 271440 92314
Wargame: European Escalation 14142910 762521
Ruined Kingdom 1416128 8615
Dust Fleet 28144120 69119
Plebby Quest: The Crusades 13471061520 862508
Kingdom's Life 13233377 65219
Broken Lines 13487925 76578
Battlecruisers 12176 86345
Mechs & Mercs: Black Talons 651229710 43116
Black One Blood Brothers 112410618 81948
Immortal Realms: Vampire Wars 116252530 61394
无限重启 17113 7819
Firelight Fantasy: Force Energy 2811612 81115
Ultimate General: Gettysburg 11203620 822347
Hearts of Iron III 1022910 774766
Fantasy General 10166 9592
Warhammer 40,000: Armageddon 1050640 81860
AXYOS 1610495 521638
DEFCON 23102210 863273
Lawless West 11917 8234
Battle of the Bulge 993110 71115
Cossacks: Art of War 9105 81280
Nebula Online 1492765 38149
Candy Disaster 93648914 81238
Warfront Defenders 9955 4522
The Campaign Series: Fall Weiss 2696496 5752
Wargame: Red Dragon 956630 8815124
Field of Glory: Empires 9582040 81705
Commander World War II 1892410 8817
Root 91023715 903791
Darkest Hour: A Hearts of Iron Game 38910 901637
Hitler Waifu 11941 95543
Wargame: AirLand Battle 945620 863521
Precipice 816148 80280
Raging Titan 811175...
Syrian Warfare 84751614 864845
Ultrazone 218710 7613
Interstellar Conquest 2182010 5411
Battle Academy 14815 84227
War of the Human Tanks - ALTeR 825431013 9476
Just skill shooter 2 268410 5625
Strategy & Tactics: Wargame Collection 23815610 70206
Storm over the Pacific 9851 4537
Just Skill Shooter 238410 5728
Burgers 2 811863 6311
ConflictCraft 2 7173010 8051
Strategy & Tactics: Dark Ages 23756715 61147
Extinction Eclipse 973110 8025
Kill Invaders 16711...
Steel Division: Normandy 44 75847820 744645
Nemesis: Race Against The Pandemic 7105 5028
Destroyer: The U-Boat Hunter 173715530 75706
Panzer Corps 5878030 912084
Planet TD 617613 76118
Air defenders 9710 10010
Battle Fleet 2 7141715 73315
On the Wings - Birth of a Hero 714205 8781
Supreme Ruler 1936 347910 74254
Möbius Front '83 907620 72307
Stellar Commanders 720299 5777
Mafia Gangster City 6632...
Historic Fighters 865...
Fleet Command 6810 87428
Hell 61330 4129
Assault on Arnhem 16613610 5927
Radio Commander 166649720 731598
Alone in the War 86510...
Cemetery Warrior V 6664 7625
World War 2: Time of Wrath 10651 5775
Siberian Dawn 612466 3818
Squad 6100950 84150278
1953: NATO vs Warsaw Pact 11671 3951
Traveler's Game 611129 9011
Street Lords 6715 59107
Getting Out Alive 9616...
Falcon Gold 61967 7929
Starblazer 1262410 8035
Rising Storm/Red Orchestra 2 Multiplayer 4561401020 9324118
Age of Valakas: Vietnam 68102 8541
War of the Human Tanks - Limited Operations 62728810 9021
The Mythical City 3 86520 10010
Civil War: 1863 7628610 6526
Ground Pounders 24645155 3429
Military Crusaders 61033...
Save the setlers 186510 7924
The Fallen Night 6710...
War on Folvos 864 7982
Tabletop Simulator 611327620 9641383
Medieval Kingdom Wars 125620620 772215
Alpha Lyrae Discovery 8611 9315
StarFringe: Adversus 42636141 72128
Nation War:Chronicles 551811 68387
Field of Glory II 6452030 87670
Stormgate 54325 476974
Explosiver 13555...
Aircraft War 165222...
Ogre 52810625 66201
iBomber Defense Pacific 255256 85149
Nuke Them All 5251020 8786
Lil Tanks 5192265 9010
Airship Dragoon 51127820 7020
Grey Heritage: Faded Vision 52515 7237
Strategic War in Europe 3156496 5194
MAXIM 5810...
AXYOS: Battlecards 175105 7722
Trap Arena 12552 6926
Codex of Victory 88530515 69258
Ultimate Arena 5142055 83787
Magic Trap 59550 9521
Supreme Ruler The Great War 510201020 64112
Alien Time 5543...
Restricted Area 651 1019
Grimstar: Welcome to the savage planet 542 6832
Lightning: D-Day 1341910...
Battlegrounds : At Enemy Gates 2845 8111
Urizen Frosty Plus The New Warriors 46426...
Advanced Tactics Gold 41930 84111
Skeletos Sword 30439 7814
Rise of Prussia Gold 13420 7727
City Defense 9484...
Empire of Empires 441 7731
Everything: All in 1 1241...
Defense of Roman Britain 1647 6425
三国 看海与模拟 Three Kingdoms Simulator 846 9010
The Dawn: Sniper's Way 4725 5520
Kingdom Wars 4 7641420 70165
AirFighter 5461 8020
Darwinia 35410 78738
Civil War: 1861 452010 7222
Battlegrounds : The Pirate King 1848 10010
Purple War 49320 73134
War Of Freedom 462...
Arma X: Anniversary Edition 74...
Iron Warriors: T-72 Tank Command 4116 63260
MechDefender 3041851 76262
War Birds: WW2 Air strike 1942 41654 2029
Frontline : Road to Moscow 4810 6033
Cherry Island 45415...
Medieval Arms 46815 6612
CLASSIC TANKS 2020 485 6010
Last Days of Old Earth 42323525 4030
Supreme Ruler 2020: Gold 41110 80206
The Mythical City 2 74520 8312
Colonial Conquest 419401210 60205
Super tanks RPG 4101010 8116
Zombie Apocalypse Survivor 844320...
Home defender 5481...
Strong towers 463 8413
Warhammer 40,000: Gladius - Relics of War 1174150740 827204
Strategic Mind: Blitzkrieg 44440640 83416
All Hit All Her 1846...
Dangerous Lands 10463 8217
Oil Invasion 54121 4010
Beast's Bane 33491...
Legions of Steel 3202120 5225
Fursan al-Aqsa: The Knights of the Al-Aqsa Mosque 32251015 96739
World War 3: Card Battler 351...
Civil War: Battle of Petersburg 37251 81215
Fallen Hearts 375...
Control Craft 2 5436101 71257
Deadfall 3810 9629
1917 - The Alien Invasion DX 3192155 74105
War Mines: WW2 310164 8741
Animal Revolt Battle Simulator 354515 955622
Fantasy Fighters 8342...
Eyes Of War 3131515 85226
Field of Glory II: Medieval 3482030 86380
The Fallen Kingdoms 354...
Defense Of Greece TD 123156...
American Patriots: Boston Tea Party 11321 8583
Tank Universal 203275 60324
UniWar 348...
Band of Defenders 33247810 50307
Operation: Polygon Storm 3322315 73152