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200 items matched these filters.

Title🏆cards$% positive reviews
SOULCALIBUR VI 64804960 828908
Mortal Kombat 11 7563581350 8877003
Operation Tango 587030520 876267
SteamWorld Heist 624547915 943812
Thief of Thieves: Season One 5238531120 74136
Deceive Inc. 195323620 854509
Volume 314124620 78371
LEGO® MARVEL Super Heroes 2 30567520 876552
Picklock 30292458 86359
Dead Rising 4 2980104930 594305
Filthy Animals | Heist Simulator 89272820 73124
UNDETECTED 57251115 7356
The Masterplan 312514520 62375
Shadow of the Tomb Raider 2511099660 8560512
The Swindle 34211515 63478
Thief 205537820 7516495
FRAMED Collection 18419181510 941831
Perfect Heist 33191055 75373
Call of Duty: WWII 19129351160 6929305
Perfect Heist 2 19752010 942837
Rubber Bandits 18601910 864863
Extinction 27182730 39123
Super Magbot 144173210 90163
Riskers 17182765 4557
Thief Simulator 17953320 8831787
Crime Boss: Rockay City 167345820 724719
Mr Shifty 1201514515 88814
Crookz - The Big Heist 241530810 85209
Dishonored 2 149850830 8938749
The Marvellous Miss Take 143819620 81127
Crash Time 2 41145 621134
Troll and I™ 14182710 3540
HITMAN™ 1321699 8337197
Whiskey.Mafia. Leo's Family 31131456 69329
Hood: Outlaws & Legends 1210250620 487691
Kane & Lynch 2: Dog Days 11175810 665992
Kane & Lynch: Dead Men 10257 662557
Sniper Ghost Warrior 3 10704820 6713929
Just Cause 4 108161860 6320983
112 Operator 288945525 894947
PAYDAY 2 18991302910 90433446
Sneak Thief 83016515 751613
GangV 9815 62327
Game Of Mafia 7181610 7697
Assassin's Creed Origins 7171671060 8598782
Unmemory 72810 8362
We Heist Too 7122410...
I'm a cowboy: Western Shooter 8793...
Mafia Gangster City 6632...
HEDE Game Engine 674200...
PRO EVOLUTION SOCCER 2018 63430 601373
Between Time: Escape Room 6855510 82280
The Break-In 67820 911766
MY HERO ONE'S JUSTICE 687571420 751601
Beyond the Invisible: Evening 5158...
MUMMMASTER! 335211 9010
PAYDAY 3 4236221230 4242214
PRO EVOLUTION SOCCER 2019 43430 545922
Bloody Rampage City 4655 9213
RedEX 414198 77105
NARUTO SHIPPUDEN: Ultimate Ninja STORM 4 41045320 9069453
Exploration of Xianshan 74...
NORR part I: Ace Shot 45166...
Operation: Tango - Demo 94 852014
Quick Thief 472 10015
Midnight Heist 3492210 92250
Urban War Defense 32063...
Maniac 31441065 921280
My Dictator Stalin Can't Be This Cute ?! 34113 88153
Vicewave 332185 57204
The Mutineer 93145 9227
Oli One: Sneak in 163155...
Criminal Behavior 335...
Rogue Heist 435 33403
Late photographer 3 3725 6118
Monaco 319313815 923742
PAYDAY: The Heist 23156915 9320950
Pro Evolution Soccer 2017 23520 552562
Marvel vs. Capcom: Infinite 21094740 662141
FINAL FANTASY 220124612 945848
PAYDAY 3 - Beta 32 4242327
Warbox Sandbox 22757 80231
Just Ride: Apparent Horizon 2273720 70137
Filthy Animals | Heist Simulator Multiplayer Playtest 32 73124
Chess Knights: High Noon 223173 8133
Dead Alliance™ 2174420 35130
ACT 2365 5568
SteamWorld Heist II 2231341130 961297
Quadrilateral Cowboy 21331020 92801
Hacker Man 21753...
Pro Evolution Soccer 2016 23520 522645
Street grabbing of territory 253 10010
Ashina: The Red Witch: Prologue 27 87177
Forspoken 229753970 644846
Turnip Boy Robs a Bank 220723615 951483
ONI : Road to be the Mightiest Oni 2543330 4035
Saint Seiya: Soldiers' Soul 29250550 933074
LEMURIA 1211210 7146
Abermore 1223716 1941
Strangest.io's myFloppy Online! 1326 71130
Four color jumps 119242 85235
The Story of The Flood 113241 6942
HeistGeist 1334320 9655
Death of the Rising Sun 181...
Sol Dorado Heist 175...
CRAZY DRIVER 111201 79137
STAR WARS Jedi: Fallen Order™ 116239640 88131591
Call of Duty: WWII - Multiplayer 135560 6929486
It's Only Money 11061225 83410
Security Control 1410...
Winter Ember 1673530 5976
Crooks Like Us 1115...
Uncharted Ocean 2 12 6529
Dustborn 11422630 73235
Death Elevator 119168 9418
Persona 5 Royal 1358531160 9660722
Shadow Gambit: The Cursed Crew 1396261440 933526
Larcin Lazer 1411010 99225
Mission Z 1251315 6913
Sekiro™: Shadows Die Twice 1502341260 95224214
Downtown Drift 20144 84214
Shadowhand Solitaire 192514 8732
The Floor Is Still Really Cheap Lava 1359 94233
Crime Simulator: Prologue 119 741144
171 16320 763089
Way Down 1192810...
CatMafia 1102 8716
Frost League 165...
Bank Robber 12563 6624
Teardown 13542730 9595129
Mondrian - Plastic Reality 186910...
Drakkar Crew 14035710 8599
Barbarian Legend 11515 3638
Lion Quest Infinity 1111311...
Jack In Town 112 8318
Zombies in the dark 1981 4010
Interstate Cowboys 01...
Build and Discover: America 017...
The Great Art Heist 06...
Scavenger 01...
Rear of Business 06102...
Poly Gangs 055...
HEIST 012305 5014
White Shirts Red Blood 07...
Thugs Never Die 01010...
Mafia Pigs Playtest 04 9628
Datascape 0485...
Live Inc. 02 74115
FBI Agent Simulator 018...
DataJack 2020 021...
Anarchy: Wolf's law : Prologue 05 76603
Up to no GOOB Playtest 00...
Revelation 0147...
Delphyq 01315...
Scraptail: Down the Drain 04...
Professor Crackbrain - And the awakening of the weredog 0187...
Spirited Thief Playtest 02 9450
TheKey Playtest 02...
Revans 086415 7030
Ink Pen Typewriter 01...
Mafia Life Simulator 024...
Sipssassin 04...
Constantine Scores 0035...
House of 1000 Traps 04...
Wild Willy West 00...
Concord™ 0515140 69855
Arsene Lupin - Once a Thief 0614630 6816
Hole Punch 08...
Shotgun Recovery 05...
Ninja Simulator: Prologue 08...
Energy Survivors 020223 8432
Burgleville 02...
悠星大陆 Playtest 00...
Big Job 03...
Otti: house keeper 010108...
Filthy Animals | Halloween Heist 06 9020
One-armed robber Playtest 031 9131934
Sunshine Shuffle 0522110 78123
American Theft 80s Playtest 03 76795
집착의 망자 - 집으로부터의 탈출 For Visual edition 06...
Hello World 010...
Agent 01 0753...
VIBORA 01...
EMULATED: OpsRunner 029...
I Am the Captain Now 0489...
Crime Scene Cleaner: Prologue 00 954977
Eggstraction 012106 9074
Netorare Sankaku Kankei 01630...
Breaking and Entering 042...
Fool's Gold 09...
My Mad Road 015...
Cluck Frenzy 004...
Escape From Castle Matsumoto 048 9315
SPIN Protocol 00...
SLUDGE LIFE 0111415 951420
Exotic Cars VI 08...