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200 items matched these filters.

Title🏆cards$% positive reviews
The Witness 7983240 8514723
The Forgotten City 101684025 969059
SILT 68692115 74451
NORCO 601503515 932140
The Last Campfire 1515022615 9710929
The Turing Test 505215620 876104
Raji: An Ancient Epic 9649211025 861886
Planescape: Torment: Enhanced Edition 864650820 944088
Everything 5642361115 833046
Rogue State Revolution 3440281415 76432
The Swapper 303810515 924849
Metamorphosis 29642625 83424
Hellstuck: Rage With Your Friends 612898 90110
Before Your Eyes 2611311510 9714530
Getting Over It with Bennett Foddy 256238 8268021
Euphoria: Supreme Mechanics 2423712 81109
Trolley Problem, Inc. 22281211 681016
The Bridge 223420710 873360
Rage In Peace 631951513 91263
The Talos Principle VR 18624030 83776
Keep in Mind: Remastered 181982 76389
She and The Light Bearer 174715810 84252
No Longer Home 17511215 63279
Manifold Garden 1716425720 956215
My Lovely Daughter 175050515 691093
PLAYNE 16474015 951047
Four Last Things 168517710 951258
Havsala: Into the Soul Palace 16332112 93536
Forgotten Fields 16241713 7664
Dreaming Sarah 42152256 922213
Thomas Was Alone 51153510 924017
Etherborn 921513617 7793
Strayed Lights 141072613 80230
The Talos Principle 149040530 9527627
Aurion: Legacy of the Kori-Odan 5012159915 82123
Don't Disturb 121994 86487
Fumiko! 111620127 8187
A Space for the Unbound 1122925620 975207
On My Own 1113308 6891
Lamoneo 11209 8919
Far from Noise 121098 86121
The Old City: Leviathan 37106 70515
Thing-in-Itself 1810102 7490
Terracotta 10683320 8077
SOMA 107010830 9538213
MEMOLOGY: GOYDA 1032352 941122
Submachine: Legacy 101052825 981074
The Beginner's Guide 910310 8818162
Dofamine 928520 81144
Subsurface Circular 934136 951449
Dream Stone 159555 6580
Supermarket Times 922610 10011
Recollection 929265 10066
Paws of Coal 9255 9451
Hello Goodboy 8571515 9062
Coffee Talk 815124913 959689
HitchHiker 86110515 66148
Stygian: Reign of the Old Ones 2648981520 661728
Walden, a game 8192710 8594
When The Past Was Around 81462068 953484
Sumy Shelltris - ICEBLOCKS 1 88102...
Sunlight 9184 84164
Chionophile 82061 88160
Inquisitor’s Heart and Soul 722115 83106
Starship Titanic 7186 84103
Fallen from the sky 7810 4010
Haunted Nightmares 875...
Strangeland 712322615 93744
Hell is Others 7895715 73978
The Unvisited Grandma 1172 9112
Inmates 74412710 60233
Fibrillation HD 7381355 87299
stikir 687233 88146
Sector 598 1861410...
Even the Ocean 67321520 85204
Bob: A thousand lives 10612 10012
The Preposterous Awesomeness of Everything 628207 97111
In Vitra 61565 5632
Stellar Commanders 618299 5875
Recursive Ruin 683171215 80232
Philosophers Lab 765...
HOUND 61010 3862
流光記憶之灰 Grayscale Memories 613185 8716
From Earth To Heaven 186107 7222
MAXIM 5810...
Anodyne 2: Return to Dust 5123141020 94612
The Nightmare Inside 554...
Alzheimer's: Memories 8521...
Neuro Horror 51451 6319
De-Void 513898 5569
IN CELL 652 7010
Pahelika: Revelations HD 1751814 7516
BioShock 2 5216820 8810781
Let Me Die (inside) 9493 6546
A Story About Farting 45502 9213
Soul Tolerance 4302510...
WAR CUBE 11451 6953
THE SHORE 4621312 711543
The Sojourn 411316925 69166
Mainly at Rest 234235 5221
Symploké: La Leyenda de Gustavo Bueno (Capítulo 2) 4752 10011
The Quiet Sleep 412105 6627
Memories of East Coast 94183...
Ticket 416766 10037
Neon Dimension 547...
Just Ski 63103 88184
The Merchant Memoirs 1033...
Destination Primus Vita 31641 77104
Hunter A Hunter 353...
Diamond Hands: To The Moon 313108 8312
Sense of Darkness 355...
Leaf on Wind 382 7814
Seul (Alone): The entrée 373...
Order from Caos 36265 9213
Trackless 3262010 9136
Azrael 163121...
Legend of Homebody 3364456 82381
The Void 443810 81864
The Red Strings Club 318219615 9311216
Drizzlepath: Deja Vu 327354 76185
Shift Quantum 34532520 9042
Wanderlust: Transsiberian 3205 6942
Aquaria 3502710 90708
Mountain 11733181 8812884
Please Wake Up 373 8826
Banana Hell 353 8056
Chezzle 361...
IDIOT 31935 6624
Legacy: the last pure heart 3410...
Gorf the Frog 23183...
Deep Abyss 29128...
Press Any Button 2352 94187
Daydream: Forgotten Sorrow 21341420 72188
Mound of Music 2122110 8217
The Journey - Episode 1: Whatever This Is 2112 97282
In Between 134216512 85141
NENA 28165 9418
Good Mourning 2171003 8919
Pentomino 27144...
Mirt. Tales of the Cold Land 282452 8862
Be hate Free Interactive 21320...
International Space Banana 21991 9479
Azkend 2: The World Beneath 2191668 6612
RŌA 2831 6020
Nebula Within 26261 9437
7th Sector 28925613 73557
Office No.41 293 6523
The Forest Quartet 25110 94292
Echoes of the Abyss 235...
Mango 2162510 90100
Unakis 268...
ヌースジャンプの前奏曲 273...
Debris 2252110 6190
Frog Fall Down 281 9011
Rainbow Cult 2137820...
Potatoman Seeks the Troof 10512154 84222
The Four Paths 18219...
DETECTIVE - Minerva case 1111211...
Collection Quest 1323 6538
Absurbia: A Trashy Satire of Suburban Outcries 196...
Stand By Me 114256 9418
Qazaq: Son of the Sun 16112...
Climbros 1173010 8419
EYE TO ME 1651 9033
Lost Alone Ep.1 - Little Sister 120276 8588
Triple Take 115187 9040
Vampire Therapist 1512715 96360
Sink 162...
Just Shake It 163...
Syzygy 1220 10035
Bule Form 166 9625
MaryPark St. 1853...
Dabado Puzzles 1142110...
Adios 110325518 94989
Outsider: After Life 113103 8116
Mad Geometry 1511...
Ourea 1897...
CHURIP 1651 8331
Everything Ends In 0 1116 9854
Magnus Positive Phototaxis 11385 9520
Sayonara Electric 1810...
The Judgement of Q 14106...
Afterthought 1144817 10010
Mineralis 172010...
言++ 151...
Find the Demon 1204968 89256
Aenaon 181114...
Animyst 125 85423
Siren's Call 13 94207
Animus Non Grata 129...
Haven Moon 1251012 77582
Hadr 125445 8542
Hyparxis 11413...
Didactic Jesus Game 134 8419
The Sperminator: Rescuing Tzar Vlad 131461 8331
Second Thoughts 1112 7367
Nothing! 411 7346
瓶子先生和他的梦想/Mr.Bottle and his dream 112133 7823
Poorzzle 1210...
Pechka 1173115...