helps to organize game collections and manage trades. This profile page belongs to a user, but it does not prove anyone's identity or credibility. Be wary of anyone that proposes trades off-site or through private messages. To use this site's dispute process, you must use the on-site offer system to propose or accept trades.

player avatar goplayer7


⚠️ No new offers on after 25 December 2024. Read announcement on Steam Forum

75; 70; 0
Steam iconSteam Trades iconDiscord🌐 ROW:NA US
169; 150; 0
Steam iconSteam Trades iconDiscord🌐 ROW:NA US
< Proposed
Declined (already own)
TongueMyButthole declined (already own) offer from goplayer7 ( countered ✉ )
  • < goplayer7 proposed offer to TongueMyButthole
  • > goplayer7 countered offer from TongueMyButthole with offer
  • 🕗 goplayer7 set proposed offer to expire
  • avatar Fair enough, I completely understand. Thank you for considering and have good trading
  • avatar I may be open to that, but I might pass right now though. I might send a new offer soon and we can do that, but I may just look around a bit more going that route especially with Halloween sales and stuff coming up. Thanks so much again though!
  • avatar I'm sorry but I don't see anything that you already own that I'd be interested in. Normally I'd suggest 1 tf2 to balance things, but since you don't already have any I have a slightly better idea. Would you agree to buy to add a ~$2 w/tax dlc from an official store
  • I'll take a look when I have some time tomorrow, but in the worse case if you haven't gotten Yakuza by the fall sale we can see if there is a potential for a purchase on demand trade with wallet if you have any.
  • avatar Sorry, I already have this on Epic. Let me know if there's anything else I can toss in for Yakuza, I just saw the price went up, it was $7.24 when I sent my first offer. Let me know, if not I can cancel this as already own, no biggie. Thanks!
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