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Humble Bundle

Humble Indie Bundle 7

■ Ended ... Started   ( Sold: 395,954   Revenue: $2,651,837 )

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Titles📖🏆cards% positive reviews$
tier 1
Closure Closure 
86439 8529.99
Indie Game: The Movie Indie Game: The Movie 
771017 9619.99
Shank 2 Shank 2 
2072338 8259.99
Snapshot Snapshot 
36043 7919.99
The Binding Of Isaac with Wrath of the Lamb DLCThe Binding Of Isaac with Wrath of the Lamb DLC 1...
The Binding of Isaac The Binding of Isaac 99946271 9405
Binding of Isaac: Wrath of the Lamb Binding of Isaac: Wrath of the Lamb 00815 9403
The Binding Of Isaac - Wrath of the Lamb The Binding Of Isaac - Wrath of the Lamb 00...0...
The Binding of Isaac: Wrath of the Lamb Eternal Edition The Binding of Isaac: Wrath of the Lamb Eternal Edition 00...0...
tier 2
Cave Story+ Cave Story+ 
7604604 92*214.99
Dungeon Defenders Collection (Summer-Winter 2012)Dungeon Defenders Collection (Summer-Winter 2012) 
💾Steamdb icon
Dungeon Defenders Dungeon Defenders 118711202 93*715
Dungeon Defenders Anniversary Pack Dungeon Defenders Anniversary Pack 0015 8602
Advanced Technology Pack Advanced Technology Pack 00...0...
Elite Gear Pack Elite Gear Pack 00...0...
Dungeon Defenders - New Heroes Pack 1 Dungeon Defenders - New Heroes Pack 1 0017 7605
Dungeon Defenders Halloween Mission Pack Dungeon Defenders Halloween Mission Pack 0011 9002
Dungeon Defenders - Karathiki Jungle Mission Pack Dungeon Defenders - Karathiki Jungle Mission Pack 00...02
Dungeon Defenders - Quest for the Lost Eternia Shards Part 1 Dungeon Defenders - Quest for the Lost Eternia Shards Part 1 0010 7004
Dungeon Defenders - Warping Core Challenge Mission Pack Dungeon Defenders - Warping Core Challenge Mission Pack 00...02
Dungeon Defenders Halloween Costume Pack Dungeon Defenders Halloween Costume Pack 0010 8001
Dungeon Defenders  - Quest for the Lost Eternia Shards Part 4 Dungeon Defenders - Quest for the Lost Eternia Shards Part 4 0016 6204
Dungeon Defenders - Etherian Holiday Extravaganza Dungeon Defenders - Etherian Holiday Extravaganza 0016 6802
Dungeon Defenders - Quest for the Lost Eternia Shards Part 2 Dungeon Defenders - Quest for the Lost Eternia Shards Part 2 00...04
Dungeon Defenders - Quest for the Lost Eternia Shards Part 3 Dungeon Defenders - Quest for the Lost Eternia Shards Part 3 00...04
Dungeon Defenders: Assault Mission Pack Dungeon Defenders: Assault Mission Pack 0015 8002
Dungeon Defenders: Etherian Festival of Love Dungeon Defenders: Etherian Festival of Love 0011 4502
Dungeon Defenders: The Great Turkey Hunt! Mission & Costumes Dungeon Defenders: The Great Turkey Hunt! Mission & Costumes 0012 7502
Dungeon Defenders - President's Day Surprise Dungeon Defenders - President's Day Surprise 0018 7702
Dungeon Defenders Lucky Community Costume Pack Dungeon Defenders Lucky Community Costume Pack 00...01
Dungeon Denders - Jester Hero Dungeon Denders - Jester Hero 0014 9204
Dungeon Defenders - Series EV Hero DLC Dungeon Defenders - Series EV Hero DLC 0022 9004
Dungeon Defenders - The Tinkerer's Lab Mission Pack Dungeon Defenders - The Tinkerer's Lab Mission Pack 0016 8102
Dungeon Defenders: Barbarian Hero DLC Dungeon Defenders: Barbarian Hero DLC 0020 9503
Dungeon Defenders - City in the Cliffs Mission Pack Dungeon Defenders - City in the Cliffs Mission Pack 00...02
Dungeon Defenders - Summoner Hero DLC Dungeon Defenders - Summoner Hero DLC 0036 9404
Dungeon Defenders Penny Arcade Costume Pack Dungeon Defenders Penny Arcade Costume Pack 00...02
Dungeon Defenders - Talay Mining Complex Mission Pack Dungeon Defenders - Talay Mining Complex Mission Pack 0010 8002
Legend of Grimrock Legend of Grimrock 
4004499 93+114.99
Offspring Fling! Offspring Fling! 
109134 8837.99
The Basement Collection The Basement Collection 
5301140 8823.99
10 items 6 with cards45$131.91

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A list of nearly every Steam key game bundle published since Humble Indie Bundle #1 in 2010.
30972 games and items in 6819 bundles from 78 stores. Comprehensiveness is the goal, therefore the inclusions of bundles or stores are not endorsements. For recommendations, visit /r/GameDeals.

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% positive reviews User Reviews

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cards Steam Trading Cards

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✽ Bundle Count

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US$ Retail Price

The non-discounted US Steam store price from the appdetail API. For global prices, see