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Humble Bundle

Company Of Heroes Complete Bundle

■ Ended ... Started   ( Sold: 8,886   Revenue: $13,583 )

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Despite the name, this is NOT a complete collection. A lot of items are missing to call it "complete".
Company of Heroes 2 - David Sheldrick Trust Charity Pattern Pack and Company of Heroes 2 - Whale and Dolphin Conservation Charity Pattern Pack are missing, despite the bundle supporting WDC
• you can also login to and sync your Steam account in profile settings to obtain extra titles, avatars and other items
• a big amount of delisted DLCs are also not included

Some other important notes regarding the inconsistencies of Humble Bundle listings:
• T2: Company of Heroes 2 - Ardennes Assault: Fox Company Rangers and T3: Company of Heroes 2 - Ardennes Assault are different keys that activate the same package. Since it's a doubled item, it might run out of stock first, so it's recommended to reveal these keys as a prio (if not the whole content of the bundle).
• T2: Company of Heroes 2 seems to not be the actual game. The key activates a new package with an unknown app, and has the name "Company of Heroes 2 - Starter Pack"
🌟 NEW 2023-01-20: The above keys labeled "Company of Heroes 2" (which actually activated Company of Heroes 2 - Starter Pack {sub/198091} have now been replaced with new keys, activating a new package Company of Heroes 2 - Retail - [Digital] (WW). The old keys (for the Starter Pack) are still redeemable for now, if you revealed & saved them.
• Company of Heroes 2 is included multiple times, in several packages: T2: Company of Heroes 2 - The British Forces, T2: Company of Heroes 2 - The Western Front Armies: US Forces, T2: Company of Heroes 2 - Southern Fronts Mission Pack, T3: Company of Heroes 2 - The Western Front Armies: Oberkommando West
• ⚠️⚠️⚠️ The key labeled "Company of Heroes 2 - Southern Fronts Mission Pack" on your purchase page activates much more than this DLC. It's actually a key for the Company of Heroes Franchise Edition which contains 5 games (Company of Heroes, Company of Heroes 2, Company of Heroes: Opposing Fronts, Company of Heroes: Tales of Valor, Company of Heroes - Legacy Edition), 17 DLC, 2 Tools; apparently is NOT the previously given away sub/400717

  • 🌟 NEW 2023-01-20: The key labeled "Company of Heroes 2 - Ardennes Assault" from T3 (which actually activated Company of Heroes 2 - Ardennes Assault: Fox Company Rangers {sub/50884} - same as the key from T2 labeled "Company of Heroes 2 - Ardennes Assault: Fox Company Rangers") has been removed from your purchase page. Presumably this was done so that they replace the T3 key with a correct one, but for now there is no replacement key. (source)

    🔑 Full list of subs
Titles📖🏆cards% positive reviews$
tier 1: 1 USD | 1 EUR
Company of Heroes Company of Heroes 
Steamdb icon
0810912 94*819.99
Company of Heroes: Opposing Fronts Company of Heroes: Opposing Fronts 
Steamdb icon
00751 90*519.99
tier 2: 10 USD | 9.63 EUR
COH2 - The Western Front Armies: US Forces COH2 - The Western Front Armies: US Forces 
macOSLinuxSteamdb icon
00150 64*512.99
Company of Heroes 2 Company of Heroes 2 452765903 80*1219.99
Company of Heroes 2 - Ardennes Assault: Fox Company Rangers Company of Heroes 2 - Ardennes Assault: Fox Company Rangers 
00124 50*24.99
Company of Heroes 2 - Case Blue Mission Pack Company of Heroes 2 - Case Blue Mission Pack 
00133 48*39.99
Company of Heroes 2 - The British Forces Company of Heroes 2 - The British Forces 
macOSLinuxSteamdb icon
00215 70*412.99
Company of Heroes 2 - Victory at Stalingrad Mission Pack Company of Heroes 2 - Victory at Stalingrad Mission Pack 0095 52*39.99
Company of Heroes Franchise EditionCompany of Heroes Franchise Edition COH2 - Southern Fronts Mission Pack on Humble Bundle 0...
Company of Heroes 2 Company of Heroes 2  $0452765903 80*1220
Company of Heroes Company of Heroes 0810912 94*820
Company of Heroes - Legacy Edition Company of Heroes - Legacy Edition  $0084523 93020
Company of Heroes: Opposing Fronts Company of Heroes: Opposing Fronts 00751 90*520
Company of Heroes: Tales of Valor Company of Heroes: Tales of Valor 001550 91*520
Company of Heroes 2 - Standard Game Company of Heroes 2 - Standard Game 00...0...
CoH2 - Open Beta - EF CoH2 - Open Beta - EF 00...0...
Company of Heroes (New Steam Version) - Core Game Company of Heroes (New Steam Version) - Core Game 00...0...
Company of Heroes 2 - Ardennes Assault Company of Heroes 2 - Ardennes Assault 00305 41*420
Company of Heroes 2 - Victory at Stalingrad Mission Pack Company of Heroes 2 - Victory at Stalingrad Mission Pack  $00095 52*310
Company of Heroes 2 - Southern Fronts Mission Pack Company of Heroes 2 - Southern Fronts Mission Pack  $000116 6805
Company of Heroes (New Steam Version) - Opposing Fronts Company of Heroes (New Steam Version) - Opposing Fronts 00...0...
Company of Heroes (New Steam Version) - Tales of Valor Company of Heroes (New Steam Version) - Tales of Valor 00...0...
COH2 - The Western Front Armies: Oberkommando West COH2 - The Western Front Armies: Oberkommando West 00187 75*613
CoH2 - Open Beta - OKW CoH2 - Open Beta - OKW 00...0...
COH2 - The Western Front Armies: US Forces COH2 - The Western Front Armies: US Forces 00150 64*513
Company of Heroes 2 - Case Blue Mission Pack Company of Heroes 2 - Case Blue Mission Pack 00133 48*310
CoH2 - Open Beta - USF CoH2 - Open Beta - USF 00...0...
Company of Heroes 2 - The British Forces Company of Heroes 2 - The British Forces 00215 70*413
Company of Heroes 2 - The Western Front Armies Company of Heroes 2 - The Western Front Armies 00...0...
Company of Heroes 2 - The Western Front Armies Company of Heroes 2 - The Western Front Armies 00...0...
Company of Heroes 2 - Ardennes Assault: Fox Company Rangers Company of Heroes 2 - Ardennes Assault: Fox Company Rangers 00124 50*25
Company of Heroes 2 Tools Company of Heroes 2 Tools 00...0...
Company of Heroes 2 Tools Data Company of Heroes 2 Tools Data 00...0...
Company of Heroes: Tales of Valor Company of Heroes: Tales of Valor 
Steamdb icon
001550 91*519.99
tier 3: 15 USD | 14.45 EUR
COH2 - The Western Front Armies: Oberkommando West COH2 - The Western Front Armies: Oberkommando West 
macOSLinuxSteamdb icon
00187 75*612.99
Company of Heroes 2 - Ardennes Assault Company of Heroes 2 - Ardennes Assault 
00305 41*419.99
Company of Heroes 2 - British Commander: Special Weapons Regiment Company of Heroes 2 - British Commander: Special Weapons Regiment 
0026 7603.99
Company of Heroes 2 - British Commander: Tactical Support Regiment Company of Heroes 2 - British Commander: Tactical Support Regiment 
Company of Heroes 2 - British Commander: Vanguard Operations Regiment Company of Heroes 2 - British Commander: Vanguard Operations Regiment 
0026 8403.99
Company of Heroes 2 - Faceplates CollectionCompany of Heroes 2 - Faceplates Collection 0...
Company of Heroes 2 - Faceplate: Chainlink Company of Heroes 2 - Faceplate: Chainlink 00...02
Company of Heroes 2 - Faceplate: Engraved Company of Heroes 2 - Faceplate: Engraved 00...02
Company of Heroes 2 - Faceplate: Studded Company of Heroes 2 - Faceplate: Studded 00...02
Company of Heroes 2 - Faceplate: Twisted Gold Company of Heroes 2 - Faceplate: Twisted Gold 00...02
Company of Heroes 2 - German Commanders CollectionCompany of Heroes 2 - German Commanders Collection 0...
Company of Heroes 2 - German Commander: Storm Doctrine Company of Heroes 2 - German Commander: Storm Doctrine 00...*13
Company of Heroes 2 - German Commander: Joint Operations Doctrine Company of Heroes 2 - German Commander: Joint Operations Doctrine 00...03
Company of Heroes 2 - German Commander: Spearhead Doctrine Company of Heroes 2 - German Commander: Spearhead Doctrine 0014 9203
Company of Heroes 2 - German Commander: Elite Troops Doctrine Company of Heroes 2 - German Commander: Elite Troops Doctrine 0033 6004
Company of Heroes 2 - German Commander: Fortified Armor Doctrine Company of Heroes 2 - German Commander: Fortified Armor Doctrine 00...03
Company of Heroes 2 - German Commander: Lightning War Doctrine Company of Heroes 2 - German Commander: Lightning War Doctrine 0011 7203
Company of Heroes 2 - German Commander: Encirclement Doctrine Company of Heroes 2 - German Commander: Encirclement Doctrine 0020 9004
Company of Heroes 2 - German Commander: Luftwaffe Supply Doctrine Company of Heroes 2 - German Commander: Luftwaffe Supply Doctrine 0012 7504
Company of Heroes 2 - German Commander: Osttruppen Doctrine Company of Heroes 2 - German Commander: Osttruppen Doctrine 0020 9504
Company of Heroes 2 - German Skins CollectionCompany of Heroes 2 - German Skins Collection 0...
Company of Heroes 2 - German Skin: (H) Four Color Disruptive Pattern Company of Heroes 2 - German Skin: (H) Four Color Disruptive Pattern 00...02
Company of Heroes 2 - German Skin: (L) Four Color Disruptive Pattern Company of Heroes 2 - German Skin: (L) Four Color Disruptive Pattern 00...02
Company of Heroes 2 - German Skin: (M) Four Color Disruptive Pattern Company of Heroes 2 - German Skin: (M) Four Color Disruptive Pattern 00...02
Company of Heroes 2 - German Skin: (H) Field Applied Whitewash Pattern Company of Heroes 2 - German Skin: (H) Field Applied Whitewash Pattern 00...02
Company of Heroes 2 - German Skin: (H) Three Color Disruptive Pattern Company of Heroes 2 - German Skin: (H) Three Color Disruptive Pattern 00...02
Company of Heroes 2 - German Skin: (H) Late War Factory Pattern Company of Heroes 2 - German Skin: (H) Late War Factory Pattern 00...02
Company of Heroes 2 - German Skin: (H) Three Color Ambush Pattern Company of Heroes 2 - German Skin: (H) Three Color Ambush Pattern 00...02
Company of Heroes 2 - German Skin: (H) Winter Ambush Pattern Company of Heroes 2 - German Skin: (H) Winter Ambush Pattern 00...02
Company of Heroes 2 - German Skin: (L) Late War Factory Pattern Company of Heroes 2 - German Skin: (L) Late War Factory Pattern 00...02
Company of Heroes 2 - German Skin: (L) Three Color Ambush Pattern Company of Heroes 2 - German Skin: (L) Three Color Ambush Pattern 00...02
Company of Heroes 2 - German Skin: (L) Winter Ambush Pattern Company of Heroes 2 - German Skin: (L) Winter Ambush Pattern 00...02
Company of Heroes 2 - German Skin: (M) Late War Factory Pattern Company of Heroes 2 - German Skin: (M) Late War Factory Pattern 00...02
Company of Heroes 2 - German Skin: (M) Three Color Ambush Pattern Company of Heroes 2 - German Skin: (M) Three Color Ambush Pattern 00...02
Company of Heroes 2 - German Skin: (M) Winter Ambush Pattern Company of Heroes 2 - German Skin: (M) Winter Ambush Pattern 00...02
Company of Heroes 2 -  German Skin: (L) Voronezh Improvised Pattern Company of Heroes 2 - German Skin: (L) Voronezh Improvised Pattern 00...02
Company of Heroes 2 - German Skin: (H) Case Blue Summer Pattern Company of Heroes 2 - German Skin: (H) Case Blue Summer Pattern 00...02
Company of Heroes 2 - German Skin: (H) Stalingrad Winter Pattern Company of Heroes 2 - German Skin: (H) Stalingrad Winter Pattern 00...02
Company of Heroes 2 - German Skin: (H) Voronezh Improvised Pattern Company of Heroes 2 - German Skin: (H) Voronezh Improvised Pattern 00...02
Company of Heroes 2 - German Skin: (L) Stalingrad Winter Pattern Company of Heroes 2 - German Skin: (L) Stalingrad Winter Pattern 00...02
Company of Heroes 2 - German Skin: (M) Case Blue Summer Pattern Company of Heroes 2 - German Skin: (M) Case Blue Summer Pattern 00...02
Company of Heroes 2 - German Skin: (M) Stalingrad Winter Pattern Company of Heroes 2 - German Skin: (M) Stalingrad Winter Pattern 00...02
Company of Heroes 2 - German Skin: (M) Voronezh Improvised Pattern Company of Heroes 2 - German Skin: (M) Voronezh Improvised Pattern 00...02
Company of Heroes 2 - OKW Commanders CollectionCompany of Heroes 2 - OKW Commanders Collection 0...
CoH 2 - OKW Commander: Elite Armor Doctrine CoH 2 - OKW Commander: Elite Armor Doctrine 0032 6804
CoH 2 - OKW Commander: Fortifications Doctrine CoH 2 - OKW Commander: Fortifications Doctrine 0042 7804
CoH 2 - OKW Commander: Scavenge Doctrine CoH 2 - OKW Commander: Scavenge Doctrine 0020 8504
Company of Heroes 2 - Soviet Commanders CollectionCompany of Heroes 2 - Soviet Commanders Collection 0...
Company of Heroes 2 - Soviet Commander: Conscripts Support Tactics Company of Heroes 2 - Soviet Commander: Conscripts Support Tactics 00...*13
Company of Heroes 2 - Soviet Commander: Mechanized Support Tactics Company of Heroes 2 - Soviet Commander: Mechanized Support Tactics 00...03
Company of Heroes 2 - Soviet Commander: Anti-Infantry Tactics Company of Heroes 2 - Soviet Commander: Anti-Infantry Tactics 0010 7003
Company of Heroes 2 - Soviet Commander: Armored Assault Tactics Company of Heroes 2 - Soviet Commander: Armored Assault Tactics 00...03
Company of Heroes 2 - Soviet Commander: Terror Tactics Company of Heroes 2 - Soviet Commander: Terror Tactics 00...03
Company of Heroes 2 - Soviet Commander: Industry Tactics Company of Heroes 2 - Soviet Commander: Industry Tactics 0041 6304
Company of Heroes 2 - Soviet Commander: Partisan Tactics Company of Heroes 2 - Soviet Commander: Partisan Tactics 0020 8504
Company of Heroes 2 - Soviet Commander: Tank Hunter Tactics Company of Heroes 2 - Soviet Commander: Tank Hunter Tactics 0023 5604
Company of Heroes 2 - Soviet Commander: Urban Defense Tactics Company of Heroes 2 - Soviet Commander: Urban Defense Tactics 0012 8304
Company of Heroes 2 - Soviet Skins CollectionCompany of Heroes 2 - Soviet Skins Collection 0...
Company of Heroes 2 - Soviet Skin: (H) Four Color Belorussian Front Company of Heroes 2 - Soviet Skin: (H) Four Color Belorussian Front 00...02
Company of Heroes 2 - Soviet Skin: (L) Four Color Belorussian Front Company of Heroes 2 - Soviet Skin: (L) Four Color Belorussian Front 00...02
Company of Heroes 2 - Soviet Skin: (M) Four Color Belorussian Front Company of Heroes 2 - Soviet Skin: (M) Four Color Belorussian Front 00...02
Company of Heroes 2 - Soviet Skin: (H) Two Tone Bryansk Front Company of Heroes 2 - Soviet Skin: (H) Two Tone Bryansk Front 00...02
Company of Heroes 2 - Soviet Skin: (H) Winter Cobblestone West Front Company of Heroes 2 - Soviet Skin: (H) Winter Cobblestone West Front 00...02
Company of Heroes 2 - Soviet Skin: (H) Makeshift Sand Southern Front Company of Heroes 2 - Soviet Skin: (H) Makeshift Sand Southern Front 00...0...
Company of Heroes 2 - Soviet Skin: (H) Three Color Leningrad Front Company of Heroes 2 - Soviet Skin: (H) Three Color Leningrad Front 00...02
Company of Heroes 2 - Soviet Skin: (H) Three Color Northwestern Front Company of Heroes 2 - Soviet Skin: (H) Three Color Northwestern Front 00...02
Company of Heroes 2 - Soviet Skin: (H) Two Tone Don Front Company of Heroes 2 - Soviet Skin: (H) Two Tone Don Front 00...0...
Company of Heroes 2 - Soviet Skin: (H) Two Tone Spring Front Company of Heroes 2 - Soviet Skin: (H) Two Tone Spring Front 00...0...
Company of Heroes 2 - Soviet Skin: (H) Winter Whitewash Voronezh Front Company of Heroes 2 - Soviet Skin: (H) Winter Whitewash Voronezh Front 00...02
Company of Heroes 2 - Soviet Skin: (L) Makeshift Sand Southern Front Company of Heroes 2 - Soviet Skin: (L) Makeshift Sand Southern Front 00...0...
Company of Heroes 2 - Soviet Skin: (L) Three Color Leningrad Front Company of Heroes 2 - Soviet Skin: (L) Three Color Leningrad Front 00...02
Company of Heroes 2 - Soviet Skin: (L) Three Color Northwestern Front Company of Heroes 2 - Soviet Skin: (L) Three Color Northwestern Front 00...02
Company of Heroes 2 - Soviet Skin: (L) Two Tone Don Front Company of Heroes 2 - Soviet Skin: (L) Two Tone Don Front 00...0...
Company of Heroes 2 - Soviet Skin: (L) Two Tone Spring Front Company of Heroes 2 - Soviet Skin: (L) Two Tone Spring Front 00...0...
Company of Heroes 2 - Soviet Skin: (L) Winter Whitewash Voronezh Front Company of Heroes 2 - Soviet Skin: (L) Winter Whitewash Voronezh Front 00...02
Company of Heroes 2 - Soviet Skin: (M) Makeshift Sand Southern Front Company of Heroes 2 - Soviet Skin: (M) Makeshift Sand Southern Front 00...0...
Company of Heroes 2 - Soviet Skin: (M) Three Color Leningrad Front Company of Heroes 2 - Soviet Skin: (M) Three Color Leningrad Front 00...02
Company of Heroes 2 - Soviet Skin: (M) Three Color Northwestern Front Company of Heroes 2 - Soviet Skin: (M) Three Color Northwestern Front 00...02
Company of Heroes 2 - Soviet Skin: (M) Two Tone Don Front Company of Heroes 2 - Soviet Skin: (M) Two Tone Don Front 00...0...
Company of Heroes 2 - Soviet Skin: (M) Two Tone Spring Front Company of Heroes 2 - Soviet Skin: (M) Two Tone Spring Front 00...0...
Company of Heroes 2 - Soviet Skin: (M) Winter Whitewash Voronezh Front Company of Heroes 2 - Soviet Skin: (M) Winter Whitewash Voronezh Front 00...02
Company of Heroes 2 - Soviet Skin: (H) Makeshift Sand Southern Front Company of Heroes 2 - Soviet Skin: (H) Makeshift Sand Southern Front 00...02
Company of Heroes 2 - Soviet Skin: (H) Two Tone Don Front Company of Heroes 2 - Soviet Skin: (H) Two Tone Don Front 00...02
Company of Heroes 2 - Soviet Skin: (H) Two Tone Spring Front Company of Heroes 2 - Soviet Skin: (H) Two Tone Spring Front 00...02
Company of Heroes 2 - Soviet Skin: (L) Makeshift Sand Southern Front Company of Heroes 2 - Soviet Skin: (L) Makeshift Sand Southern Front 00...02
Company of Heroes 2 - Soviet Skin: (L) Two Tone Don Front Company of Heroes 2 - Soviet Skin: (L) Two Tone Don Front 00...02
Company of Heroes 2 - Soviet Skin: (L) Two Tone Spring Front Company of Heroes 2 - Soviet Skin: (L) Two Tone Spring Front 00...02
Company of Heroes 2 - Soviet Skin: (M) Makeshift Sand Southern Front Company of Heroes 2 - Soviet Skin: (M) Makeshift Sand Southern Front 00...02
Company of Heroes 2 - Soviet Skin: (M) Two Tone Don Front Company of Heroes 2 - Soviet Skin: (M) Two Tone Don Front 00...02
Company of Heroes 2 - Soviet Skin: (M) Two Tone Spring Front Company of Heroes 2 - Soviet Skin: (M) Two Tone Spring Front 00...02
Company of Heroes 2 - US Forces Commanders CollectionCompany of Heroes 2 - US Forces Commanders Collection 0...
CoH 2 - US Forces Commander: Mechanized Company CoH 2 - US Forces Commander: Mechanized Company 0016 6204
CoH 2 - US Forces Commander: Recon Support Company CoH 2 - US Forces Commander: Recon Support Company 0013 8404
CoH 2 - US Forces Commander: Rifle Company CoH 2 - US Forces Commander: Rifle Company 0047 7604
No longer included
Company of Heroes 2 - Starter Pack / SteamDB Unknown App 691100 Company of Heroes 2 - Starter Pack / SteamDB Unknown App 691100 00...0...
22 items 5 with cards38$175.86

Updates for this Bundle

New Company of Heroes 2 keys have been delivered
Company of Heroes 2 - Retail - [Digital] (WW),

Company of Heroes 2 - Starter Pack / SteamDB Unknown App 691100 keys are still working, tested today.
Tecfan updated 2 years ago

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About Bundles on

A list of nearly every Steam key game bundle published since Humble Indie Bundle #1 in 2010.
31217 games and items in 6895 bundles from 78 stores. Comprehensiveness is the goal, therefore the inclusions of bundles or stores are not endorsements. For recommendations, visit /r/GameDeals.

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% positive reviews User Reviews

Percent of positive reviews from players that bought the game on Steam. If you purchased a key from a bundle or another store, your review would be excluded from this score. Games that do not have at least 10 reviews will not have a score. Click the review score to view the full listing of reviews.

cards Steam Trading Cards

Total number of Steam trading cards in the set. You'll receive half that number of cards from playing for several hours, e.g. if the set has 5 cards, you will receive 3 cards as you play.
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✽ Bundle Count

Number of times the game has been in a bundle. Some bundles listed on Barter are not included in this count due to price or other aspect of the bundle. Not counted list.

US$ Retail Price

The non-discounted US Steam store price from the appdetail API. For global prices, see