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Adventure Pick & Mix

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5 for $1.99 | €2.15 | £1.89 | CA$2.59 | AU$3.15 | RUB149
10 for $3.79 | €4.09 | £3.65 | CA$4.95 | AU$5.99 | RUB280
15 for $4.99 | €5.49 | £4.79 | CA$6.49 | AU$7.85 | RUB371

Titles📖🏆cards% positive reviews$
Pick & Mix
Agatha Christie - The ABC Murders Agatha Christie - The ABC Murders 
5061824 801014.99
Beholder Beholder 
60619336 911413.99
Damned Damned 3772118 7148.99
Dead Age Dead Age 
7794286 832114.99
Dex Dex 
3262762 86919.99
Diaries of a Spaceport Janitor Diaries of a Spaceport Janitor 448585 7959.99
Displaced Displaced 
31597 4945.99
Distrust Distrust 
56131642 73712.99
DreamBreak DreamBreak 
11548 5436.99
Fall of Light: Darkest Edition Fall of Light: Darkest Edition 
235192 56214.99
Holy Avatar vs. Maidens of the Dead Holy Avatar vs. Maidens of the Dead 130107 5779.99
Miasmata Miasmata 2701035 77414.99
Mr Shifty Mr Shifty 145814 88314.99
No Time To Explain Remastered No Time To Explain Remastered 
961264 83814.99
Phantom Trigger Phantom Trigger 16544 52214.99
Pixel Heroes: Byte & Magic Pixel Heroes: Byte & Magic 
559291 7899.99
Quantum Replica Quantum Replica 35037 5937.99
Renoir Renoir 9772 5239.99
Return to Mysterious Island Return to Mysterious Island 00342 8067.99
Return to Mysterious Island 2 Return to Mysterious Island 2 00153 6667.99
Sanitarium Sanitarium 2001042 93212.99
Still Life Still Life 00799 82*117.99
Still Life 2 Still Life 2 00436 44*107.99
Survivalist Survivalist 3972112 80134.99
The Last Express Gold Edition The Last Express Gold Edition 
156291 7966.99
The Watchmaker The Watchmaker 21043 5329.99
Through the Woods Through the Woods 2751114 711019.99
Trulon: The Shadow Engine Trulon: The Shadow Engine 
15035 54519.99
Twinsen's Little Big Adventure 2 Classic Twinsen's Little Big Adventure 2 Classic 200753 9839.99
Twinsen's Little Big Adventure Classic Twinsen's Little Big Adventure Classic aka Relentless: Twinsen's Adventure 200361 8939.99
Wick Wick 
375465 8845.99
Yesterday Origins Yesterday Origins 
369446 82814.99
No longer included
35MM 35MM 2053324 7198.99
Cognition: An Erica Reed Thriller - Season One + OST Vol 1Cognition: An Erica Reed Thriller - Season One + OST Vol 1 aka Game Of The Year Edition 
Steamdb icon
Cognition: An Erica Reed Thriller Cognition: An Erica Reed Thriller 5912356 83015
Cognition - Original Soundtrack Vol 1 Cognition - Original Soundtrack Vol 1 00...06
Cognition - Episode 1 Cognition - Episode 1 00...0...
Cognition - Episode 2 Cognition - Episode 2 00...0...
Cognition - Episode 3 Cognition - Episode 3 00...0...
Cognition - Episode 4 Cognition - Episode 4 00...0...
Face Noir Face Noir 0891 67159.99
Juanito Arcade Mayhem Juanito Arcade Mayhem 818195 9649.99
KryptCrawler KryptCrawler 39026 5017.99
Lost Civilization Lost Civilization 0024 45144.99
MechaNika MechaNika 
3010645 9023.99
Moebius: Empire Rising Moebius: Empire Rising 
307147 78714.99
Morningstar: Descent to Deadrock Morningstar: Descent to Deadrock 165257 91129.99
Odyssey - The Invention of Science Odyssey - The Invention of Science 
70201 76314.99
RiME RiME 3183142 90529.99
Savage Lands Savage Lands 2084183 5763.99
Songbringer Songbringer 
378129 79619.99
Supreme League of Patriots Season PassSupreme League of Patriots Season Pass 414.99
Supreme League of Patriots Issue 1: A Patriot Is Born Supreme League of Patriots Issue 1: A Patriot Is Born 351020 70*166
Supreme League of Patriots Issue 2: Patriot Frames Supreme League of Patriots Issue 2: Patriot Frames 211011 72*146
Supreme League of Patriots Issue 3: Ice Cold in Ellis Supreme League of Patriots Issue 3: Ice Cold in Ellis 221011 45*116
Syberia Syberia 063483 89*2312.99
Syberia 2 Syberia 2 091507 88*2212.99
The Coma: Recut The Coma: Recut 
052241 85814.99
The Jolly Gang's Misadventures in Africa The Jolly Gang's Misadventures in Africa 00154 9606.99
The Last Door - Collector's Edition The Last Door - Collector's Edition 
1661704 95219.99
The Last Door: Season 2 - Collector's Edition The Last Door: Season 2 - Collector's Edition 
166738 9589.99
Zenith Zenith 120393 7227.99
0 items

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A list of nearly every Steam key game bundle published since Humble Indie Bundle #1 in 2010.
30972 games and items in 6819 bundles from 78 stores. Comprehensiveness is the goal, therefore the inclusions of bundles or stores are not endorsements. For recommendations, visit /r/GameDeals.

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% positive reviews User Reviews

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cards Steam Trading Cards

Total number of Steam trading cards in the set. You'll receive half that number of cards from playing for several hours, e.g. if the set has 5 cards, you will receive 3 cards as you play.
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✽ Bundle Count

Number of times the game has been in a bundle. Some bundles listed on Barter are not included in this count due to price or other aspect of the bundle. Not counted list.

US$ Retail Price

The non-discounted US Steam store price from the appdetail API. For global prices, see