SEGA Mega Drive and Genesis Classics

Steam Package sub/102625
SEGA Mega Drive and Genesis Classics cover art

Distinguisher: excluded for activation: CN TW HK MO DE JP

0Bundle Count excludes specials
$29.99Retail PriceSteamDB, ITAD

This package includes 59 games for SEGA Genesis/MegaDrive 'emulator'. The games are classified as DLC, except for "Sonic CD" which is a regular game. If you automatically sync your library, the DLC will likely not appear in your library. To auto-add all DLC and packages added to your library/blacklist, try this userscript: includes also instructions how to do it manually. updated 6 years ago by theemu

Revoked or Removed from the libraries of 148 Barter users

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Tradable 1

Wishlist 10 (1%)

📚 Library 21 (2%)


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Special 1 Steam game
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Special 1 Steam game

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