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Humble Bundle

Türkiye-Syria Earthquake Relief Bundle

■ Ended ... Started   ( Sold: 115,198   Revenue: $3,685,912 )

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XCOM 2 was added 40 mins after bundle release
Hack 'n' Slash: the key from this bundle {sub/42718} produces an inventory gift of Spacebase DF-9 (source)

🔑 Full list of subs (USA purchase)
🔑 Full list of subs (EU purchase)

Titles📖🏆cards% positive reviews$
single tier: 30 USD | 28.03 EUR | 24.92 GBP | 40.18 CAD | | 43.45 AUD | 48 NZD
112 Operator 112 Operator 4555025 89324.99
911 Operator 911 Operator 
18713871 89714.99
Agent in Depth Agent in Depth 
200105 9402.99
Alchemist's Castle Alchemist's Castle 
12063 8200.99
Arcade Spirits Arcade Spirits 
217416 95319.99
Armello Armello 
50810768 82724.99
Calico Calico 
1303056 89311.99
Cats and the Other Lives Cats and the Other Lives 299920 92019.99
Cosmic Express Cosmic Express 
120417 93014.99
Cris Tales Cris Tales 460338 66039.99
Death Squared Death Squared 
256398 92614.99
Detached: Non-VR Edition Detached: Non-VR Edition 47019 68114.99
Doughlings: Arcade Doughlings: Arcade 
50062 9514.99
Doughlings: Invasion Doughlings: Invasion 
25023 9109.99
Euro Truck Simulator 2 Euro Truck Simulator 2 827635930 97*619.99
Farming Simulator 17 Farming Simulator 17 
17522102 93*214.99
Firegirl: Hack 'n Splash Rescue Firegirl: Hack 'n Splash Rescue 215148 66017.99
Flynn: Son of Crimson Flynn: Son of Crimson 220307 84119.99
Frick, Inc. Frick, Inc. 
Ghostrunner Ghostrunner 45544053 91229.99
Gotham Knights Gotham Knights 55014373 68259.99
Guilty Gear X2 #Reload Guilty Gear X2 #Reload 011575 8869.99
Guns & Fishes Guns & Fishes 
9025 9601.99
Hack 'n' Slash + Soundtrack (& Spacebase GIFT)Hack 'n' Slash + Soundtrack (& Spacebase GIFT) 1...
Hack 'n' Slash Hack 'n' Slash 00522 58*413
Hack 'n' Slash Soundtrack Hack 'n' Slash Soundtrack 00...0...
Spacebase GIFT Steam package Spacebase GIFT 0...
Harmony's Odyssey Harmony's Odyssey 
369254 93114.99
Hyper Gunsport Hyper Gunsport 
11028 100024.99
Into the Pit Into the Pit 100131 69014.99
Izmir: An Independence Simulator Izmir: An Independence Simulator 
41039 7901.99
Lighthouse Keeper Lighthouse Keeper 
380308 83011.99
Little Orpheus Little Orpheus 260317 68212.99
Lust from Beyond: M Edition Lust from Beyond: M Edition 260129 69117.99
Meow Express Meow Express 90282 8600.99
MirrorMoon EP MirrorMoon EP 
107319 64314.99
Monaco Monaco 
macOSLinuxSteamdb icon
1383748 92414.99
Mount & Blade: Warband Mount & Blade: Warband 
8010129973 97*619.99
Non-Stop Raiders Non-Stop Raiders 
20021 9501.99
Orbital Racer Orbital Racer 0027 66214.99
Pathfinder: Kingmaker — Enhanced Plus Edition Pathfinder: Kingmaker — Enhanced Plus Edition 
741226372 77319.99
Steamdb icon
13029434818 90*179.99
Pilgrims Pilgrims 
4554305 9716.99
Pill Baby Pill Baby 
41062 9109.99
Pixross Pixross 
8049 9303.99
Planet TD Planet TD 
610118 7602.99
Project Chemistry Project Chemistry 
157117 82012.99
Quadrata Quadrata 
1082 9701.99
Remnants of Naezith Remnants of Naezith 
225433 9539.99
Rym 9000 Rym 9000 
25078 7545.99
Soul Searching Soul Searching 
85243 9009.99
Soulblight Soulblight 40550 50314.99
Soulflow Soulflow 
8032 8702.99
Space Crew: Legendary Edition Space Crew: Legendary Edition 
macOSLinuxSteamdb icon
3081521 79424.99
Stacking Stacking 
macOSLinuxSteamdb icon
219907 90*79.99
Stick Fight: The Game Stick Fight: The Game 
28097330 9374.99
stikir stikir 
230146 8802.99
Strange Brigade Strange Brigade 6087806 84249.99
Stygian: Reign of the Old Ones Stygian: Reign of the Old Ones 
98151738 66719.99
Sunlight Sunlight 00165 8313.99
SYMMETRY SYMMETRY by Sleepless Clinic / IMGN.PRO, 2018 
170133 53111.99
System Shock: Enhanced Edition System Shock: Enhanced Edition 671598 91*99.99
System Shock® 2 (Classic) System Shock® 2 (Classic) 
macOSSteamdb icon
056036 94*139.99
Tails Noir Tails Noir previously titled: Backbone 
2602276 67124.99
The Amazing American Circus The Amazing American Circus 6115128 63214.99
The Inner World The Inner World 
237805 88*714.99
Ticket to Ride Ticket to Ride (2012) 
$0macOSSteamdb icon
8355364 86*89.99
Worms Rumble Worms Rumble 2601589 63214.99
X-Morph: Defense Complete PackX-Morph: Defense Complete Pack 135.95
X-Morph: Defense X-Morph: Defense 4062900 91*420
X-Morph: Defense - European Assault X-Morph: Defense - European Assault 0055 8005
X-Morph: Defense - Last Bastion X-Morph: Defense - Last Bastion 0041 10005
X-Morph: Defense - Survival Of The Fittest X-Morph: Defense - Survival Of The Fittest 0015 6005
X-Morph: Defense - Soundtrack X-Morph: Defense - Soundtrack 0014 10005
88972550 84*559.99
XEL XEL 240121 46014.99
Zombie Driver HD Complete EditionZombie Driver HD Complete Edition 514.99
Zombie Driver HD Zombie Driver HD 10362660 84*810
Zombie Driver HD Soundtrack Zombie Driver HD Soundtrack 0026 96*75
Zombie Driver HD Brutal Car Skins Zombie Driver HD Brutal Car Skins 0037 9101
Zombie Driver HD Apocalypse Pack Zombie Driver HD Apocalypse Pack 0040 92*63
Zombie Driver HD Burning Garden of Slaughter Zombie Driver HD Burning Garden of Slaughter 0036 8802
Zombie Driver HD Tropical Race Rage Zombie Driver HD Tropical Race Rage 0036 9103
69 items 34 with cards257$1,035.28

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About Bundles on

A list of nearly every Steam key game bundle published since Humble Indie Bundle #1 in 2010.
31157 games and items in 6868 bundles from 78 stores. Comprehensiveness is the goal, therefore the inclusions of bundles or stores are not endorsements. For recommendations, visit /r/GameDeals.

✋ Help editors by reporting errors and missing bundles on the Steam forum, on Discord or in bundles notes.

📖 Collections

Icons indicate if you own or want the games.These will appear if signed in.
📚 library; ★ wishlist; ⇄ tradable; X blacklist; ⇌ traded; ⌫ revoked; 📋 scratchpad

% positive reviews User Reviews

Percent of positive reviews from players that bought the game on Steam. If you purchased a key from a bundle or another store, your review would be excluded from this score. Games that do not have at least 10 reviews will not have a score. Click the review score to view the full listing of reviews.

cards Steam Trading Cards

Total number of Steam trading cards in the set. You'll receive half that number of cards from playing for several hours, e.g. if the set has 5 cards, you will receive 3 cards as you play.
Learn about trading cards. Card data (cached daily) provided by

✽ Bundle Count

Number of times the game has been in a bundle. Some bundles listed on Barter are not included in this count due to price or other aspect of the bundle. Not counted list.

US$ Retail Price

The non-discounted US Steam store price from the appdetail API. For global prices, see