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Heroes Pick & Mix Bundle

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Titles📖🏆cards% positive reviews$
Betrayer Betrayer 
2163705 81164.99
Blades of Time - Limited EditionBlades of Time - Limited Edition 511.99
Blades of Time Blades of Time 350826 83*810
Dismal Swamp DLC Dismal Swamp DLC 0030 6003
Dismal Swamp DLC (macOS) Dismal Swamp DLC (macOS) 00...0...
Limited Edition (macOS) Limited Edition (macOS) 00...0...
Limited Edition Limited Edition 00...0...
Blood Knights Blood Knights 126432 6859.99
Boson X Boson X 
1851306 9334.99
Crimsonland Crimsonland 
2271977 94913.99
Dead Effect Dead Effect 6162845 72174.99
Demonicon Demonicon aka Demonicon - The Dark Eye 499424 6869.99
Depth Hunter 2: Deep Dive Depth Hunter 2: Deep Dive 1715196 751014.99
Dino D-Day Dino D-Day 7777931 86119.99
Disciples Sacred Lands Gold Disciples Sacred Lands Gold 00330 8514.99
Doorways: The Underworld Doorways: The Underworld Chapter 3 56161 65*99.99
Fancy Skulls Fancy Skulls 
97335 7260.99
Frozen Synapse Prime Frozen Synapse Prime 
305334 631524.99
Ghost Master Ghost Master 001638 8934.99
Gunnheim Gunnheim 
115113 39139.99
Hero of the Kingdom Hero of the Kingdom 
3853408 94147.99
Heroes of Annihilated Empires Heroes of Annihilated Empires 00522 8867.99
HOARD Complete PackHOARD Complete Pack 75.99
HOARD HOARD 1290515 85*94
HOARD: Dynamite Roll HOARD: Dynamite Roll 00...*82
HOARD: Sandwich Pack HOARD: Sandwich Pack 00...*82
IL-2 Sturmovik: 1946 IL-2 Sturmovik: 1946 002429 8969.99
Inquisitor Inquisitor 08421 71*119.99
Joint Task Force Joint Task Force 00249 8947.99
Knights and Merchants Knights and Merchants 062580 86*159.99
Lichdom: Battlemage Lichdom: Battlemage 5962055 57109.99
Megabyte Punch Megabyte Punch 300391 931114.99
Men of War: Assault Squad Men of War: Assault Squad 11003781 87*189.99
NecroVisioN + NecroVisioN: Lost CompanyNecroVisioN + NecroVisioN: Lost Company 59.99
NecroVisioN: Lost Company NecroVisioN: Lost Company 00382 74*117
NecroVisioN NecroVisioN 001212 69*125
One Finger Death Punch One Finger Death Punch 152012500 98194.99
PixelJunk Monsters Ultimate PixelJunk Monsters Ultimate 
5211577 86*119.99
PixelJunk Shooter PixelJunk Shooter 
156230 93*108.99
Planetary Annihilation Planetary Annihilation 
191110935 57*729.99
89895403 96*219.99
Puzzle Kingdoms Puzzle Kingdoms 00123 60614.99
Qora Qora 
406246 6959.99
Real Boxing Real Boxing 119874 6754.99
Retro/Grade Retro/Grade 217223 8599.99
Rooks Keep Rooks Keep 27619 8477.99
Rune Classic Rune Classic 290566 91109.99
Sudeki Sudeki 06798 9155.99
Super 3-D Noah's Ark Super 3-D Noah's Ark 
277501 9299.99
Super Cyborg Super Cyborg 355541 8684.99
The First Templar The First Templar 500509 7349.99
The Silent Age The Silent Age 
2455854 93149.99
TransPlan TransPlan 
195173 9022.99
Velocibox Velocibox 
249253 9485.99
Viscera Cleanup Detail: Santa's Rampage Viscera Cleanup Detail: Santa's Rampage 1304385 91*102.49
War of the Human Tanks War of the Human Tanks 6112333 91109.99
Wings! Remastered Edition Wings! Remastered Edition 
126522 78214.99
Wooden Sen'SeY Wooden Sen'SeY 
21634 5879.99
Xotic: Complete packXotic: Complete pack activates as Xotic European Deluxe 5...
Xotic Xotic 46076 78*1110
Xotic DLC: Pipe Works Expansion Pack Xotic DLC: Pipe Works Expansion Pack 00...02
Xotic DLC: Temple Crypt Expansion Pack Xotic DLC: Temple Crypt Expansion Pack 00...02
Xotic DLC: Warp Field Expansion Pack Xotic DLC: Warp Field Expansion Pack 00...02
Zeno Clash Zeno Clash 2281945 8899.99
50 items 34 with cards242$466.01

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A list of nearly every Steam key game bundle published since Humble Indie Bundle #1 in 2010.
31132 games and items in 6862 bundles from 78 stores. Comprehensiveness is the goal, therefore the inclusions of bundles or stores are not endorsements. For recommendations, visit /r/GameDeals.

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% positive reviews User Reviews

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cards Steam Trading Cards

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✽ Bundle Count

Number of times the game has been in a bundle. Some bundles listed on Barter are not included in this count due to price or other aspect of the bundle. Not counted list.

US$ Retail Price

The non-discounted US Steam store price from the appdetail API. For global prices, see