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Build Your Own Slayer Bundle 4

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3 for 4.99 USD | 5.29 EUR | 4.49 GBP | 6.29 CAD | 7.59 AUD | 449 RUB | 629 JPY
5 for 7.99 USD | 8.49 EUR | 6.99 GBP | 9.99 CAD | 11.99 AUD | 719 RUB | 999 JPY
7 for 9.99 USD | 10.49 EUR | 8.79 GBP | 12.49 CAD | 14.99 AUD | 899 RUB | 1249 JPY

Train Valley 1 & 2 Double Pack = Train Valley, Train Valley 2

  • Build-a-bundle ⌘
Titles📖🏆cards% positive reviews$
Pick & Mix
112 Operator 112 Operator 
4554539 89324.99
A Case of Distrust A Case of Distrust 
105268 86114.99
A House of Many Doors A House of Many Doors 
3315359 84110.99
Automachef Automachef aka Project Robot 119449 75814.99
Dark Future: Blood Red States Dark Future: Blood Red States 368218 71124.99
Door Kickers: Action Squad Door Kickers: Action Squad 5158024 95113.99
Get To The Orange Door Get To The Orange Door 502828 89219.99
Going Under Going Under 2382206 93819.99
Horizon Chase Turbo Horizon Chase Turbo 
48153797 94319.99
Iconoclasts Iconoclasts 
1193706 87319.99
Ministry of Broadcast Ministry of Broadcast 
280302 82214.99
Neurodeck Neurodeck 
358162 53213.99
Noosphere Noosphere 8064 6207.99
Paw Paw Paw Paw Paw Paw 
395144 7469.99
Railway Empire Railway Empire 
12886787 82929.99
Realpolitiks Realpolitiks 
465852 61214.99
Sunblaze Sunblaze 
336221 91314.99
Train Valley Train Valley 
39122403 8969.99
Train Valley 2 Train Valley 2 67141940 90614.99
19 items 16 with cards137$316.81

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About Bundles on

A list of nearly every Steam key game bundle published since Humble Indie Bundle #1 in 2010.
30149 games and items in 6553 bundles from 78 stores. Comprehensiveness is the goal, therefore the inclusions of bundles or stores are not endorsements. For recommendations, visit /r/GameDeals.

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📚 library; ★ wishlist; ⇄ tradable; X blacklist; ⇌ traded; ⌫ revoked; 📋 scratchpad

% positive reviews User Reviews

Percent of positive reviews from players that bought the game on Steam. If you purchased a key from a bundle or another store, your review would be excluded from this score. Games that do not have at least 10 reviews will not have a score. Click the review score to view the full listing of reviews.

cards Steam Trading Cards

Total number of Steam trading cards in the set. You'll receive half that number of cards from playing for several hours, e.g. if the set has 5 cards, you will receive 3 cards as you play.
Learn about trading cards. Card data (cached daily) provided by

✽ Bundle Count

Number of times the game has been in a bundle. Some bundles listed on Barter are not included in this count due to price or other aspect of the bundle. Not counted list.

US$ Retail Price

The non-discounted US Steam store price from the appdetail API. For global prices, see