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Humble Bundle

Humble SEGA Bundle

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Includes a DRM-Free copy of Miles' Tactic DLC for Football Manager 2015

Before 2017, Dreamcast Collection contained 4 games. In 2017, Jet Set Radio and NiGHTS into Dreams... were added: history.

Titles📖🏆cards% positive reviews$
tier 1
Dreamcast Collection (new version, includes 6 games)Dreamcast Collection (new version, includes 6 games) 
Steamdb icon
NiGHTS into Dreams... NiGHTS into Dreams... 1301862 86*28
Jet Set Radio Jet Set Radio 3007978 8708
Sonic Adventure DX Sonic Adventure DX 15013067 92*48
SEGA Bass Fishing SEGA Bass Fishing  $01201091 8908
Crazy Taxi Crazy Taxi 1203431 86*18
Space Channel 5: Part 2 Space Channel 5: Part 2 1201782 8808
NiGHTS into Dreams... NiGHTS into Dreams... 
1301862 86*27.99
Sonic & All-Stars Racing Transformed Collection Sonic & All-Stars Racing Transformed Collection 50910973 93*419.99
Total War: ROME II - Caesar in Gaul Total War: ROME II - Caesar in Gaul 00187 70*216.99
tier 2
Company of Heroes 2 + Oberkommando WestCompany of Heroes 2 + Oberkommando West activates as Company of Heroes 2 - Oberkommando West *212.99
Company of Heroes 2 Company of Heroes 2  $0452765329 80*1220
Company of Heroes 2 - Standard Game Company of Heroes 2 - Standard Game 00...0...
COH2 - The Western Front Armies: Oberkommando West COH2 - The Western Front Armies: Oberkommando West 00181 76*613
CoH2 - Open Beta - OKW CoH2 - Open Beta - OKW 00...0...
Sonic Generations Sonic Generations 49019929 93*519.99
Total War: EMPIRE - Definitive Edition Total War: EMPIRE - Definitive Edition 
30618897 89*424.99
Viking: Battle for Asgard Viking: Battle for Asgard 500895 57*314.99
tier 3
Total War: Shogun 2 - Fall of the SamuraiTotal War: Shogun 2 - Fall of the Samurai 0...
Total War: SHOGUN 2 Total War: SHOGUN 2 106733753 91*530
Total War Shogun 2 - Mac Data Total War Shogun 2 - Mac Data 00...0...
Shogun 2 - Modder Pack Content Shogun 2 - Modder Pack Content 00...0...
Spiral Knights: Shogun Helmet Spiral Knights: Shogun Helmet 00...0...
Total War: SHOGUN 2 - Fall of the Samurai - Sendai Faction Pack DLC Total War: SHOGUN 2 - Fall of the Samurai - Sendai Faction Pack DLC 0018 5503
Total War: SHOGUN 2 - Dragon War Battle Pack Total War: SHOGUN 2 - Dragon War Battle Pack 00132 6006
A Total War Saga: FALL OF THE SAMURAI A Total War Saga: FALL OF THE SAMURAI 001006 68030
Total War: SHOGUN 2 - Fall of the Samurai - Tsu Faction Pack DLC Total War: SHOGUN 2 - Fall of the Samurai - Tsu Faction Pack DLC 0018 5503
Total War: SHOGUN 2 - Fall of the Samurai - Saga Faction Pack DLC Total War: SHOGUN 2 - Fall of the Samurai - Saga Faction Pack DLC 0022 8103
Total War: SHOGUN 2 - Fall of the Samurai - Obama Faction Pack DLC Total War: SHOGUN 2 - Fall of the Samurai - Obama Faction Pack DLC 0067 8803
9 items 4 with cards29$147.92

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% positive reviews User Reviews

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cards Steam Trading Cards

Total number of Steam trading cards in the set. You'll receive half that number of cards from playing for several hours, e.g. if the set has 5 cards, you will receive 3 cards as you play.
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✽ Bundle Count

Number of times the game has been in a bundle. Some bundles listed on Barter are not included in this count due to price or other aspect of the bundle. Not counted list.

US$ Retail Price

The non-discounted US Steam store price from the appdetail API. For global prices, see