Rise of the Tomb Raider

Steam 391220 | Store | Windows, macOS, Linux
Rise of the Tomb Raider cover art

Distinguisher: Standard Edition

Trading card icon6Trading Cardsbadge (foil), market (foil), items
thumb up icon94%User Reviews108,022 reviews
3Bundle Count0 active, 1 as packages excludes specials
$29.99Retail Price4.49 SteamDB, ITAD
🏆143AchievementsAStats iconSteam Hunters iconCompletionist.me icon
📅2016-02-09Release Date9 years ago
DeveloperCrystal Dynamics, Eidos-Montréal, Feral Interactive (Mac), Feral Interactive (Linux), Nixxes software, Nixxes
PublisherSquare Enix, Feral Interactive (Mac), Feral Interactive (Linux), Crystal Dynamics

if you are looking for an edition with DLCs, there is for example "Rise of the Tomb Raider: 20 Year Celebration" https://barter.vg/i/92086 updated 4 years ago by theemu

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Tradable 8

Wishlist 50 (5%)

📚 Library 599 (63%)


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