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PAYDAY 2: Return of The Ultimate Score Bundle

■ Ended ... Started

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For the old bundle Payday 2: The Ultimate Score Bundle, PAYDAY 2: Sydney Mega Mask was added at a later date after the bundle ended, unknown to which tier though.
The new version of the bundle DOES NOT CONTAIN PAYDAY 2: Sydney Mega Mask.

Titles📖🏆cards% positive reviews$
tier 1: 1 USD | 1 EUR
PAYDAY 2 PAYDAY 2 13029434670 90*189.99
tier 2: 10 USD | 9.26 EUR
PAYDAY 2: Legacy Collection (Koch Tier 1)PAYDAY 2: Legacy Collection (Koch Tier 1) without PAYDAY 2: Scarface Character Pack *2...
PAYDAY 2 PAYDAY 2 13029434670 90*1710
PAYDAY 2: A Merry Payday Christmas Soundtrack PAYDAY 2: A Merry Payday Christmas Soundtrack 00719 900...
PAYDAY 2: The B-Sides Soundtrack PAYDAY 2: The B-Sides Soundtrack 00528 890...
PAYDAY 2: The Official Soundtrack PAYDAY 2: The Official Soundtrack 00149 980...
PAYDAY 2: Gage Mod Courier PAYDAY 2: Gage Mod Courier 001041 83*41
PAYDAY 2: Gage Assault Pack PAYDAY 2: Gage Assault Pack 00656 75*41
PAYDAY 2: The Big Bank Heist PAYDAY 2: The Big Bank Heist 00590 79*42
PAYDAY 2: The Bomb Heists PAYDAY 2: The Bomb Heists 00385 57*33
PAYDAY 2: The Wolf Pack PAYDAY 2: The Wolf Pack 00889 9003
PAYDAY 2: Armored Transport PAYDAY 2: Armored Transport 00637 7302
PAYDAY 2: Gage Sniper Pack PAYDAY 2: Gage Sniper Pack 00834 8201
PAYDAY 2: Clover Character Pack PAYDAY 2: Clover Character Pack 00826 84*41
PAYDAY 2: Dragan Character Pack PAYDAY 2: Dragan Character Pack 00455 77*32
PAYDAY 2: Gage Weapon Pack #02 PAYDAY 2: Gage Weapon Pack #02 00609 7001
PAYDAY 2: Gage Shotgun Pack PAYDAY 2: Gage Shotgun Pack 00578 7501
PAYDAY 2: Gage Weapon Pack #01 PAYDAY 2: Gage Weapon Pack #01 00664 7201
PAYDAY 2: Gage Historical Pack PAYDAY 2: Gage Historical Pack 00835 8001
PAYDAY 2: Hotline Miami PAYDAY 2: Hotline Miami 001892 8202
PAYDAY 2: John Wick Weapon Pack PAYDAY 2: John Wick Weapon Pack 00452 76*22
PAYDAY 2: The Diamond Heist PAYDAY 2: The Diamond Heist 00575 5702
PAYDAY 2: The OVERKILL Pack PAYDAY 2: The OVERKILL Pack 001218 8102
PAYDAY 2: The Butcher's BBQ Pack PAYDAY 2: The Butcher's BBQ Pack 001162 9102
PAYDAY 2: Gage Ninja Pack PAYDAY 2: Gage Ninja Pack 00782 8302
PAYDAY 2: The Butcher's AK/CAR Mod Pack PAYDAY 2: The Butcher's AK/CAR Mod Pack 00762 4802
PAYDAY 2: The Golden Grin Casino Heist PAYDAY 2: The Golden Grin Casino Heist 00696 76*33
PAYDAY 2: The Butcher's Western Pack PAYDAY 2: The Butcher's Western Pack 00580 7202
PAYDAY 2: Sokol Character Pack PAYDAY 2: Sokol Character Pack 001206 9102
PAYDAY 2: The Alesso Heist PAYDAY 2: The Alesso Heist 00741 5103
PAYDAY 2: The Point Break Heists PAYDAY 2: The Point Break Heists 00728 9203
PAYDAY 2: Yakuza Character Pack PAYDAY 2: Yakuza Character Pack 001087 8702
PAYDAY 2: Gage Chivalry Pack PAYDAY 2: Gage Chivalry Pack 00722 6002
PAYDAY 2: The Goat Simulator Heist PAYDAY 2: The Goat Simulator Heist 00786 6103
PAYDAY 2: Biker Character Pack PAYDAY 2: Biker Character Pack 00665 8701
PAYDAY 2: Sydney Character Pack PAYDAY 2: Sydney Character Pack 001393 9101
PAYDAY 2: Scarface Heist PAYDAY 2: Scarface Heist 00589 7903
PAYDAY 2: The Biker Heist PAYDAY 2: The Biker Heist 00365 7203
PAYDAY 2: Gage Spec Ops Pack PAYDAY 2: Gage Spec Ops Pack 00414 8402
PAYDAY 2: John Wick Heists PAYDAY 2: John Wick Heists 00474 8303
PAYDAY 2: Gage Russian Weapon Pack PAYDAY 2: Gage Russian Weapon Pack 00531 7802
PAYDAY 2: John Wick Character Pack PAYDAY 2: John Wick Character Pack 0016 930...
tier 3: 15 USD | 13.89 EUR
PAYDAY 2: Silk Road Collection (Koch Tier 1)PAYDAY 2: Silk Road Collection (Koch Tier 1) *2...
PAYDAY 2 PAYDAY 2 13029434670 90*1710
PAYDAY 2: A Merry Payday Christmas Soundtrack PAYDAY 2: A Merry Payday Christmas Soundtrack 00719 900...
PAYDAY 2: The B-Sides Soundtrack PAYDAY 2: The B-Sides Soundtrack 00528 890...
PAYDAY 2: The Official Soundtrack PAYDAY 2: The Official Soundtrack 00149 980...
PAYDAY 2: Cartel Optics Mod Pack PAYDAY 2: Cartel Optics Mod Pack 00219 5903
PAYDAY 2: Gunslinger Weapon Pack PAYDAY 2: Gunslinger Weapon Pack 00142 8003
PAYDAY 2: Tailor Pack 1 PAYDAY 2: Tailor Pack 1 00350 9103
PAYDAY 2: Border Crossing Heist PAYDAY 2: Border Crossing Heist 00536 5207
PAYDAY 2: Breakfast in Tijuana Heist PAYDAY 2: Breakfast in Tijuana Heist 00253 6007
PAYDAY 2: Buluc's Mansion Heist PAYDAY 2: Buluc's Mansion Heist 00223 7207
PAYDAY 2: Federales Weapon Pack PAYDAY 2: Federales Weapon Pack 00181 7703
PAYDAY 2: Fugitive Weapon Pack PAYDAY 2: Fugitive Weapon Pack 00216 8003
PAYDAY 2: San Martín Bank Heist PAYDAY 2: San Martín Bank Heist 00316 7507
PAYDAY 2: Tailor Pack 2 PAYDAY 2: Tailor Pack 2 00120 7803
PAYDAY 2: Tailor Pack 3 PAYDAY 2: Tailor Pack 3 00176 8803
PAYDAY 2: Weapon Color Pack 1 PAYDAY 2: Weapon Color Pack 1 00140 6503
PAYDAY 2: Weapon Color Pack 2 PAYDAY 2: Weapon Color Pack 2 00105 9103
PAYDAY 2: Weapon Color Pack 3 PAYDAY 2: Weapon Color Pack 3 0076 8003
tier 4: 20 USD | 18.53 EUR
PAYDAY 2: City of Gold Collection (Koch Tier 1)PAYDAY 2: City of Gold Collection (Koch Tier 1) *2...
PAYDAY 2 PAYDAY 2 13029434670 90*1710
PAYDAY 2: A Merry Payday Christmas Soundtrack PAYDAY 2: A Merry Payday Christmas Soundtrack 00719 900...
PAYDAY 2: The B-Sides Soundtrack PAYDAY 2: The B-Sides Soundtrack 00528 890...
PAYDAY 2: The Official Soundtrack PAYDAY 2: The Official Soundtrack 00149 980...
PAYDAY 2: Black Cat Heist PAYDAY 2: Black Cat Heist 00200 7107
PAYDAY 2: Dragon Pack PAYDAY 2: Dragon Pack 00219 6707
PAYDAY 2: Golden Dagger Tailor Pack PAYDAY 2: Golden Dagger Tailor Pack 0058 8603
PAYDAY 2: Guardians Tailor Pack PAYDAY 2: Guardians Tailor Pack 00102 7603
PAYDAY 2: Jiu Feng Smuggler Pack PAYDAY 2: Jiu Feng Smuggler Pack 00233 8304
PAYDAY 2: Jiu Feng Smuggler Pack 2 PAYDAY 2: Jiu Feng Smuggler Pack 2 00185 6604
PAYDAY 2: Jiu Feng Smuggler Pack 3 PAYDAY 2: Jiu Feng Smuggler Pack 3 00180 7104
PAYDAY 2: Jiu Feng Smuggler Pack 4 PAYDAY 2: Jiu Feng Smuggler Pack 4 00197 7804
PAYDAY 2: Mega City Tailor Pack PAYDAY 2: Mega City Tailor Pack 00120 9003
PAYDAY 2: Mountain Master Heist PAYDAY 2: Mountain Master Heist 00183 6807
PAYDAY 2: The Ukrainian Prisoner Heist PAYDAY 2: The Ukrainian Prisoner Heist 00164 7707
PAYDAY 2: Winter Ghosts Tailor Pack PAYDAY 2: Winter Ghosts Tailor Pack 0095 8003
4 items 4 with cards36$9.99

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31115 games and items in 6852 bundles from 78 stores. Comprehensiveness is the goal, therefore the inclusions of bundles or stores are not endorsements. For recommendations, visit /r/GameDeals.

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% positive reviews User Reviews

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cards Steam Trading Cards

Total number of Steam trading cards in the set. You'll receive half that number of cards from playing for several hours, e.g. if the set has 5 cards, you will receive 3 cards as you play.
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✽ Bundle Count

Number of times the game has been in a bundle. Some bundles listed on Barter are not included in this count due to price or other aspect of the bundle. Not counted list.

US$ Retail Price

The non-discounted US Steam store price from the appdetail API. For global prices, see