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Humble Bundle

Humble Learn and Play VR-AR Game Dev Bundle

■ Ended ... Started   ( Sold: 6,543   Revenue: $91,813 )

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  • Special
Titles📖🏆cards% positive reviews$
tier 1: $1.00
Insect Revolution VR Insect Revolution VR 
Zenva Academy Create Your First 3D Game with Unity00050.00
Zenva Academy Intro to Augmented Reality00150.00
Zenva Academy Intro to Game Development with Unity00250.00
Zenva Academy VR Development with Controllers00050.00
Zenva Academy VR Game Development for Beginners00050.00
tier 2: BTA
Keep Defending Keep Defending 43040 8712.99
Panzer Panic VR Panzer Panic VR 68612 3329.99
Zenva Academy AR Projects - Geology App00050.00
Zenva Academy AR Projects - Job Training App00050.00
Zenva Academy AR Projects - Science App for Kids00050.00
Zenva Academy Intro to ARCore00050.00
Zenva Academy Intro to ARKit00050.00
Zenva Academy VR Pointers - Space Station App00050.00
Zenva Academy VR Projects - Night with Mosquitos Game00049.00
Zenva Academy VR Projects - Space Invaders00050.00
tier 3: $20
Devil and the Fairy Devil and the Fairy 0031 6139.99
Stunt Kite Masters VR Stunt Kite Masters VR 8045 9544.99
Zenva Academy AR Game Development - Space Shooter00050.00
Zenva Academy Project-Based Oculus Avatars and Platform SDK00050.00
Zenva Academy VR Projects - 360 Photos Experience00050.00
Zenva Academy VR Projects - 360 Video Quiz App00050.00
Zenva Academy VR Projects - Build an RPG00050.00
Zenva Academy VR Projects - Cabin Experience00050.00
Zenva Academy VR Projects - Exploration Game00050.00
Zenva Academy VR Projects - First-Person Shooter00050.00
Zenva Academy VR Projects - Fitness Game00050.00
Zenva Academy VR Projects - Puzzle Game00050.00
Zenva Academy VR Projects - Third-Person Platformer Game00050.00
Zenva Academy VR Projects - Underwater Shark Experience00050.00
30 items 1 with cards6$1,281.95

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% positive reviews User Reviews

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cards Steam Trading Cards

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US$ Retail Price

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