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Humble Bundle

Humble Train Simulator Bundle

■ Ended ... Started   ( Sold: 77,401   Revenue: $360,286 )

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Titles📖🏆cards% positive reviews$
tier 1: $1.00
Riviera Line: Exeter to Kingswear Riviera Line: Exeter to Kingswear 
Steamdb icon
Train Simulator 2020 Store & Humble Bundle packageTrain Simulator 2020 Store & Humble Bundle package activates as Train Simulator 2020 029.99
Train Simulator Classic 2024 Train Simulator Classic 2024 1364918279 72030
Academy - UK, US and German Training Zones Academy - UK, US and German Training Zones 00...0...
Train Simulator: Norfolk Southern N-Line Route Add-On Train Simulator: Norfolk Southern N-Line Route Add-On 0034 58*125
Train Simulator: Nuremberg & Regensburg Bahn Train Simulator: Nuremberg & Regensburg Bahn 0035 57*125
Train Simulator: South Western Main Line: Southampton - Bournemouth Route Add-On Train Simulator: South Western Main Line: Southampton - Bournemouth Route Add-On 0053 75025
Train Simulator: CSX AC6000CW Loco Train Simulator: CSX AC6000CW Loco 
Steamdb icon🚫
0037 81019.99
Train Simulator: Miami - West Palm Beach Train Simulator: Miami - West Palm Beach 
Steamdb icon
0067 65024.99
Train Simulator: Western Hydraulics Pack Add-On Train Simulator: Western Hydraulics Pack Add-On 
Steamdb icon
0024 95019.99
tier 2: BTA
Train Simulator: BR Class 24 Loco Add-On Train Simulator: BR Class 24 Loco Add-On 00...019.99
Train Simulator: MRCE BR 185.5 Loco Add-On Train Simulator: MRCE BR 185.5 Loco Add-On 0022 81119.99
Train Simulator: NJ TRANSIT GP40PH-2B Loco Add-On Train Simulator: NJ TRANSIT GP40PH-2B Loco Add-On 0012 83019.99
Train Simulator: North Jersey Coast Line Route Add-On Train Simulator: North Jersey Coast Line Route Add-On 0077 70*119.99
Train Simulator: West Rhine: Cologne - Koblenz Route Add-On Train Simulator: West Rhine: Cologne - Koblenz Route Add-On 00121 74*119.99
Weardale and Teesdale Network Route Add-On Weardale and Teesdale Network Route Add-On 0068 95024.99
tier 3: $12
Train Simulator: BR Class 402 '2-HAL' EMU Add-On Train Simulator: BR Class 402 '2-HAL' EMU Add-On 00...019.99
Train Simulator: Chatham Main and Medway Valley Lines Route Add-On Train Simulator: Chatham Main and Medway Valley Lines Route Add-On 0026 92024.99
Train Simulator: DB BR 114 Loco Add-On Train Simulator: DB BR 114 Loco Add-On 0011 90019.99
Train Simulator: Feather River Canyon Route Add-On Train Simulator: Feather River Canyon Route Add-On 0065 84024.99
Train Simulator: Hamburg S1 S-Bahn Route Add-On Train Simulator: Hamburg S1 S-Bahn Route Add-On 0084 45024.99
Train Simulator: Western Pacific FP7 ‘California Zephyr’ Loco Add-On Train Simulator: Western Pacific FP7 ‘California Zephyr’ Loco Add-On 0030 80019.99
17 items 1 with cards9$374.83

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cards Steam Trading Cards

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✽ Bundle Count

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US$ Retail Price

The non-discounted US Steam store price from the appdetail API. For global prices, see