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Humble Deep Silver Bundle 2 (2016)

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SG discussion has lots of info regarding region locks in this bundle

Titles📖🏆cards% positive reviews$
tier 1
Dead Island: Game of the Year EditionDead Island: Game of the Year Edition 
Dead Island Dead Island 48922452 86020
Dead Island: Ripper_2.0 Dead Island: Ripper_2.0 00...0...
Dead Island: Bloodbath Dead Island: Bloodbath 00...0...
Dead Island: Ryder White DLC Dead Island: Ryder White DLC 00...0...
Risen Risen 5096953 89*414.99
Risen 2: Dark Waters Gold EditionRisen 2: Dark Waters Gold Edition 11019.99
Risen 2 - Dark Waters Risen 2 - Dark Waters 4973130 80*410
Risen 2 Continued Risen 2 Continued 00...0...
Risen 2 - Pirate's Clothes Risen 2 - Pirate's Clothes 0047 5302
Risen 2 - Treasure Isle Risen 2 - Treasure Isle 0051 8405
Risen 2 - Air Temple Risen 2 - Air Temple 0059 6205
Sacred 3 GoldSacred 3 Gold 019.99
Sacred 3 Sacred 3 45112117 25*315
Sacred 3: Malakhim Hero Sacred 3: Malakhim Hero 00...03
Sacred 3: Soundtrack + Artbook Sacred 3: Soundtrack + Artbook 00...0...
Sacred 3: Underworld Story Sacred 3: Underworld Story 0020 5005
Sacred 3: Z4ngr13f Weapon Spirit Sacred 3: Z4ngr13f Weapon Spirit  $000...01
Sacred 3: Orc of Thrones Sacred 3: Orc of Thrones 00...03
Sacred 3: Orcland Story Sacred 3: Orcland Story 00...03
Saints Row 2 Saints Row 2 
0011663 74*69.99
tier 2
Dead Island Riptide Complete EditionDead Island Riptide Complete Edition 
Dead Island Riptide Dead Island Riptide 3559204 85*420
Dead Island Riptide - Fashion Victim DLC Dead Island Riptide - Fashion Victim DLC 00120 64*3...
Dead Island Riptide - Survivor Pack DLC Dead Island Riptide - Survivor Pack DLC 00142 89*3...
Killer is Dead Killer is Dead 
4863625 76419.99
Saints Row: The Third - The Full PackageSaints Row: The Third - The Full Package 514.99
Saints Row: The Third Saints Row: The Third 83747887 95*1010
Saints Row: The Third - Witches and Wieners Pack Saints Row: The Third - Witches and Wieners Pack 0070 8103
Saints Row: The Third - Horror Pack Saints Row: The Third - Horror Pack 0083 7103
Saints Row The Third - Genkibowl VII Saints Row The Third - Genkibowl VII 00111 8207
Saints Row: The Third - FUNTIME! Pack Saints Row: The Third - FUNTIME! Pack 0065 7303
Saints Row: The Third - Gangstas In Space Saints Row: The Third - Gangstas In Space 00125 8707
Saints Row: The Third - Nyte Blayde Pack Saints Row: The Third - Nyte Blayde Pack 0079 7703
Saints Row: The Third - Special Ops Vehicle Pack Saints Row: The Third - Special Ops Vehicle Pack 0096 7503
Saints Row: The Third - The Trouble With Clones Saints Row: The Third - The Trouble With Clones 00149 6307
Saints Row: The Third - Penthouse Pack Saints Row: The Third - Penthouse Pack 0071 5603
Saints Row: The Third - Explosive Combat Pack Saints Row: The Third - Explosive Combat Pack 0071 7302
Saints Row: The Third - Genki Girl Pack Saints Row: The Third - Genki Girl Pack 0083 7703
Saints Row: The Third - Invincible Pack Saints Row: The Third - Invincible Pack 00114 3203
Saints Row: The Third - Money Shot Pack Saints Row: The Third - Money Shot Pack 0074 7502
Saints Row: The Third - Shark Attack Pack Saints Row: The Third - Shark Attack Pack 0080 7002
Saints Row: The Third - Warrior Pack Saints Row: The Third - Warrior Pack 0061 6303
Saints Row: The Third - Z Style Pack Saints Row: The Third - Z Style Pack 0072 5502
Saints Row: The Third Steelport Gangs Pack Saints Row: The Third Steelport Gangs Pack 0063 5303
tier 3
Risen 3 - Titan Lords Risen 3 - Titan Lords 5064076 72*514.99
Saints Row IV Saints Row IV 
73857072 87*819.99
10 items 9 with cards68$134.92

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A list of nearly every Steam key game bundle published since Humble Indie Bundle #1 in 2010.
31143 games and items in 6865 bundles from 78 stores. Comprehensiveness is the goal, therefore the inclusions of bundles or stores are not endorsements. For recommendations, visit /r/GameDeals.

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% positive reviews User Reviews

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cards Steam Trading Cards

Total number of Steam trading cards in the set. You'll receive half that number of cards from playing for several hours, e.g. if the set has 5 cards, you will receive 3 cards as you play.
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✽ Bundle Count

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US$ Retail Price

The non-discounted US Steam store price from the appdetail API. For global prices, see